View Full Version : Swirls mom

01-10-2018, 11:50 PM
Hi, my 7 month old male squirrel is a sweetheart, but his demeanor and maner has changed. He's restless these day's, I know he has his days and nights mixed up, he's up all night, sleeps all day. He's becoming very picky about his food these days. What can I do to help him calm down, and be the sweetheart that he his????? And what can I try feeding him that he will like? What can I do for my baby Swirl

01-10-2018, 11:56 PM
Hi, I'm Swirls mom, I've became Swirl's mom on August 3 2017 he wasn't even a week old. He's been one of the best things that's has ever happens in my life, I love this little guy more than life its self. He is my blessing. I want only the best for him, and will give and do my best for him!!

01-11-2018, 12:25 AM
Hi, my 7 month old male squirrel is a sweetheart, but his demeanor and maner has changed. He's restless these day's, I know he has his days and nights mixed up, he's up all night, sleeps all day. He's becoming very picky about his food these days. What can I do to help him calm down, and be the sweetheart that he his????? And what can I try feeding him that he will like? What can I do for my baby Swirl

Probably nothing physically wrong with him. He is reaching maturity and you are in Mississippi so mating season is a little earlier than the Northeast / Midwest. Just give him time it will pass and he will eventually settle down. Give him space when he is testy but don't avoid or ignore him. You have to work with him on his terms - don't let him dominate you though. Males can be a little more difficult than females during hormonal change / breeding season. I have a un-neutered male Prairie Dog that has a month long rut every year - talk about an agitated boy!

Please post your diet, caging set up etc. Is he in an area where there is light shining on his cage late at night, TV / radio on, or night bird human activity?

01-11-2018, 06:08 AM
Here is a list of approved foods that will keep him healthy and avoid Metabolic Bone Disease, which can be fatal.

Read it from top to bottom and note that he should be eating rodent block as his base diet (Envigo/Harlan Teklad, Mazuri, Kaytee, to name a few) with healthy veggies provided for variety and fruit and nuts as TREATS ONLY and given sparingly.
