View Full Version : How much food

10-26-2017, 09:08 AM
I have a 13 week old fox squirrel. I am curious to know if I am feeding him enough or too little.
2 HHB (for babies)
Grape or slice of sweet potato after hhb

Veggie: Sweet potato, romaine, carrot, celery or pumpkin (whatever veggie I have available)
Apple, grape or strawberry

Mid day snack-
Veggie and some wild grass/flower/etc

Night time -
2 cracked pecans or pumpkin seeds
And a hhb

Ocassinaly he will get 1 whole grain cheerio

He isn't hiding any food and always eats whatever I put in front of him. I am just curious to know if that seems adequate for his age.

*He doesn't finish everything given except for the hhb and the nuts

I have some blanched yellow squash and zuchinni frozen from our garden... can I give that to him? I wasn't sure since it was blanched and frozen.