View Full Version : Weight loss- 7 year old Gray Squirrel

01-10-2018, 12:38 AM
Hi guys,

I have an almost 7 year old female gray squirrel. She is eating and drinking normally, but has lost some weight. Her activity level is pretty much the same. She eats 1 Henry’s Healthy Block twice daily. I am just looking for any advice on why She is losing weight. We drew blood and sent out a panel- waiting on the chemistry. Her CBC showed an elevated lymphocyte count. We took x-rays and they looked normal. Physical exam was normal other than the weight loss. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I love my little girl so much and just want to get to the bottom of this. She has me worried! Thank you guys!


01-10-2018, 12:53 AM
Admin please move brit1015 post to a new thread....Thanks

Nancy in New York
01-10-2018, 07:31 AM
Admin please move brit1015 post to a new thread....Thanks

Thank you Lynn.:w00t

Edit: I pm'd brit1015 with a link to this thread
so she can find it.