View Full Version : What not approved foods has your babies talked you into?
Tootsie's mom
11-20-2017, 03:22 PM
I am just curious.... what no no foods has your babies talked you into giving them. I know we are not supposed to give them food that's not on the list but I am sure there has been at least once you let them nibble something forbidden! Tootsie talked me into giving her a tiny piece of noodle. A couple weeks ago she had a tiny corner of a cool ranch dorito... I know it's bad but it was just a morsel. I was just wondering what everyone else's babies have got away with!
Seymour's mom
11-20-2017, 03:48 PM
Seymour loves my Belvita breakfast crackers. I give him a small chunk but there have been times where he takes off with the whole package and I have to chase him down. Hes very vocal about it.
Tootsie's mom
11-20-2017, 03:52 PM
Seymour loves my Belvita breakfast crackers. I give him a small chunk but there have been times where he takes off with the whole package and I have to chase him down. Hes very vocal about it.
Tootsie grabbed my husbands dip can I freaked out!!! Holy crap she can move! I think I chased her for 30 minutes straight I was in a panic!!! She got tired I guess. I got it from her she never got it open but wow was I freaking!!
11-20-2017, 05:44 PM
My little flying squirrel Laz gets a tiny little morsel of Breyers All Natural Vanilla ice cream about once a week and he loves it more than life itself! He has learned to leave it in the spoon and just lick it down though his first attempt had him trying to hold it in his little paws like a nut and juggling it from paw to paw because it was COLD!! Now. when he sees a spoon he nearly turns himself inside out!
11-20-2017, 07:59 PM
Well, I must confess. I break all the rules with my little dwarf, Joey. When he was very sick and we went to see Dr. Emerson she said that I should feed Joey whatever he would eat. He was very underweight at the time and as most dwarfs are, he’s a notoriously picky eater. So, I have tried all the good stuff. He won’t touch it. :tap He only eats sugar snap peas and mushrooms ....occasionally, and chicken regularly. But sometimes he eats a small amount of puffed Cheetos, cheese, cereal, sour cream potato chips and butter. These are the things that he can and will eat by himself. His nutrition comes from the ground Harlan block and an assortment of baby food veggies that I mix with formula and syringe feed him about 5 times a day. He’s over two years old and still doing well, so I don’t deviate from what’s worked. :grin3
11-20-2017, 08:05 PM
Sammy will kill for Sun Chips or Ritz crackers. I have seen him take Ken on over a bag of chips and he won...:rofl4
Tootsie's mom
11-20-2017, 08:53 PM
My little flying squirrel Laz gets a tiny little morsel of Breyers All Natural Vanilla ice cream about once a week and he loves it more than life itself! He has learned to leave it in the spoon and just lick it down though his first attempt had him trying to hold it in his little paws like a nut and juggling it from paw to paw because it was COLD!! Now. when he sees a spoon he nearly turns himself inside out!
omg i can just see the juggling of icecream that is to cute!!!!!
Tootsie's mom
11-20-2017, 08:54 PM
Well, I must confess. I break all the rules with my little dwarf, Joey. When he was very sick and we went to see Dr. Emerson she said that I should feed Joey whatever he would eat. He was very underweight at the time and as most dwarfs are, he’s a notoriously picky eater. So, I have tried all the good stuff. He won’t touch it. :tap He only eats sugar snap peas and mushrooms ....occasionally, and chicken regularly. But sometimes he eats a small amount of puffed Cheetos, cheese, cereal, sour cream potato chips and butter. These are the things that he can and will eat by himself. His nutrition comes from the ground Harlan block and an assortment of baby food veggies that I mix with formula and syringe feed him about 5 times a day. He’s over two years old and still doing well, so I don’t deviate from what’s worked. :grin3
awww i bet he loves his goodies!!who doesnt love cheetos!
Tootsie's mom
11-20-2017, 08:57 PM
Sammy will kill for Sun Chips or Ritz crackers. I have seen him take Ken on over a bag of chips and he won...:rofl4
this had me cracking up!!! :laugh2 and he won! i love it!! :rotfl
11-20-2017, 09:19 PM
Sammy loves goldfish and little Debbie brownies. But I’ll tell you his favorite thing in the world to eat.....chapstick! Yup, chapstick! My son keeps a tube on his desk in his room. If I forget to close the door and turn my back on him for two seconds, he puts a hole in the lid, pulls it off and GOES TO TOWN! WHY?!? :tap
Tootsie's mom
11-20-2017, 09:45 PM
Sammy loves goldfish and little Debbie brownies. But I’ll tell you his favorite thing in the world to eat.....chapstick! Yup, chapstick! My son keeps a tube on his desk in his room. If I forget to close the door and turn my back on him for two seconds, he puts a hole in the lid, pulls it off and GOES TO TOWN! WHY?!? :tap
that is to funny tootsie is always running off with my chapstick!!!! she loves making me chase her! its a game she plays she will let me get my fingers on it and boom shes gone before i even got a chance to squeeze my fingers closed on it!! i swear i can hear her laughing as she runs! :bliss
11-21-2017, 12:51 AM
Frankie has been crazy about vanilla cupcakes since he managed to steal his first taste of one. He tore open the cover on their container while my back was turned and I found him tucked into in the corner with his back to me trying to shovel an entire cupcake into his mouth! Boy did I get an earful trying to take it back!!:tap Now, he throws a tantrum whenver he sniffs out that I have any in the house.
island rehabber
11-21-2017, 07:44 AM
:rotfl :rotfl
As a rehabber I don't have any free-ranging squirrels so my guys get what I give them, but way back when I did have the very first little "pet" squirrel guy who got me into all this, he was addicted to Oysterette crackers. Yup, those hexagon-shaped salty things you get at seafood restaurants with your clam chowder? He was a sweet squirrel but he'd happily kill you for your Oysterette :rofl4
11-21-2017, 09:54 AM
its a game she plays she will let me get my fingers on it and boom shes gone before i even got a chance to squeeze my fingers closed on it!!
There's no playing when it comes to Sammy and his chap stick!! You even look at him with it and he freezes. You take one tiny little step toward him and he's FUSSING!!! If you start walking toward him, he's off like a bolt making me chase him. He's more vicious over chap stick than any nut he's ever had! :shakehead
Sammy loves goldfish and little Debbie brownies. But I’ll tell you his favorite thing in the world to eat.....chapstick! Yup, chapstick! My son keeps a tube on his desk in his room. If I forget to close the door and turn my back on him for two seconds, he puts a hole in the lid, pulls it off and GOES TO TOWN! WHY?!? :tap
Yes! Frances ate a Burt's Bees chap stick in the blink of an eye. The only thing I could use was lip carmex which is gross and they didn't try to eat. I agree, WHY??
Frances and Basil went ape**** over tortilla chips. I think it's the salt and oil. Oh, and the jar of coconut oil, which thankfully is glass and metal and they could never get in.
Tootsie's mom
11-21-2017, 07:25 PM
There's no playing when it comes to Sammy and his chap stick!! You even look at him with it and he freezes. You take one tiny little step toward him and he's FUSSING!!! If you start walking toward him, he's off like a bolt making me chase him. He's more vicious over chap stick than any nut he's ever had! :shakehead
I am lucky i guess tootsie makes aloud fuss but thats it she will not bite me no matter how mad she gets and boy oh boy have i had her mad!!!! now she is so very vocal and i dare anyone else to try to take something from her lol she would eat them up but she just wont bite me... my son went to help me and i told him dont grab her because i knew she would have bite the blood out of him for grabbing her treasure!!!
11-21-2017, 08:54 PM
Sammy never bites either. He hollers, fusses, squeals, squeaks, slaps, and sometimes scratches a little but never bites unless its playfully. Unless you count feet that is.
Tootsie's mom
11-21-2017, 09:21 PM
yeah tootsie play bites toes!! a little harder than i would like sometimes! :shakehead
11-21-2017, 09:31 PM
I had such a great time reading these threads. keep them comming... it's nice to read fun happy stuff too. I don't have a bad food story to add but there have been a few times my boy got a hold of a ink pen and seriously protested me taking it away. I think it's cute when they fuss, chatter, and slap at you.. as long as they don't rip off your fingers, lol
11-21-2017, 10:14 PM
yeah tootsie play bites toes!! a little harder than i would like sometimes! :shakehead
Frankie LOVES toes! It must be a squirrel thing :rotfl
Ruby only has two things (right now) that she will growl and fight with me about. Hers pecan and a Ritz cracker.
11-21-2017, 11:01 PM
Sammy HATES feet. He growls and attacks them. Lucky for me he can’t bite too hard or I’d probably be missing a toe.
Tootsie's mom
11-22-2017, 10:20 AM
i think tootsie thinks my feet are alive like they are not a part of me. she thinks they are her size playmates!!!
11-22-2017, 12:19 PM
the other day my little flyer ace was out, and my baby sister had dropped half a piece of bacon on the ground, and he found it. he carried the thing all the way back to his cage as i chased him down, but i got it from him. it was twice the size of his head! i confess that sometimes he does get a little human food, like a small bit of chips and stuff.
Tootsie's mom
11-22-2017, 08:25 PM
oh no he is going to be hooked now!! i mean its bacon!!! you cant smell and taste it and not be hooked!!!! :crazy
11-23-2017, 06:52 PM
i know right! boy did u have a talking to from him!
02-03-2021, 03:53 AM
Tiny bit of pop tart, peanut butter cookie, and the corner of a fig newton lol. I try not to let her eat like that too often, but being happy is part of being healthy SOMETIMES.....right? :grin3
island rehabber
02-03-2021, 06:42 AM
Tiny bit of pop tart, peanut butter cookie, and the corner of a fig newton lol. I try not to let her eat like that too often, but being happy is part of being healthy SOMETIMES.....right? :grin3
:rotfl Beaecheykeen, you have resurrected a very old thread -- see the date in the upper left corner of the post before yours? 2017 :grin3
Nevertheless, if anyone needs to get it off their chest, reduce their guilty conscience, or whatever -- you can confess right here all the bad stuff you "accidentally" let your squirrels grab out of your hand :grin3... confession is good for the soul!
Charley Chuckles
02-03-2021, 07:58 AM
Ok then........
Once leaving Dr Emerson's office with Conker, I stopped at a place called Ritters, it's a custard icecream stand and it's YUMMY well I bought a milkshake and drank it all 45 minutes home. Once Conker is back in his room I still had some of the shake left so I tipped the large cup on its side so Conker could have a lick. To my surprise he claimed in up to his waist 😝 I had a heck of a time getting him to back out he wanted the whole thing :eek
I couldn't get it washed off it stayed on him for a week, his hair was spiky like a hedgehog 🤣 however every time I picked him up he smelled delicious 😁
02-03-2021, 08:09 AM
Similar scenario for me and my dwarf. Leaving Dr. Emerson’s office with my little guy who had been very sick and not eating well she told me to let him have whatever he wanted to eat. I stopped at Pollo Tropicale for my dinner. Lo and behold I put a piece of chicken in his bin on the way home and he devoured it. :grin3 That chicken became a constant in his diet from then on.
Tuff at this point really hasn’t had any people food...but I do believe he is a caffeine freak, when he is out of his cage he will go over to the Keurig and put his little feet on each side of the dispenser and lick it. It’s not hot but he loves that thing. He will also lick any coffee drops left on the bottom. My coffee cup stays way out of his reach. He will also lick the top of my Diet Mt. Dew can. I have to keep it out of his reach also. I was sitting in the recliner picked up my van started to take a drink, on my arm out of no where he came running. Got to my hand and I had to pry him off the can...all you can do some days is laugh.
02-03-2021, 09:57 PM
:rotfl Beaecheykeen, you have resurrected a very old thread -- see the date in the upper left corner of the post before yours? 2017 :grin3
Nevertheless, if anyone needs to get it off their chest, reduce their guilty conscience, or whatever -- you can confess right here all the bad stuff you "accidentally" let your squirrels grab out of your hand :grin3... confession is good for the soul!
I figure no matter how much time has passed, this will always be a fun topic. If only ya'll could see how my little Icarus reacts when she KNOWS I have a Little Debbies peanut butter creme cookie. :grin3
02-03-2021, 10:01 PM
Ok then........
Once leaving Dr Emerson's office with Conker, I stopped at a place called Ritters, it's a custard icecream stand and it's YUMMY well I bought a milkshake and drank it all 45 minutes home. Once Conker is back in his room I still had some of the shake left so I tipped the large cup on its side so Conker could have a lick. To my surprise he claimed in up to his waist 😝 I had a heck of a time getting him to back out he wanted the whole thing :eek
I couldn't get it washed off it stayed on him for a week, his hair was spiky like a hedgehog 🤣 however every time I picked him up he smelled delicious 😁
lol!! Oh I wish we could've seen that on video :grin
02-03-2021, 10:05 PM
I can only imagine what a caffeine fueled squirrel would be like. :hyper
I can only imagine what a caffeine fueled squirrel would be like. :hyper
He is fast that is all I can say...sometimes I think he can see sounds..every time he does this I get the vision of Hemi off of the move Over the Hedge. I can see the instant it hits his soul and he gets that extra fire power. All you can do is sit down and let him burn himself out...317439
Example from this morning.
02-04-2021, 09:03 PM
I guess I'll try to get away with deviating somewhat from the original thread also and simply mention that like Tootsie & Frankie; Sammy loves to "play bite" toes also. I keep reminding him that he's a Squirrel, not a Podiatrist but it makes no difference. He acts as if he doesn't understand me!
02-05-2021, 09:39 PM
I have yet sinned again. I let my squirrel have a few sips of my matche green tea. She does enjoy the occasional sip of tea ^_^. Icarus, drinkarus, to zenicus.....
02-06-2021, 01:59 PM
OH MY GOSH PEOPLE!!!! I am laughing so hard at this - thank you so much, we all needed it! I especially like that some of the professional rehabbers are confessing on here.... and Dr. Emerson is guilty of instigating some of it! Maybe the patients are working together to brainwash her about snacks!
So, let's say I'm a new squirrel owner, and after reading all this, here's the foods I understand are now on the list ..... noodles, Cool Ranch Doritos, Belvita breakfast crackers, dip, vanilla ice cream, Cheetos, cheese, cereal, sour cream potato chips, butter, Sun Chips, Ritz crackers, Goldfish crackers, Little Debbie Brownies AND Peanut Butter Creme Cookies, vanilla cupcakes, Oyster crackers, tortilla chips, coconut oil, pecans, bacon, poptarts, peanut butter cookies, fig newtons, milkshakes, chicken, coffee, Diet Mt. Dew, tea and .... chapstick, inkpens and lower extremeties.
Tinkerbelle could add several more, based on the notion that California Ground Squirrels in the wild will eat just about anything they can get a hold of, or bribe off a passing motorist at a rest stop (their specialty!). Similarly, I stopped buying grain-free dog food when I realized that my dog regularly helped himself to the livestock feed......
I have to say that Tinkerbelle's cryptonite is Tortilla Chips. We have finally limited her to only getting them when it's time to go back in her cage after her daily house-time. It works like a charm. Still not sure who's training who however.....
:) :) :)
02-06-2021, 04:39 PM
I put a full cracked coconut in a bowl outside to dry (had soaked it). It was in 2 pieces, the top was about 1/4th. Of course I forgot to bring it inside and this morning my husband said our jr. was carrying that huge coconut across the lawn. Carrying, tripping, carrying...
island rehabber
02-06-2021, 09:34 PM
Of course I forgot to bring it inside and this morning my husband said our jr. was carrying that huge coconut across the lawn. Carrying, tripping, carrying...
02-07-2021, 07:50 AM
I figure no matter how much time has passed, this will always be a fun topic. If only ya'll could see how my little Icarus reacts when she KNOWS I have a Little Debbies peanut butter creme cookie. :grin3
Any chance of a video? :dance
02-07-2021, 07:57 AM
Ok then........
Once leaving Dr Emerson's office with Conker, I stopped at a place called Ritters, it's a custard icecream stand and it's YUMMY well I bought a milkshake and drank it all 45 minutes home. Once Conker is back in his room I still had some of the shake left so I tipped the large cup on its side so Conker could have a lick. To my surprise he claimed in up to his waist 😝 I had a heck of a time getting him to back out he wanted the whole thing :eek
I couldn't get it washed off it stayed on him for a week, his hair was spiky like a hedgehog 🤣 however every time I picked him up he smelled delicious 😁
:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :Love_Icon
02-07-2021, 09:49 AM
OK. This happened with my late, great Mister P. It was around Halloween and I had a Tootsie Roll Pop downstairs calling my name. I had it stuck in my mouth when I got him out of his room and brought him down to mine for our evening cuddle and play session. I should have known better - if you think that having something the squirrel wants completely INSIDE your mouth is going to slow them down you are delusional. He was hounding me - at one point he had the stick in his mouth and both front (pee)feet braced on my LIPS, yanking with all of his might, and P was a two-pound squirrel - he could yank! He finally stopped and backed up a step or two to re-group, and I decided to use the respite to be a jerk, waving the lolipop around, taunting him. You know where this is going - he struck like a cobra, snatching it away from me and disappearing off the side of the bed. And then under it. I got down and looked and there he was, directly in the geographic center of the bed. Holding the stick with both hands and licking the hard candy outside as fast as his tongue would go.
I have a king sized bed and it weighs about a thousand pounds. I kind of wiggled and wormed my way a little further under and gained 3 more inches. When he saw this, he moved back 3.25". I could actually touch the tips of the hair on his paws. I have never been dissed harder in my life. He didn't get out of Dodge, he moved **just** out of my reach, the little twirp. I threatened to poke him with a stick but we both knew that was a lie. I finally managed to exchange the Tootsie Roll Pop for a shelled nut.
Fast forward several years...Zeke has managed to get his paw mashed (just a little) and I gave him some infant ibuprophen for the owie. OMG he LOVED it! So I thought that having a similarly flavored suspension to use for any meds should they ever be needed, would be a good trick to have. I did some kitchen experimentation. The best was getting the tiniest little bottle of pomegranate juice and boiling it until it was reduced by one half, leaving a thick, sweet syrup. I sucked up about half a cc in an old syringe and brought it upstairs to see if Zeke would take it willingly. Only if willingly includes snatching the syringe away from me and disappearing over the side of the bed. I bent down and there he was, in the very center of the bed, trying to figure out how to work a syringe. I really couldn't believe it. Deja Vu all over again. Is there a damned masking taped "X" down there for them? He wouldn't swap for a nut and the way to work a syringe involves chewing through it, just FYI.
02-07-2021, 09:53 AM
02-08-2021, 06:37 PM
C Mom - From a documentary on grey squirrels I learned that they do triangulate the exact position where they burry nuts - in order to help themselves retrieve them later on. My guess is, it must be a snap for them to triangulate where the farthest position is under your bed... or else - and that is what I prefer to think: ;) I think your sweet Mister P left an invisible mark there for his buddy. Invisible to your earthly eyes that is. :Love_Icon
02-09-2021, 01:26 AM
C Mom - From a documentary on grey squirrels I learned that they do triangulate the exact position where they burry nuts - in order to help themselves retrieve them later on. My guess is, it must be a snap for them to triangulate where the farthest position is under your bed... or else - and that is what I prefer to think: ;) I think your sweet Mister P left an invisible mark there for his buddy. Invisible to your earthly eyes that is. :Love_Icon
Sounds like a perfectly plausible theory. Absolutely. :Squirrel
island rehabber
02-09-2021, 06:23 AM
:rofl4 the only way to avoid this scenario, I guess, is twin beds pushed together! That way you can dive in from above....but it probably won't work either :rotfl
02-10-2021, 12:07 AM
I have to say that Tinkerbelle's cryptonite is Tortilla Chips. We have finally limited her to only getting them when it's time to go back in her cage after her daily house-time. It works like a charm. Still not sure who's training who however.....
:) :) :)
Lol I feel ya on that "who's training who" part.
02-11-2021, 10:01 PM
I put a full cracked coconut in a bowl outside to dry (had soaked it). It was in 2 pieces, the top was about 1/4th. Of course I forgot to bring it inside and this morning my husband said our jr. was carrying that huge coconut across the lawn. Carrying, tripping, carrying...
Lol how adorable. Reminds me of that Looney tunes episode where the squirrel keeps trying to crack a coconut.
05-30-2021, 12:44 PM
Ok then........
Once leaving Dr Emerson's office with Conker, I stopped at a place called Ritters, it's a custard icecream stand and it's YUMMY well I bought a milkshake and drank it all 45 minutes home. Once Conker is back in his room I still had some of the shake left so I tipped the large cup on its side so Conker could have a lick. To my surprise he claimed in up to his waist 😝 I had a heck of a time getting him to back out he wanted the whole thing :eek
I couldn't get it washed off it stayed on him for a week, his hair was spiky like a hedgehog 🤣 however every time I picked him up he smelled delicious 😁
I was sick about a week ago, and I am the primary squirrel handler (wrangler). My husband figured that since Joe has top teeth now, he couldn't POSSIBLY need to be syringe fed when I asked him to please give Joe a "bottle." Fast forward to returning from the bathroom to collapse, and seeing my baby Joe in his food bowl, all four paws in, wading in formula (Fox Valley) with his little face dripping! He was pleased as punch to be swimming in his serving, followed by an enthusiastic session of throwing any and all bedding to the ground so he could rub himself clean and pee on the leftovers :klunk
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