View Full Version : Will. Grey scare/kill a Flyer?

Snicker Bar
12-22-2017, 03:14 PM
I’m trying my best to secure our outdoor multi squirrel room. Of the three, only Snickers and Fat Dandies are able to run and climb. When weather permits, I was wondering about moving the Flyer enclosure (modified entertainment center) out to this room. I was thinking , when they sleep during the day I could keep the doors closed to protect their nest and such from the other two. And at night while the Greys sleep, the Teenies could have run of the room . Was thinking this would be far more fun than playing in a bathroom at night. But if there’s any chance they could hurt them, we will come up with a different plan. Maybe add on to the house... just want them to have room to play and glide.

When and if my oldest ever spreads his wings and glides, we can finally steal his huge bedroom lol!

12-22-2017, 09:45 PM
Yes, Greys will harm and could potentially kill your flyers.
Not a good mix... :shakehead

Snicker Bar
12-23-2017, 11:35 AM
For real?? Wow, that’s a huge let down. Cuss ! Ok, so glad I asked , thanks! We will have to go to ( create?) a plan B... it will come :)

12-23-2017, 12:58 PM
If you could get the greys to sleep in a cage that you could close at night then the same for the flyers during the day, it might work well.