View Full Version : New and need to ask a few silly questions

10-25-2017, 09:12 AM
Hi everyone and thanks for reading I have a 7 week old baby squirrel and I've had her since about birth one of the dogs that I was dog sitting picked her up and gave her to me she had Cuts all over her umbilical cord still attached.
Now she has her eyes open and is ready for adventure

My silly question is.. I see on sites gray squirrels I think my babe is a combo of black and fox Squirrels
She's black with bits of red.. do they have a different diet or is it the same as gray squirrel??

Also what first foods should I introduce and when?
She's been eating rodent block between formula feeding
But wasn't sure what veggies to start with ..

Thanks in advance

10-25-2017, 10:02 AM

We'd love to see pictures your baby. She could be a gray or a foxer. Both can both have black fur. I'm sure someone here could help you identify which.

The foods you feed will be the same. If she's eating her block regularly and not just shredding you can start introducing food from the healthy food chart found here: https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?44440-Healthy-Diet-for-Pet-Squirrels

I always introduce greens first. I wait a few days to make sure there are no issues before introducing something else. You just want to be sure she's actually eating block consistently before introducing anything else. :grin3

10-25-2017, 10:27 AM
Ready for pictures... I bet that combo of red and black fur is gorgeous!

10-25-2017, 11:28 PM
Hopefully the picture worked lol I'm doing this on my cell phone

10-26-2017, 12:26 AM
What an unusual color!!! She’s beautiful!!

10-26-2017, 04:35 AM
:Love_Icon:Love_Icon She's a great color! So cute!

10-26-2017, 08:19 AM
She's a very pretty girly. You know we get addicted to pictues...you'll need to post more as the days go by so we can watch too.😁

Nancy in New York
10-26-2017, 08:35 AM
Hi everyone and thanks for reading I have a 7 week old baby squirrel and I've had her since about birth one of the dogs that I was dog sitting picked her up and gave her to me she had Cuts all over her umbilical cord still attached.
Now she has her eyes open and is ready for adventure

My silly question is.. I see on sites gray squirrels I think my babe is a combo of black and fox Squirrels
She's black with bits of red.. do they have a different diet or is it the same as gray squirrel??

Also what first foods should I introduce and when?
She's been eating rodent block between formula feeding
But wasn't sure what veggies to start with ..

Thanks in advance

Your baby is actually a grey squirrel.
They call the black ones grey morphs.
I have raised many little black ones, and their colors
very from jet black all over to black with the "orange"
mixed in. They are gorgeous little creatures, and to me
look like little bear cubs at times (but much smaller. :))

10-26-2017, 08:40 AM
This was Oct 20th.. she loves to have washcloth bathes after eating :)
Pictures are hard to see the redness colour I will try sunlight if the sun decides to show up lol
Also I've named her Jolene nutmeg :)

10-26-2017, 08:54 AM
This is what she looked like sept 6th
She had cuts all over her :( I didn't hesitate to put her into my shirt when I realised she was alive!
I had a nail appointment 20 mins to get to when the dog gave her to me.. I was like how do I keep her warm for an hour and a half and what do I put her in..... I had those hand warming packs still in car and a cup (clean) from my tea the night before.. I activated the warm pack and wrapped her in paper towel and put lid on and put her in my cup holder... I also took her into the salon it was a long 1 1/2 hours lol.. I really wanted to drink that "tea" lol

I don't have any human kids but I'm pretty sure having a baby squirrel is the same! I was one tired squirrel mum for a while..

But She's Cute And I'm Glad I Could Save Her Life!

Thanks For Reading

10-26-2017, 08:55 AM
Thanks :) my firend says she looks like bat :)

10-26-2017, 09:50 AM
She is stunning!!:Love_Icon

10-26-2017, 11:16 AM
She’s beautiful! You folks that have black squirrels are so lucky! I’m jealous!