View Full Version : Cruiser DUDE in BIG DISTRESS Jan 19,2018

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03-23-2018, 07:59 PM
Continuing to dose Dude twice daily with Azrith....... still looking for improvement.

For a short time today he wanted to stay as far from us as possible and
was running away like he was very afraid. Quite out of character; hmmmmm
but this evening he was back to his sweet self, even after being held and given the yucky tasting Azrith.....
came to me in about 5 min all sweetness and ready to be taken to his blankie in the window.
Stosh tucked him in.

His swollen testicle is really bothering him tonight. Poor little guy.

Have had to give him FV and Ensure twice today as he continues to refuse to eat...... will try once
more this evening..... hoping he will take a little more nourishment. I have tried mixing
various things IN with both the FV and Ensure, but he refuses anything "mixed".

Wishing Dude :serene


Diggie's Friend
03-23-2018, 09:47 PM
Good that he's not running away now; I was told that they tend to this when they are feeling poorly.

Glad he is acting like his old self; hopefully it is an indication that he's feeling better from the medication working.

03-25-2018, 08:26 PM
Good that he's not running away now; I was told that they tend to this when they are feeling poorly.

Glad he is acting like his old self; hopefully it is an indication that he's feeling better from the medication working.

The Cruiser Dude---has had a VERY reduced appetite. eating almost nothing. As a response to this--we started to offer warmed Fox Valley that I had already prepared to feed Mancha...(My new baby girl). He HAS taken it readily.
At this point I feel ANYTHING that the Dude is willing to eat...that has nourishment and calories...is what we will offer. His food plate is still available all day long...but goes almost untouched...maybe one or 2 small pieces .,.. and just a few bites.
He lies on his log. in his cage, and looks very uncomfortable. He is taking pain meds and antibiotics for various problems...and I'm SURE his stomach is upset from all that CRAP. When you feel bad, and your stomach is uneasy---eating is the last thing on your mind. The ABs have helped, because the mucus that has been an issue for many, many months has been reduced to almost nothing. But he still has breathing restrictions and make honking noises at night.
My little buddy...

I want him to feel better and to be well.


Nancy in New York
03-25-2018, 08:30 PM
Oh those white tears. :(
Poor little Dude.:Love_Icon

03-25-2018, 08:37 PM
:( That last photo of the Dude crying just hit me in the stomach.

:grouphug:Love_Icon Dude :Love_Icon:grouphug

I wish there was something more that could be done to help him. He looks like he may have lost a little weight? I wonder how much pain he is having? Poor Dude, his good, gentle spirit can be so clearly seen in all his photos, I hate to think of him having a hard time. I am glad he will eat t will help to keep him hydrated and provide some nutrients too. Maybe his teeth/jaw hurts him so eating is becoming really painful. Perhaps take some of his regular favorites and smash them up to a pulp and see if he will eat that?

03-25-2018, 08:43 PM

03-25-2018, 08:55 PM
:grouphugDUDE:grouphugStosh:grouphugRamaMama:group hug

03-25-2018, 09:11 PM
Oh those white tears. :(
Poor little Dude.:Love_Icon

Those tears aren't a daily thing...(thank goodness) but today ...they were very evident.

03-25-2018, 09:21 PM
Oh, little buddy I'm so sorry you feel so rotten. Make him as comfy as you can and I think TD was spot on, puree his food. Regardless of a nasal tumor or infection, anything close to the mouth and that impedes breathing makes eating difficult. Hang in there, Dude.:Love_Icon

03-25-2018, 09:59 PM
Oh, little buddy I'm so sorry you feel so rotten. Make him as comfy as you can and I think TD was spot on, puree his food. Regardless of a nasal tumor or infection, anything close to the mouth and that impedes breathing makes eating difficult. Hang in there, Dude.:Love_Icon

My Buddy..................CAN'T catch a Break.

Somehow he must have had an itch and scratched his right eye--and it bled.We wiped it with a warm & wet cloth.The bleeding has stopped, but the red remains.
Also , tonight, his swollen scrotum is driving him bonkers...he usually almost ignores it but now he is licking it continuously.I will monitor his licking...( fearful it may turn to CHEWING !! )

03-25-2018, 10:03 PM

Prayers ..........................would be greatly appreciated.
The BEST squirrel in the world...deserves a better future......


Nancy in New York
03-25-2018, 10:13 PM
It pains me to see little Dude like this. :boohoo
My heart is just breaking.
Yes, he does deserve much better..
:Love_Icon Dude :Love_Icon

03-26-2018, 07:27 AM
Por Dude I am sorry you are having to go though this. Please tell him we all here on TSB love him and want him to be comfortable.

Just a thought on the same lines as mashing his food is if he like the formula maybe add some of the real good squirrel food pureed to it?? Start with just a tiny bit of food then build it up to maybe a 50/50 ratio?

03-26-2018, 07:32 AM
Oh no! Poor baby! He has had far more pain than I could imagine in one little life. :sadness:sadness. It’s heartbreaking to see him like this. Please give him cuddles and kisses from me and know I’ll be thinking and praying for all of you. :Love_Icon:hug

03-26-2018, 07:50 AM
:grouphug Sending love and healing prayers your way:grouphug

island rehabber
03-26-2018, 08:04 AM
:grouphug:grouphugCruiser Dude and his parents :grouphug:grouphug :please

03-26-2018, 08:58 AM
:Cry This breaks my heart. :Love_Icon to my CR friends and family

03-26-2018, 10:17 PM
:Cry This breaks my heart. :Love_Icon to my CR friends and family

Cruiser has had a terrible day...I can't imagine what he feels. Tomorrow HAS to be better....or......

__________________________________________________ _____________________________

DUDE - March 26, 2018
__________________________________________________ ______________________________
I just want to hold him
-So he KNOWS he is loved
I want to comfort and stroke him
-So he FEELS loved.

But I also want,
to find him in the morning-

I’d rather have the shock of discovery
than the prolonged, vivid memory of his passing.

I never imagined that I could love a small critter
with such an intensity, but I do,
I Love Him.

This past year, or so, he has fought challenges
on many fronts
and all I could do ( beside the antibiotics and pain meds)
is to tell him OVER & OVER & OVER
“Your Dad Loves You”
“You KNOW……..Your Dad Loves You”

Countless Times-
With the hope that … Love Cures All.

We bathed him (the Dude) recently
Not a daily, weekly, or monthly routine.
Maybe annually?

And he felt so soft (after) that I smiled.
I hardly remembered him so soft.
What other Dude memories have I also forgotten ?
I hope not many. I hope NONE.

The Dude (The Costa Rican Cruiser Dude) has friends,
and fans in many countries.
But when his last breath is behind him,
and he is gently wrapped in fleece,
and resting in his beautiful, wooden (final) Nest Box,
only 2 will be there to say farewell.
I guess that is appropriate.
He did only KNOW & LOVE Rosie and me.

But ( had I been a millionaire ) the Dude would have
his very own parade- through town,
on a float, with a Tall Tree, and
the Dude resting at the Very Top,
as we slowly drove past the ubiquitous Almendra trees
that line the boulevard. (He loves almendras)

WE have buried a couple of squirrels, on our property,
in years past. But I don’t own my house,
and the lot may be developed in the years to come.

But My Dude- where HE sleeps
will be a Special Location,
where nothing will EVER disturb his rest.
A spot on the side of a tree infested mountain that,
100 years from now, will still be natural, and undisturbed.

Funny thing, I don’t give a hoot where my remains wind up.
But the Dude needs a Special Spot !

Cruiser is sleeping now, buried in layers of fleece, and he is quiet (for a while)
Dude, you have had some hard days (weeks)
And it needs to change.

If you want a long, long, peaceful dream,
And sleep that is uninterrupted by gasps and honks,
You have my blessing… I’ll miss you…
But I truly will understand.


03-26-2018, 10:28 PM
This is beautiful. I can honestly feel your love for Cruiser through your words. He is a very lucky squirrel to have you as his human :Love_Icon

03-26-2018, 10:33 PM

:grouphug Dude :grouphug

03-26-2018, 10:36 PM

03-26-2018, 10:46 PM
:please Praying the Dude finds peace :please Stosh and Rosie...I'm praying you find the strength and love to help Cruiser find peace....if he can't on his own :boohoo

My heart is breaking for you...please, please know we all understand....we feel this along with you....many of us have dealt with the too soon loss of our babies...but when it comes to their suffering...we put their best interests before our own :poppy

Seeing The Dude like this is devastating....I know it's killing you inside....I pray for you and pray that your best lil buddy finds the peace and release from this agony :please

03-26-2018, 11:13 PM
Praying for you guys :grouphug:Love_IconDude:Love_Icon

03-27-2018, 12:14 AM
:grouphug:grouphug:Love_IconDude:Love_Icon:grouphu g:grouphug This hurts my heart deeply.:sadness
Praying comfort for you Stosh and Rosie and peace for sweet Dude.:Love_Icon

03-27-2018, 12:23 AM
I can barely see to type. It made my chest physically hurt reading this because I felt every.single.word. I’ve walked in similar shoes and it’s so painful. Many prayers for all of you. :grouphug

03-27-2018, 07:18 AM
My all 3 of you find PEACE. Know you might be physically alone but know you are not. Sending many hugs to you all :hug

One of the hardest things we may ever have to do is place our loved one's in Peace/Rest.

03-27-2018, 07:39 AM
My prayers and thoughts are with you guys. :grouphug I wish you all peace....Stosh and Rosie for your very difficult decision and The Dude for an end to your pain and suffering. :hug. :Love_Icon Dude :Love_Icon

03-27-2018, 08:10 AM
I haven't been on here in a while as I'm having medical issues. But know you guys and the Dude are in my thoughts. Love and strength to you all.

03-27-2018, 08:15 AM
:grouphug:Love_Icon Dude and his family :Love_Icon:grouphug

03-27-2018, 08:22 AM
💟Stosh and Rosie, catching up on your last posts has brought tears for both of you and for Dude.💟

Nancy in New York
03-27-2018, 08:44 AM
Find peace and comfort in this heartbreakingly difficult decision
of allowing Dude to have his freedom, and be pain free.

:Love_Icon Dude :Love_Icon Rosie :Love_Icon Stosh :Love_Icon

03-27-2018, 09:15 AM
Stosh and Rosie, my heart is with you today. :grouphug
Dude... the best softy boy that ever lived.... in your heart forever. :Love_Icon
Sending love from Lithia Florida.

The Last Battle
If it should be that I grow frail and weak

And pain should keep me from my sleep,

Then will you do what must be done,

For this — the last battle — can't be won.

You will be sad I understand,

But don't let grief then stay your hand,

For on this day, more than the rest,

Your love and friendship must stand the test.
We have had so many happy years,

You wouldn't want me to suffer so.

When the time comes, please, let me go.

Take me to where to my needs they'll tend,

Only, stay with me till the end

And hold me firm and speak to me

Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you will agree

It is a kindness you do to me.

Although my tail its last has waved,

From pain and suffering I have been saved.

Don't grieve that it must be you

Who has to decide this thing to do;

We've been so close — we two — these years,

Don't let your heart hold any tears.
— Unknown

island rehabber
03-27-2018, 09:30 AM
stosh and RamaMama, we are ALL with you this morning. Hearts and hands and spirits surround you with love. The Creator knows you are returning His boy back into His loving hands, and guides your way. :grouphug

03-27-2018, 10:41 AM
I find words hard to come by at the moment. :sadness
My thoughts and prayers are with you now, more than ever. :grouphug

03-27-2018, 10:57 AM
I hope things go well for you today. You are in my thoughts. Peace to you, sweet boy.:Love_Icon

03-27-2018, 11:05 AM
Aw, Cruiser...one of our little Legend Squirrels for sure. I am so sorry your battle ends like this little man.

Stosh and Rosie... I have been here and I will not lie and tell you that you will come through this unchanged. I think it is the price we pay for the honor of being able to share their little lives with them. As crushing as this is, I still think we get the better part of the bargain.

:grouphug:grouphugStosh and Rosie:grouphug:grouphug

:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_IconCruiser:Love_Icon:Lo ve_Icon:Love_Icon

03-27-2018, 11:20 AM
Today is THE day-
We decided that the Dude needs his rest.
The saddest day on my adult life.
To end…………..a friend.
Not being the first, or the only one ever
To be in this position,
Offers NO consolation.

I realize, now, that yesterday evening when I said:
“Nite, Nite, Cruiser Dude…he’s a Good Boy”,
That I would never get to tell him that again.

So many “Last Times” :
Last Time to offer him special treats.
Last Time he would ride on my shoulder.
Last Time I would turn my head and find him
On the back of my couch—staring at me.
Last Time he would jump on Rama’s cage.
Oh My….the Last Time that he would go into his Blue Blankie-----------THAT really sucks.
Last Time ( some days ago) that I would get to snuggle with him inside of my sweatshirt
ENOUGH !! .................................................. ...................( never enough)

I see him sitting motionless, eyes almost shut, head hanging down, and I know the right thing that needs to happen.

But then I think:
Maybe the Abs are finally working….and later this afternoon, or tomorrow, or the next day—
He will come around.

My selfish thoughts have no place in the Dude’s solution.
So, today, I will visit the Vet and speak with her.
This needs to be a calm, quick painless solution
To all of his ills.

My fear includes all the tomorrows-without him.
I start every day with the Dude.
EVERY day.
And I end every day taking him from his Blue Blankie, speaking softly to him, some cuddle time, and then
“A Drink & a Stink “
That’s the nightly cool, coconut water in a syringe
And then he pees on the tiled floor
And then he runs up my arm
And I gently place him in his nest box.

Usually he hops right out and looks at me.
“OK Dude, I’ll tuck you in.”
So I arrange his assorted fleeces into a circle and
THEN he climbs back into his box
And I pull on fleece up over his head.
NOW he feels safe ---and protected.

He’s not safe today. He’s fading before my very eyes.
And I can only be an observer.
“Help me, Dad “…his eyes implore.
“I will Dude “….one very….final…last time.

Milo's Mom
03-27-2018, 11:21 AM

03-27-2018, 11:38 AM
They are not selfish thoughts. They are hopes for the things you wish would happen. When my girl got sick I promised her I would never make her live life suffering so that I didn't have to suffer the loss of her. And I just believed that when the time came I would know. I would know it was time when I actually started considering giving her "peace" because the thought of giving her peace meant she was suffering. This is a final act of kindness and love that you can give him, peace and rest. Many prayers with you as y'all walk this journey. You may not be the only one to have ever walked this path but this is YOUR path with YOUR baby. It's different. It's just completely different. You, Rosie, and sweet gentle Dude have people all over the world praying for you today. :grouphug

03-27-2018, 12:28 PM
So sorry to read this. I can't say anything to ease your pain but know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers.

03-27-2018, 12:39 PM
My heart is breaking for you. :sad Please know that this is the most selfless gift you could ever give to your little man.

You’re giving me a special gift,
So sorrowfully endowed,
And through these last few cherished days,
Your courage makes me proud.

But really, love is knowing
When your best friend is in pain,
And understanding earthly acts
Will only be in vain.

So looking deep into your eyes,
Beyond, into your soul,
I see in you the magic that will
Once more make me whole.

The strength that you possess,
Is why I look to you today,
To do this thing that must be done,
For it’s the only way.

That strength is why I’ve followed you,
And chose you as my friend,
And why I’ve loved you all these years….
My partner ‘till the end.

Please, understand just what this gift,
You’re giving, means to me,
It gives me back the strength I’ve lost.
And all my dignity.

You take a stand on my behalf,
For that is what friends do.
And know that what you do is right,
For I believe it too.

So one last time, I breathe your scent,
And through your hand I feel,
The courage that’s within you,
To now grant me this appeal.

Cut the leash that holds me here,
Dear friend, and let me run,
Once more a strong and steady squirrel,
My pain and struggle done.

And don’t despair my passing,
For I won’t be far away,
Forever here, within your heart,
And memory I’ll stay.

I’ll be there watching over you,
Your ever faithful friend,
And in your memories I’ll run,
...a young squirrel once again.

03-27-2018, 12:41 PM
I've spoken with the Vet...Today at 12 :15 pm (2 :15 est)
__________________________________________________ _
How can it be "that simple" ? just a quick visit and it's done.?
I am still trying to convince myself I am doing what is best for him.
My Dude....................My wonderful Cruiser Dude.

seeing him like is---is not an option....any more.....


03-27-2018, 12:48 PM
Stosh, you're gifting him relief and release from his suffering. How could that not be what's best for him? I think in the future if you didn't do it and let him go on like this you'd regret that. But I don't think you'll regret helping to stop his pain, ever.

I'm so very sorry this is happening to your family.

island rehabber
03-27-2018, 12:49 PM
No, seeing him like that is not an option anymore. Not in a sane, loving world of people who care about their squirrel family members.
Let's all make a point of stopping whatever we are doing at that time, to be silent for a moment, pray if you wish, and send healing energies to stosh and RamaMama. 2:15, EST.

03-27-2018, 12:51 PM

Milo's Mom
03-27-2018, 12:51 PM
No, seeing him like that is not an option anymore. Not in a sane, loving world of people who care about their squirrel family members.
Let's all make a point of stopping whatever we are doing at that time, to be silent for a moment, pray if you wish, and send healing energies to stosh and RamaMama. 2:15, EST.

I just now got done telling my whole crew that at 215 we will all be quiet together and think of The Dude and his Mom & Dad.

03-27-2018, 01:02 PM
Will be praying for you especially at 215. I pray that you will feel the love surrounding you that's coming from far and wide.

:Love_Icon :Love_IconLove, Peace and Strength to you my friends. :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

03-27-2018, 01:10 PM
I will pray for Cruiser Dude and his family. Stosh you are not only doing what is right, you are doing what the Dude would be asking for if he could speak English.

:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:grou phug Stosh, Rosie and the Dude :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:grou phug

03-27-2018, 01:12 PM
We will all be there with you in spirit, if not in person, at 2:15pm today :grouphug
:grouphugStosh & RamaMama:grouphug

03-27-2018, 01:18 PM
At 2:15 you will be surrounded by an overwhelming energy of love from all those that love and care about you, Rosie and Dude. :Love_Icon :grouphug

03-27-2018, 01:47 PM
:grouphug All the love and best wishes from Sophie Squirrel and family for safe journey over the bridge for your sweet little man :grouphug

03-27-2018, 02:16 PM
:grouphug :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :grouphug

Nancy in New York
03-27-2018, 02:16 PM
:Love_Icon Dude :Love_Icon

03-27-2018, 02:17 PM

03-27-2018, 02:17 PM

03-27-2018, 02:19 PM
:Love_IconDude:Love_Icon :grouphugMom&Dad:grouphug

Milo's Mom
03-27-2018, 02:21 PM
:please :Love_Icon :dude2 :Love_Icon :please

03-27-2018, 02:23 PM
:Love_Icon Dude and :grouphug family.

03-27-2018, 02:30 PM
Freedom is the sweetest reward for a friend, a comrad, a loved one, who can run no more. He is, was and always will be your gift. You are the very best parents he could ever be blessed with and your final gift is the proof of it. Enjoy the absolute little man. Stosh and Rosie, we all stand with you in love and grief for the very best little Dude that ever graced this earth—and now the trees of paradise. :Love_Icon

03-27-2018, 03:19 PM
Sleep sweet gentle Dude, knowing you were loved by many. May your Mommy and Daddy find comfort in all the good memories.:Love_Icon

03-27-2018, 03:41 PM
One special little squirrel bringing so many people together in love. THAT is an amazing thing. :grouphug:squirrel2

03-27-2018, 04:08 PM
Courage and love dear friends. Courage and love. :Love_Icon

03-27-2018, 04:14 PM
So very sorry for Cruiser and all of you...it is so difficult to lose a member of our furry family

island rehabber
03-27-2018, 05:29 PM
I hate to be the bearer of sad news, but so many are waiting to hear:

The Dude has passed. His gentle spirit left his body the way he lived... peaceful and without struggle. Stosh held him as he passed.

Rest in peace, softie boy. You were all goodness and love in a little squirrel suit, and you were so loved in return.


03-27-2018, 05:44 PM
Freedom is the sweetest reward for a friend, a comrad, a loved one, who còian run no more. He is, was and always will be jyour gift. You are the very best parents he could ever be blessed with and your final gift is the proof of it. Enjoy the absolute little man. Stosh and Rosie, we all stand with you in love and grief for the very best little Dude that ever graced this earth—and now the trees of paradise. :Love_Icon
Your word are very kind................................
But-----today---words are insufficient..........
But I do--thank you;.


03-27-2018, 05:47 PM
I hate to be the bearer of sad news, but so many are waiting to hear:

The Dude has passed. His gentle spirit left his body the way he lived... peaceful and without struggle. Stosh held him as he passed.

Rest in peace, softie boy. You were all goodness and love in a little squirrel suit, and you were so loved in return.


You will NEVER know-----------------------
how true those wards are------------------

03-27-2018, 05:58 PM
Courage and love dear friends. Courage and love. :Love_Icon
Courage is needed before you react....
after................you need understanding...........
-----------------I lack understanding !

( I am WITHOUT my DUDE )

Squirrelly Joe
03-27-2018, 06:01 PM
tonight there will be a most brilliant NEW white star in the sky tonight! Dude was surely a star bright in the lives of many here who read of his life and knew him thru the stories ... thank you IR for sharing.

I hate to be the bearer of sad news, but so many are waiting to hear:

The Dude has passed. His gentle spirit left his body the way he lived... peaceful and without struggle. Stosh held him as he passed.

Rest in peace, softie boy. You were all goodness and love in a little squirrel suit, and you were so loved in return.


03-27-2018, 06:01 PM
Please forgive any self-centered responses-----------------from me.
I am in a position --new to me--and am without a Dear Friend.

Milo's Mom
03-27-2018, 06:03 PM
Stosh and RamaMama, there are no words, so I'm sending you love and healing energies. :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

03-27-2018, 06:06 PM
One special little squirrel bringing so many people together in love. THAT is an amazing thing. :grouphug:squirrel2
If the Dude did THAT
than he achieved a great result.

03-27-2018, 06:11 PM
I chronicled my thoughts--from returning home-- and the following 2 hours....as I held----& conversed with the DUDE.
I will post these musings-----when time allows.

03-27-2018, 06:19 PM
I am so sorry and sending you many healing hugs today. Always know you did what was beat for The Dude :Love_Icon

03-27-2018, 06:22 PM
The world was a better place because your sweet boy was in it. SO VERY SORRY my friend :hug


03-27-2018, 06:50 PM
The world was a better place because your sweet boy was in it. SO VERY SORRY my friend :hug


I hope so-----------------The DUDE---was Love--------in physical form.

03-27-2018, 06:58 PM
[QUOTE=Milo's Mom;1259598]Stosh and RamaMama, there are no words, so I'm sending you love and healing energies.---
Today's needs will require,
help---- from many sources.................

03-27-2018, 07:00 PM
Stosh please don't feel you have to explain your responses and feelings.....everything you say....everything you feel is real....raw. We here all know you...your love and your devotion :grouphug

At this moment and time you are lost...you've lost someone that made you who you are....I know right now you can't imagine you without him.....but you will find your center again :grouphug

My heart aches and my stomach turns....please remember you're not alone...and you can always count on us to listen with hearts that understand :please

:Love_Icon :dude :Love_Icon

03-27-2018, 07:34 PM
Stosh, you will feel many emotions today. Sadness, confusion, loss, maybe anger. YOU are entitled to all of these. You are a loving compassionate person and you did the best for your little buddy. There are no words of comfort I know. But I know that cutie had the best life possible and LOVE. Please know we are all thinking of you and grieving along with you.

03-27-2018, 07:41 PM
Stosh please don't feel you have to explain your responses and feelings.....everything you say....everything you feel is real....raw. We here all know you...your love and your devotion :grouphug

At this moment and time you are lost...you've lost someone that made you who you are....I know right now you can't imagine you without him.....but you will find your center again :grouphug

My heart aches and my stomach turns....please remember you're not alone...and you can always count on us to listen with hearts that understand :please

Sometime a friendly EAR---is the best therapy.

03-27-2018, 07:43 PM
Stosh, you will feel many emotions today. Sadness, confusion, loss, maybe anger. YOU are entitled to all of these. You are a loving compassionate person and you did the best for your little buddy. There are no words of comfort I know. But I know that cutie had the best life possible and LOVE. Please know we are all thinking of you and grieving along with you.

THAT-----------he did have.

03-27-2018, 07:45 PM
Stosh please don't feel you have to explain your responses and feelings.....everything you say....everything you feel is real....raw. We here all know you...your love and your devotion :grouphug

At this moment and time you are lost...you've lost someone that made you who you are....I know right now you can't imagine you without him.....but you will find your center again :grouphug

My heart aches and my stomach turns....please remember you're not alone...and you can always count on us to listen with hearts that understand :please

:Love_Icon :dude :Love_Icon
REAL is subjective...................different from one to the next.............

03-27-2018, 07:49 PM
can you believe it ?
12 hours ago he was in his cage...hoping to be able to eat (and breathe)
and now-----------------
he is in our freezer. Waiting for me to decide on a resting place.

life IS FULL OF CONFUSION....................

03-27-2018, 08:23 PM
can you believe it ?
12 hours ago he was in his cage...hoping to be able to eat (and breathe)
and now-----------------
he is in our freezer. Waiting for me to decide on a resting place.

life IS FULL OF CONFUSION....................

:boohoo This is the horrible, unbearable reality:shakehead I don't know why love has to hurt sooo much. All the cliches are true....the deeper the love, the deeper the loss and pain :dono I know I held Poppy all day....and passing her over to my vet for cremation was like losing her all over again....I feel so helpless, inadequate:( I want so much to ease your pain...to erase the confusion...the panic :boohoo but there are no words to help....our words can only mirror your loss....the unfairness that such a beautiful soul could be put through so much....the injustice...the disbelief:Cry I really know you're going through Hell now....the only light is that your sweet friend is no longer struggling....if there is a God...he most assuredly is sitting on his knee getting scritchens :please :dude :bowdown

03-27-2018, 09:25 PM
Stosh, I am weeping for you and Cruiser. Mortality is so cruel for those left on this side of the curtain. Never think he is just gone. He is still with you and always will be. Love is eternal and you and he are twined forever. :grouphug

03-27-2018, 09:26 PM
The Dude is NOT in your freezer. His poor, old, tired body rests there waiting for your attention and honor but his spirit, his light, his soul is running, leaping, twirling and dancing in places we can’t imagine as well as deep within your heart. Really, in some small way, in all our collective hearts. Forever, eternal, blessed.



03-27-2018, 09:43 PM
Stosh and Rosie, this entire community shares your sorrow tonight. :sadness I know it's a very personal sorrow that can't be shared.
Know that you are being held up in prayer and surrounded by love. :Love_Icon My heart literally aches for you.

03-27-2018, 09:53 PM
:grouphugStosh & Rosie:grouphug I am so sorry for your loss :hug
My family and I pray for you both:grouphug:grouphug, all 4 of us enjoy reading about your crew. Every post you guys make show the love for your babies:Love_Icon
Rest peacefully sweet :Love_IconCruiser Dude:Love_Icon :sad

03-27-2018, 10:20 PM
At 12:15 today...with the help of our Vet, the Cruiser Dude left this world. His pain & problems--are no longer troubling him.
By 1:15 we were back home, with the Dude still wrapped in his fleece.
These were my rambling thoughts.
__________________________________________________ _______________________________
__________________________________________________ ____________________________________

Sitting-as usual-on my couch
With my Cruiser Dude on my lap.
Peaceful now- off on a Cosmic Adventure.
No honk, or squeak, or gasps---
Still warm. & very soft.

I can stroke him now and he doesn’t run off.
He STILL is smirking,
As he stares off, seemingly out the window,
At my Almendra trees.

You’re going on a “Voyage”, Dude ,
Hmmmm…What to pack ? Let’s see:
Fleece—fer sher.
A small piece of a coconut shell.
Some seeds ( peeled ).
An Almendra, of course.
A picture of your Dad & Mom (don’t forget us)
A small slice of Higos Azucarados ( sugared figs)
-Cruiser could lick that small piece of fig for 5 minutes—flavor in every lick.


I guess everything worked as planned…
He hasn’t moved.
I don’t know what I was hoping for.
Even in…………………….
( can I speak the word ?)
Even in death, he is a Beautiful Boy.

I stroke him—shoulder to tail.
Again & again.

Can he feel my touch ?
So far away…at the bridge ?
Is he smirking ?
Hopefully he is bragging, to all the other critters there, of the great time he had as a member of
The Costa Rican CREW.

What a Gentle Soul-----------------was he.

Hoopy—Hoop Star--- He’s a Hoopy Boy.
Monkey Boy—He’s a Monk—Monkey Shiner—
He’s a Shining Monk
Dudde-- Dude-ster—Dude-y Boy—Dude Meister-
Best-est Boy.

Nite , Nite, Cruisen’ Dude.
He’s a Good Boy.

The Dude is starting to get stiff.
( I’m about to lose it )
Buddy………………My Friend
Good Bye, I Love You.
Hoop… Hoopy Boy ---Hoopster.

Breathe Deep----- Run Fast--- Be Well.

Now, when I stroke the Dude…his arms don’t move.
He is----------------------GONE.
And I am alone.

Where will I ever find
Such a friend

I look out of the window:
The world is still green ( and oblivious )
Not at all moved by HIS passing.

Life Goes On.

2 pm:

I eat a small piece of cheese.
First food of the day.
( My 2nd. Glass of scotch )

Rock Rigid !
I must accept that the fact that
The Dude has “left the building”.

Adios Amigo
Adios Ardilla Pequena
Adios Mi Buen Amigo
Te amare’ para siempre.


I’ve been talking to the Dude,
(well the shell of the Dude)
…trying to find the answer to---
WHAT comes NEXT ?
Cruiser (I assume) is strong again & just fine
At the Rainbow Bridgw.
But what about ME—and RamaMama ?
We need to deal with your empty cage, and
A now VERY rigid Cruiser.
He’s GONE—for sure
The 1st. real acceptance of his departure,
And of our loss.

I wish that I could stuff him,
So I could stroke him, day after day.
But I can’t.


He’s the BEST Boy.
We’re gonna miss you !
Soooooooooooooooo Much.

RamaMama would sing an adapted Beatles song
When carrying him from room to room.
“Hey DUDE, don’t be afraid,
Take a sad day and make it better…”

I notice thst he is still staring---
So I gently shut his eyes. (he wanted that )
Now he really looks like he is sleeping.

Did we take your life ?
Or did we allow you to live (elsewhere) ?
I’ll never be sure,
But we did what we thought was the right thing.

I hold you, still, because once I relinquish you
I will never feel the Dude Force-------------again,
And THAT may hurt a lot.

Just what is rigor ?
Why do limbs freeze up ?
Why do bodies become inflexible ?
(But his whiskers still move)
And his tail fur adjusts to the touch.


Soft------------------and Hard.
--an odd combination.
Fur is silky… However;
Arms, legs, head & body---move as one.

I never want to release him---let him go—
But I must
I shut his eyes (again)
Don’t look at me--------
Just know that you brought happiness
And countless smiles to at least 2 people,
And for that---I Love You. ( 3rd scotch )
Still holding Cruiser-He is still silky soft.
I have his box prepared, ( from back in Dec. 2016 )
I think he would approve.
Multi colored—Hard wood—3 coats of varnish
And silicone caulk in all joints.
Comfy, dry, secure, (and dark)

I will visit you often—and speak with you.
Please be prepared with answers.

He’s NOT gone—BECAUSE I’m holding him,
And I can see him, and I can feel him.

“Dude, you have beautiful ears.”
“and magnificent whiskers , too”
The top of his head is ssoooooo silky soft.
>>> Starting tomorrow, No one will ever again,
feel his softness.

I am refusing to relinquish my hold on the Dude.
No one asked me to---and so I remain—
Holding Cruiser in my grasp.
My ultimate time together.

3 pm

From this--- from here….
To a zip-lock bag, and into our freezer—YIKES !
How UN-fitting. ( but necessary)
I will did a hole to accept his box, but
The volcanic soil is Rock-Hard.
(and my back is less than perfect)
It will take at least two attempts to dig a 3 ft. hole.
And the Dude needs to remain COOL & Collected—while I dig.

We did THIS
We decided that today should be his last day.
And now he’s gone.
Gone forever.
We could have waited,
And had more time with the Dude,
But to what result ?
“Hi Dude, I see that you’re struggling to breathe,
But at least I can see & play with you.”

We did good—But at A COST
A cost to us…and I accept that.
I Love Ya Monkey !

I guess that you’re not coming back…
Just so you know
Today is a total Blue Sky day
You picked a beautiful day to leave.

You would always close your eyes
when I stroked the top of your head.
Today I rub your head, your eyes are closed—
And I wonder ? Did you enjoy that ?

He’s a Very Good Boy !


Do I feel a heart beat ??
No—it’s my own pulse
He doesn’t look “gone”
I guess until I release him ,
he will always seem here..

ADIOS Dude…………..


Milo's Mom
03-27-2018, 10:49 PM
Stosh, I did and thought so much of what you just wrote with Ellie...just never saw the words on the screen.
Sad yet beautiful
Heart wrenching but necessary

Keeping you and Rosie in my prayers. :grouphug

Squirrely Steve
03-27-2018, 11:22 PM
I am so very sorry for your loss of Cruiser Dude :grouphug
:Love_Icon God Bless your Family :Love_Icon :grouphug

03-28-2018, 09:34 AM
As I'm typing tears are falling.
Tears of Goodbye for The Dude as he was one special boy.
Tears for you and Rosie and the heart wrenching pain that I know your feeling.
I wish there were words that I could write to help ease the pain of the empty lap but I know that pain cannot be eased through words. Yet, all I have to give are words and long distance hugs through words.
You, Rosie and the crew are in my thoughts and prayers :grouphug

03-28-2018, 09:51 AM
Stosh, I did and thought so much of what you just wrote with Ellie...just never saw the words on the screen.
Sad yet beautiful
Heart wrenching but necessary

Keeping you and Rosie in my prayers. :grouphug

I imagine that our pains and questions and thoughts are similar--the world around--
Different Names---
Different Hearts.

03-28-2018, 09:54 AM
I am so very sorry for your loss of Cruiser Dude :grouphug
:Love_Icon God Bless your Family :Love_Icon :grouphug

Thanks Steve,,,,
Your prayers are always welcomed............

Charley Chuckles
03-28-2018, 10:26 AM
Dearest Stosh and Rosie,
I too am crying with all the beautiful words you have written here about the Dude :Love_Icon Dude was famous and will always be:dude2 He will live on forever in so many hearts, especially yours and Rosie's :grouphug
You will feel him, he will send you signs even when your not looking for them. Wherever you go whatever you do the Dude will be right on your shoulder he will never leave you :hug
All my thoughts and prayers going out to the three of you :grouphug
God bless you and Rosie :Love_Icon
God bless you Dude have a wonderful journey you will never be forgotten :Love_Icon

03-28-2018, 10:28 AM
We lost a precious boy a few years back and are trying to catch a sick little guy now. I feel all the thoughts you shared and am filled with tears and prayer for you all.

03-28-2018, 12:22 PM
Sweet Baby Dude, he was never rude or mean.

"Hey Dude, he's never sad, he'll take your bad day and make it better,
remember to let him into your heart, then he can start, to make it better, better, better
{Hey Jude - The Beatles}

I called Dude 'The Gentle Giant'. He was a Giant because he was the one, the only one whose
presence and personality filled what ever room he occupied. It was an amazing feeling.
It was a Force of Energy and we were not the only ones who could 'feel' it.

Never have felt that with any of our other babies nor any beloved pet in years gone by.

I "FEEL" him not here...... that intense sweet energy which permeated our lives and home.
A feeling of "Peace and Passiveness".
There is 'some' left here......... but, not like when HE was IN a room. Perhaps one day..........

I used to tell Stosh and Dude that I was going to 'steal' him away from his Daddy Stosh. But,
although Dude loved me very much and would follow or chase me around the house,
I always knew he would not stand for that.
He was first and foremost "Daddy's Boy" - there was an unbreakable bond there..... until yesterday.
But, although broken in flesh, not really in spirit.

To express in a physical experience just how gentle Dude really was, I told a few people of a
particular incedent which took place about 3 or 4 years ago, not too long after we moved into
this house.
Dude was in a play room and Rama was loose in the living room ... Rama was very aggressive.
Dude had to be quite a bit more than 100 grms more in weight than Rama ......... but Rama was out for
blood. The door to the play room where Dude was had been accidentally left ajar > > Rama ran in.
They were running on branches in the tree room, Rama chasing Dude and really meaning serious business
while Stosh and I were trying to catch one of them............. HA,
Dude caught up with Rama.
But, gentle sweet soul that he is, he grabbed Rama around the chest with his front paws and just
sat on his back and rump. Dude never tried to hurt Rama or bite..... just sat there quite happy with
himself and waiting for us to get Rama, which I did.

None like Sweet Baby Dude.

Rama was traumatized for days...... he really thought he was HOT STUFF - the King !
But Dude sat on him and deterred any possible fight.
That's how gentle he is/was.

I will miss that gentle sweetness. I do miss his gentle sweetness.
I miss his energies.

Such a joy. Such a Blessing.

03-28-2018, 12:43 PM
We all try to offer words of comfort but I know they feel empty when facing such an enormous loss. I wish those words were strong enough to heal. :grouphug

03-28-2018, 01:00 PM

Still Smirking !!!

The Dude was totally calm and sedated on the way to the Vet, The procedure was done smoothly and with love. He never flinched or made any sounds. RamaMama and I both held him while he was leaving us. No fear--No pain.


03-28-2018, 01:04 PM

That quote says it all

"Hey Dude, he's never sad, he'll take your bad day and make it better,
remember to let him into your heart, then he can start, to make it better, better, better"
{Hey Jude - The Beatles}

The Dude made us all better!

Sweet Baby Dude, he was never rude or mean.

"Hey Dude, he's never sad, he'll take your bad day and make it better,
remember to let him into your heart, then he can start, to make it better, better, better
{Hey Jude - The Beatles}

I called Dude 'The Gentle Giant'. He was a Giant because he was the one, the only one whose
presence and personality filled what ever room he occupied. It was an amazing feeling.
It was a Force of Energy and we were not the only ones who could 'feel' it.

Never have felt that with any of our other babies nor any beloved pet in years gone by.

I "FEEL" him not here...... that intense sweet energy which permeated our lives and home.
A feeling of "Peace and Passiveness".
There is 'some' left here......... but, not like when HE was IN a room. Perhaps one day..........

I used to tell Stosh and Dude that I was going to 'steal' him away from his Daddy Stosh. But,
although Dude loved me very much and would follow or chase me around the house,
I always knew he would not stand for that.
He was first and foremost "Daddy's Boy" - there was an unbreakable bond there..... until yesterday.
But, although broken in flesh, not really in spirit.

To express in a physical experience just how gentle Dude really was, I told a few people of a
particular incedent which took place about 3 or 4 years ago, not too long after we moved into
this house.
Dude was in a play room and Rama was loose in the living room ... Rama was very aggressive.
Dude had to be quite a bit more than 100 grms more in weight than Rama ......... but Rama was out for
blood. The door to the play room where Dude was had been accidentally left ajar > > Rama ran in.
They were running on branches in the tree room, Rama chasing Dude and really meaning serious business
while Stosh and I were trying to catch one of them............. HA,
Dude caught up with Rama.
But, gentle sweet soul that he is, he grabbed Rama around the chest with his front paws and just
sat on his back and rump. Dude never tried to hurt Rama or bite..... just sat there quite happy with
himself and waiting for us to get Rama, which I did.

None like Sweet Baby Dude.

Rama was traumatized for days...... he really thought he was HOT STUFF - the King !
But Dude sat on him and deterred any possible fight.
That's how gentle he is/was.

I will miss that gentle sweetness. I do miss his gentle sweetness.
I miss his energies.

Such a joy. Such a Blessing.

island rehabber
03-28-2018, 02:34 PM
Oh how I love that story of the Dude's quiet power, subduing King Rama without even breaking a sweat! :bowdown
He truly did abide....and will abide, in our hearts and minds and the pages of this Forum until the last light goes out on the internet -- or until Eternity, whichever comes first. :grin3 :Love_Icon

03-28-2018, 02:55 PM
Thank you so much for sharing The Prince from his beginning with you to his next beginning. It means so much to be able to share the joy, and in the end, the pain of the miracle that was “The Dude”. :Love_Icon

03-28-2018, 04:49 PM
Some pics from my thoughts-from yesterday
__________________________________________________ _______________________________
__________________________________________________ ____________________________________


I stroke him—shoulder to tail.
Again & again.

Can he feel my touch ?


I notice thst he is still staring---
So I gently shut his eyes. (he wanted that )
Now he really looks like he is sleeping.

I have his box prepared, ( from back in Dec. 2016 )

“Dude, you have beautiful ears.”
“and magnificent whiskers , too”

The top of his head is ssoooooo silky soft.

3 pm

I guess that you’re not coming back…
Just so you know
Today is a total Blue Sky day
You picked a beautiful day to leave.


ADIOS Dude…………..

03-28-2018, 05:32 PM
You will feel him, he will send you signs even when your not looking for them. Wherever you go whatever you do the Dude will be right on your shoulder he will never leave you

I see him in soooo many things.
I'll keep alert for his SIGNS....

:dude :dude :dude :dude

Milo's Mom
03-28-2018, 06:03 PM
I see him in soooo many things.
I'll keep alert for his SIGNS....

:dude :dude :dude :dude

Stosh, I spent a long time longing for and searching for signs of Ellie and I got sadder and sadder as each day went by as I didn't get anything. As much as it broke my heart I gave up...thinking that she's off having fun and doesn't miss me as much as I miss her. It was then that she showed up all the time. I hear her on her cage, I see her tail run around a corner, I smell her, I hear her running on the floor in her room when I am downstairs with the babies. It was when I stopped trying so hard to find a sign that they all came through. Her signs got even stronger and David sees and hears them now too. I stopped my brain and opened my heart. Just sharing my experience in hopes that it may help you. :grouphug

03-28-2018, 07:06 PM
Sweet Baby Dude, he was never rude or mean.

"Hey Dude, he's never sad, he'll take your bad day and make it better,
remember to let him into your heart, then he can start, to make it better, better, better
{Hey Jude - The Beatles}

I called Dude 'The Gentle Giant'. He was a Giant because he was the one, the only one whose
presence and personality filled what ever room he occupied. It was an amazing feeling.
It was a Force of Energy and we were not the only ones who could 'feel' it.

Never have felt that with any of our other babies nor any beloved pet in years gone by.

I "FEEL" him not here...... that intense sweet energy which permeated our lives and home.
A feeling of "Peace and Passiveness".
There is 'some' left here......... but, not like when HE was IN a room. Perhaps one day..........

I used to tell Stosh and Dude that I was going to 'steal' him away from his Daddy Stosh. But,
although Dude loved me very much and would follow or chase me around the house,
I always knew he would not stand for that.
He was first and foremost "Daddy's Boy" - there was an unbreakable bond there..... until yesterday.
But, although broken in flesh, not really in spirit.

To express in a physical experience just how gentle Dude really was, I told a few people of a
particular incedent which took place about 3 or 4 years ago, not too long after we moved into
this house.
Dude was in a play room and Rama was loose in the living room ... Rama was very aggressive.
Dude had to be quite a bit more than 100 grms more in weight than Rama ......... but Rama was out for
blood. The door to the play room where Dude was had been accidentally left ajar > > Rama ran in.
They were running on branches in the tree room, Rama chasing Dude and really meaning serious business
while Stosh and I were trying to catch one of them............. HA,
Dude caught up with Rama.
But, gentle sweet soul that he is, he grabbed Rama around the chest with his front paws and just
sat on his back and rump. Dude never tried to hurt Rama or bite..... just sat there quite happy with
himself and waiting for us to get Rama, which I did.

None like Sweet Baby Dude.

Rama was traumatized for days...... he really thought he was HOT STUFF - the King !
But Dude sat on him and deterred any possible fight.
That's how gentle he is/was.

I will miss that gentle sweetness. I do miss his gentle sweetness.
I miss his energies.

Such a joy. Such a Blessing.

Rosie...this was written with such love...so well written...such depth of feeling moves the soul :bowdown his sweet, loving energy is still with you :Love_Icon you may be too numb to feel it....but I felt it in your words :hug

Sending my love with the deepest regret :blowkiss :shakehead :dude

03-28-2018, 08:52 PM
I just love this story of Peacekeeper Dude, a gentle soul if ever there was one, knowing the blue sky will be his new blue blanket, I blow out the candle I lit for him tonight and imagine a wonderful reunion ahead when Rosie and Stosh hold his hands again in heaven.

03-29-2018, 02:17 PM
We are all sending love and light your way. Cruiser Dude! What a life you lived!:grouphug:Love_Icon

03-29-2018, 02:28 PM

03-29-2018, 02:31 PM

04-03-2018, 11:42 PM
Just seeing this ... :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug

04-04-2018, 03:34 AM
Any updates on Cruiser?

island rehabber
04-04-2018, 07:44 AM
Any updates on Cruiser?

Hi. I know you're new to TSB :) Please go back and read the last 6-7 pages of this thread; poor Cruiser crossed the Rainbow Bridge last week.

04-04-2018, 08:53 AM
:Love_IconLast night I was missing Dude SOOOO MUCH ! :Love_Icon

And this morning I woke feeling great sorrow.

He brought a "Joy" into this house which is no longer here.
He was so funny and I enjoyed just watching him.

I can't imagine what Stosh is experiencing.

{it doesn't help that Seis is so ill}

04-04-2018, 11:31 AM

04-04-2018, 04:20 PM
Any updates on Cruiser?

Thanks for asking--but the DUDE left us--for good--last week.
Funny thing....
I go out, in the early mornings with a cup of hot coffee to "chat" with the Cruiser Dude. Monday morning when I approached his marker, I found my plastic chair overturned and the area above his grave cleared of the leaves and sticks that i had sprinkled there. Maybe the wind ? Just 9 feet away is Milagro's grave, and there was no sign of leaves being disturbed there. ? I sprinkled some new leaves, righted the chair, sat down, and had my morning conversation. (Thanks for the sign--DUDE)

04-04-2018, 05:07 PM
:Love_Icon YAY for signs

04-11-2018, 10:50 PM

__________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
__________________________________________________ ________________________________________

If you have not read it yet...Our Cruiser DUDE has passed. He fought hard but -now- is no longer in pain.
If you wish to make a POST--(Please do, we appreciate your thoughts) we request that you click the link above...
and post on the DUDE's ORIGINAL thread.
We don't want to return to his "sick" thread ...as
he is no longer suffering--from ANYTHING.
WE love you--T.S.B.

04-13-2018, 10:31 AM
I am lurking {rarely} Have read all comments and expressions of love, prayers, compassion, and tears
but I do not stay on TSB nor the Treads for Dude and Seis.
As soon as I start to read what so many express in their kindness I start bawling so I have read a little
now and then.

I am not yet ready.
So I will not be on here much for awhile.

Sending Love and Blessings back to each of our TSB Family.
RamaMama and Seis's and Dude's