View Full Version : Possible solution to FV 32/40 digestion problem

10-30-2017, 08:53 AM
Hi everyone, I am not usually some who posts but I will share something that I have come across this squirrel season.

As with many members, FV 32/40 has always been my go to formula for rehab squirrel babies. When they started having trouble digesting it I was also battling the problem. I have had not so great experiences with other formula so I was determined to make the FV work.

While researching formula for bats (was working on making a more convenient way of premixing dry ingredients) I came across updated information for the formula that Bat World uses due to a similar problem they were having with their neonates digesting formula.

Their solution was Lactase (Commercial Lactaid). It comes as a caplet that I crush into a fine powder. I add a pinch of lactase and commercial "Prozyme" ( ~1/16th tsp) per 60 mls (2 oz) of formula. The only catch is that it has to be added right before feeding to the portion you are using. The enzymes break down the formula and will cause it to curdle and separate within about 30-60 min.

I have raised 8 pinkies (15-20 grams on arrival) this season using the Lactaid and Prozyme and not a single one has had any digestion problems, nor any constipation or diarrhea. This has been with FV 32/40 at 2:1 mixture ratio.

I realize that this is a small number of squirrels so I can't say that I have found a solution to the problems that we are having but I have had such great results I thought that I should share.

I hope this helps!



island rehabber
10-30-2017, 08:56 AM
Good info. I so miss using 32/40 that it's good to see a possible solution here. Someone should tell Nick at FV....
This past season some rehabbers had a problem with Esbilac and pinkies, doing exactly the same clogging nightmare that 32/40 was doing a few years ago. I am convinced it is some inferior (probably Chinese) dry ingredient that both companies are buying and using. :shakehead

10-30-2017, 09:28 AM
I’m sure, I can’t really think of any other reason for the problems if the actual recipe hasn’t changed.

I haven’t touched esbilac since since I started using the fox valley two or three years ago. I am the type of person where I would rather use a formula marketed for the species I am raising.