View Full Version : How to tell if a squirrel is dead, dying, or in shock?

10-30-2017, 06:48 PM
I stopped my neighbor's dog from attacking a squirrel today. I noticed it earlier and thought it was mentally challenged). I kept an eye on it all day waiting to catch it. It bit me and held onto my finger for few minutes until I felt it start to open and close its mouth. I was then able to pry my finger from its mouth. I held it close to my chest and stroked its face with my finger as it looked into my eyes. I got a towel and carefully wrapped it in a towel and held it near my electric heater for a couple minutes. Next time I checked it's eyes were almost closed and it felt like rigormortis set in so I thought it died. After crying I looked again and its eyes were now all the way closed. I thought I could be wrong so I put it on a warm heating pad and contacted you guys.

10-30-2017, 06:51 PM
Signs of death: not breathing, no heart beat, no blink reflex, pale gums and tongue, flaccid body or rigor after a bit of time, eliminate bladder and bowel, cold to the touch, not moving.

10-30-2017, 06:53 PM
Rigor happened within a minute. That seemed too soon so I thought it might be shock.

10-30-2017, 06:54 PM
The body can be stiff or tense for reasons other than death. Does he have the other signs?

10-30-2017, 07:02 PM
I don't think he's breathing and I can't find a heartbeat. I didn't want to mess with him too much if he was just in shock. It eliminated all over itself before he died. Cannot tell about the gums bc his mouth is red with my blood. He was still warm when I put him on the heating pad. There are flea everywhere, which I thought might be an indication that he was dying or dead.

10-30-2017, 07:07 PM
Oh, yeah. Fleas totally jump ship when an animal dies. They feel the temperature change. It sounds like he's dead. Just to be sure, come back and check on him in a bit.

10-30-2017, 07:11 PM
Thanks for trying to help him. Take care of that bite.

Nancy in New York
10-30-2017, 07:11 PM
Try putting a little molasses or maple syrup on his gums to see if he responds.
Are the pads of his feet cool?
Thank you for helping this little innocent life. :(

11-01-2017, 01:53 PM
Sorry to hear about your experience. I had a very similar situation yesterday, warm body, but no sure signs of life, no detectable heartbeat but then it was very cold outside... Not sure if hypothermia can result in a weakened, less detectable, heartbeat?

Anyhow, I think you did the right thing by putting him aside on a heating pad on low with some fabric between squirrel and pad. You gave (or are giving) him the best chance you could with the knowledge you had and meanwhile sought help on here. You did (or are doing) a wonderful thing! I hope he makes it!

Edit: Please let us know if you are able to put some molasses on his lips? Or if there are concerns about doing so?

11-02-2017, 09:55 AM
She passed. I bought molasses to keep in the fridge for the next emergency. I also bought a stethoscope lol. Thank you everyone for your help. Poor thing. I could tell she was so happy to be outside in the sun and finding her own food. I am just glad she died in my arms instead of the dog playing with her. Hopefully the fact she was a little slow helped her not be too scared of me.