View Full Version : Lucy the Wonder Squirrel just wanted to say thanks!

10-27-2017, 11:55 AM
For all the great information on this site! Lucy fell (literally!) into our lives 6 weeks ago when my wife’s coworker brought her to us after watching her fall out of a 30 foot palm tree and into the mouth of a cat. She ran out and rescued her, and kept her for a few days, expecting her to be dead every day she came home from work...but somehow she held on, even though all she got was condensed milk and mashed bananas! Calls to animal rescue places were not returned.
Knowing we are a very animal friendly household, she brought her to us to take care of.
I jumped into action after researching the forum here, gave her a warm bath, and put her on a heating pad while we started her on Ebsilac and some pedialyte. Based on her size and weight, we guessed she was 6-7 weeks old. She responded to the love immediately and put on weight, and started to show improvement in her mobility, which was comforting because we thought she might have had some neuro issues from the fall. In a house full of 3 kids and several other animals, we realized she was more than likely going to be a lifelong member of the family. We just don’t live in an area that that would give her a good chance at a long life if released and she’s quite attached!

Well, she’s about 12 weeks today and doing fantastic. She has a great enclosure, eats her blocks, veggies and lots of treats, and spends hours of supervised playtime with the family. We even took her on a weekend road trip to Arizona with us recently. :). She usually falls asleep at night on one of us, and wakes up squeezing and grunting to get out and be held.

Here’s some pictures in mostly chronological order.


island rehabber
10-27-2017, 01:04 PM
What a sweet, happy lil foxer girl.
You definitely don't want to release her if she's that familiar with your cat; she will think all cats are safe and they sure aren't. Also, always remember to keep the fact that you have her a secret -- you are in an illegal state for keeping a squirrel as a pet and neighbors, even passersby, can be meddling and nasty.

10-27-2017, 01:13 PM
You're doing a wonderful thing, keep it up :Love_Icon

10-27-2017, 01:17 PM
Thanks for the kind words, and yes....we’re doing our best to keep her under wraps. :)

What a sweet, happy lil foxer girl.
You definitely don't want to release her if she's that familiar with your cat; she will think all cats are safe and they sure aren't. Also, always remember to keep the fact that you have her a secret -- you are in an illegal state for keeping a squirrel as a pet and neighbors, even passersby, can be meddling and nasty.

10-28-2017, 09:10 AM
She's beautiful!
And I dunno what's wrong with saving a life!! Like if the wild life people won't help! And where I am they probably would have but her down..why.. cuz she's a squirrel!! And they are classified as pests!! The way I see it we are the pests! We take away animals homes and wooded areas!
Sorry I'm just upset with humans right now,.(and to clearify I don't but animal lovers in the same category)

Diggie's Friend
10-28-2017, 06:38 PM
Just Too Precious!

I luv dem Foxers!

10-30-2017, 02:07 AM
Just watching the baseball game.


Nancy in New York
10-30-2017, 05:08 AM
How could Lucy be snoozing during that game?
We lost power for a while and had to read about it! :hissyfit
Such adorable photos of your little girl!:klunk

island rehabber
10-30-2017, 07:42 AM
I share Lucy's general reaction to baseball.......:grin3 :sleep:sleep1

Diggie's Friend
10-30-2017, 05:13 PM
So want to rub that BELLY!

10-30-2017, 05:58 PM
Wait...what? How did you get your squirrel to do that with you? Please send instructions asap!

10-31-2017, 03:51 PM
Wait...what? How did you get your squirrel to do that with you? Please send instructions asap!

Haha, she LOVES to snuggle at bedtime.

11-08-2017, 11:26 AM
More cuteness overload: my wife and daughter studying for a science test last night. :D

11-08-2017, 06:41 PM
AAAAHHHHHH!!! :klunk:klunk:klunk:klunk:klunk

Nancy in New York
11-09-2017, 06:21 PM
Are you kidding me? I want a Lucy too! 295859:klunk295859:klunk295859:klunk

11-10-2017, 06:07 AM
That’s awesome! A domesticated squirrel. :grin2 Not actually the way nature intended, but.....