View Full Version : My squirrel Rosie has gone missing.

Rosie the squirrle
11-22-2017, 11:49 AM
Hello all!
My sweet Rosie has gone missing yesterday. I rescued her Aug 19. She has been living in her safe house in the tree in my back yard for almost a month now. She has never gone fare (just visited the neighbors). She has always come out of her house when I call her.
Is it normal for fox squirrels to disappear after a month? https://photos.app.goo.gl/eWk8EsTlc8XEUiqA3

11-22-2017, 12:11 PM
Hello all!
My sweet Rosie has gone missing yesterday. I rescued her Aug 19. She has been living in her safe house in the tree in my back yard for almost a month now. She has never gone fare (just visited the neighbors). She has always come out of her house when I call her. Is it normal for fox squirrels to disappear after a month?

Squirrels disappear and reappear all the time, it is not unusual at all.
They also build and have a couple nests to retreat to, maybe this is what your Rosie is doing or has done.
You might want to check her house to make sure it's not been taken over by fleas, ants, or another insect.
I had this happen with one of my releases when he stopped using his house, ants had taken it over. I cleaned
it out, changed bedding and he returned for awhile but built his own and now lives in a tree which they all seem
to do eventually.

Rosie the squirrle
11-22-2017, 01:29 PM
Thanks for replying so quickly. I checked her house and it does not seem to be harboring other critters. I guess I'll just wait for her to show up.