View Full Version : Rocky losing weight and poop is tiny
10-23-2017, 04:21 AM
He was very cute and round and now my 1 year 3 month old NR IS LOSING WEIGHT AND HIS POOP IS TINY. I had X-rays and blood work done at the vet and they did see anything. His liver enzymes are a little elevated. He is still active and playful but his poop is not changing. He did get eat a pine cone about a month ago could that have caused this? . I am very concerned. Please help. I have never posted on here before but pray someone gives me some advice. Rocky is very spoiled and he has been well cared for his whole life. Henry’s squirrel blocks twice a day and fresh veggies and fruit. I am very worried. I live in delray beach Florida Does anyone know a rehabber I should talk to or something that could help
island rehabber
10-23-2017, 08:06 AM
He was very cute and round and now my 1 year 3 month old NR IS LOSING WEIGHT AND HIS POOP IS TINY. I had X-rays and blood work done at the vet and they did see anything. His liver enzymes are a little elevated. He is still active and playful but his poop is not changing. He did get eat a pine cone about a month ago could that have caused this? . I am very concerned. Please help. I have never posted on here before but pray someone gives me some advice. Rocky is very spoiled and he has been well cared for his whole life. Henry’s squirrel blocks twice a day and fresh veggies and fruit. I am very worried. I live in delray beach Florida Does anyone know a rehabber I should talk to or something that could help
Tiny poops are usually a sign of dehydration. Does he drink enough water? Are you sure his water sources are functioning properly (you wouldn't believe how easy it is to not realize a water bottle is clogged up....for days!) Is it too warm where his habitat is located?
10-23-2017, 09:46 AM
Tiny poops are usually a sign of dehydration. Does he drink enough water? Are you sure his water sources are functioning properly (you wouldn't believe how easy it is to not realize a water bottle is clogged up....for days!) Is it too warm where his habitat is located?
He is drinking normally and the water bottle has been working well. He has been steadily losing weight for about a month. He actually drinks a considerable amount. This morning it looked like his poop was normal. He has lost his hair on his tail toward the end of it and now he is losing some hair on his sides but that may be moulting. I am new to this and have spent thousands on vet bills to make sure he is OK. Is there some where I can get more information on how these guys work as I am very interested in learning all I can so that I am not a basket case all the time :) I am very very concerned about his weight loss but he does run and play like he always did. Any assistance would be appreciated :)
10-23-2017, 09:49 AM
OH and he is in the house in A/C all the time unless he is out playing with me on the 10 X 12 screened porch or in his 12 x12 room in the house. He stays in a cage at night and he has a large cage but when given the choice he always goes to the little cage. His big cage is 4ft high, 3 feet wide and 2 feet deep.
Diggie's Friend
10-23-2017, 11:38 AM
Are his poops strung together?
If so add a bit of organic pineapple with no real or artificial sugars added plain to his diet. This was recommended to me years ago by a licenced squirrel rehabber, as it aides in digestion.
Also Pet Flora from Safer Medical of MT. This is actually a very good deal, as this source will last for nearly 4 years of daily doses of 1/64 Tsp. per day added to the diet (in plain organic LF yogurt).
I recommend adding Milk Thistle seed extract to his diet; it lends support against toxins.
Just 0.05 ml measure perhaps in organic yogurt
(Stonyfield Low Fat Plain creamy
(Green Valley Lowfat plain)
Also, providing a good water source to his food to support better hydration.
For elimination of other polutants and heavy metals, I recommend Aquasana affordable bottle filter.
Removes over 99% of bacteria, lead, chlorine,
cryptosporidium, and giardia from any tap water. %3DUTF8%26qid%3D1508772923%26sr%3D8-1-spons%26keywords%3Daquasana%2Bfilter%2Bbottle%26ps c%3D1&qualifier=1508772923&id=3308697539488583&widgetName=sp_atf
10-23-2017, 12:11 PM
Are his poops strung together?
If so add a bit of organic pineapple with no real or artificial sugars added plain to his diet. This was recommended to me years ago by a licenced squirrel rehabber, as it aides in digestion.
Also Pet Flora from Safer Medical of MT. This is actually a very good deal, as this source will last for nearly 4 years of daily doses of 1/64 Tsp. per day added to the diet (in plain organic LF yogurt).
I recommend adding Milk Thistle seed extract to his diet; it lends support against toxins.
Just 0.05 ml measure perhaps in organic yogurt
(Stonyfield Low Fat Plain creamy
(Green Valley Lowfat plain)
Also, providing a good water source to his food to support better hydration.
For elimination of other polutants and heavy metals, I recommend Aquasana affordable bottle filter. %3DUTF8%26qid%3D1508772923%26sr%3D8-1-spons%26keywords%3Daquasana%2Bfilter%2Bbottle%26ps c%3D1&qualifier=1508772923&id=3308697539488583&widgetName=sp_atf
no they are not they are like a 10th of the size that they should be tho. I will check out the recommendations and see how he fares. I am sorry I guess this should not be in the life threatening forum anymore. I appreciate the help though. Very scary stuff as I do worry so much about his weight loss. The vet put him on milk thistle and an antibiotic. He is still not eating much though. Suggestions on how to get him to eat. I gave him some corn yesterday just so he would eat something. Very worried that he is not eating. He does not like yogart or butter pecan ensure (both of which I tried yesterday).
Diggie's Friend
10-23-2017, 01:03 PM
Save for rodent block, I would add water to his food, even to the yogurt not so that it is runny though, but mixed in well.
I would get the MTS liquid organic source for maintainance when you finish with what the vet have given to you for him, as it goes readily into the liver.
The Pet Flora is not a dairy source, but a soil based organism source, that these animals need in captivity; for once out of the wild they no longer have access to the natural sources of these same bacterias in the wild. In the case of using antibiotics, that destroy the good digestive bacteria, it is essential to replace the good bacterial organisms; otherwise there is a very negative impact to both digestion, and health, as over 80-% of the immune system is located in the intestinal tract.
This source is the least price of the two I know of, with 29 strains of good bacteria with a prebiotic that supports this bacteria in the intestinal tract. It has no additives, or flavors. Other sources offer too few bacterial strains, some that aren't even appropriate to use for animals. Be sure to take a bit of time to read about this source on the product page.
Diggie's Friend
10-23-2017, 01:40 PM
Try adding some plain organic yogurt to organic naturally sweetened applesauce; that is mostly applesauce with a bit of yogurt. Green Valley brand also carries a vanilla yogurt that isn't super high in sugar compared to other sources. You could also doctor up the mix with some organic ground pecans or English walnut.
Adding this source makes the yogurt smell nutty also. Very healthy for males.
Give him cooled boiled peas (organic)_ and Butternut squash (Earthbound organic BN squash cubed makes this easy to do. If you want to put up some of this then get a whole squash, slice it into sections and bake it. Then using a melon baller you can easily scoop out portions, and pull out the air in the bag closing it near fully using a straw to remove the last of the air before sealing it. Then you can take out two scoops a day to feed him.
Not wanting to eat is often a sign of metabolic bone disease, for that I will let the other members fill you in on how to address that.
Has he been actually eating his hhb's or hiding them? I've found quite a few rock solid hidden hhb's in my time, little stinkers.
I would make sure his diet is on point before anything else. So much depends on proper nutrition, including weight gain, skin and coat, etc.
Here's a helpful link for picky eaters...
10-23-2017, 03:15 PM
Has he been actually eating his hhb's or hiding them? I've found quite a few rock solid hidden hhb's in my time, little stinkers.
I would make sure his diet is on point before anything else. So much depends on proper nutrition, including weight gain, skin and coat, etc.
Here's a helpful link for picky eaters...
I have been feeding him Henrys since the day I got him. About 3 weeks ago he decided he didn't want them so I ordered the picky eaters and you are right.... He was tearing them up and not eating very much of them at all. He gets vegtables and fruits every day and yes, he was getting a couple of nuts as well. We cut back on the nuts and he went on a hunger strike. I gave him a pinecone that I found on the ground outside of church a month ago and since then he has been very picky. The xrays show no blockage which is why I am concerned with his behavior. I am going to do these suggestions tho!! No MBD according to the vet exists and that is good news but I am going to get that flora stuff as he does eat dirt when he has the chance to do so (when he is on my screened in porch). Is it better to have him in the bigger cage during the day or to leave him in the smaller one til I get home to play with him?
Is it better to have him in the bigger cage during the day or to leave him in the smaller one til I get home to play with him?
I think a larger cage is always better unless you have a lame baby that needs to rest or not climb. The more he wears himself out climbing, hopefully, the hungrier he'll be and eat the blocks. Omit fruit and nuts until he is eating the blocks. Time for some tough love Momma.
10-23-2017, 11:28 PM
Make boo balls. Order some Harlan Teklad 2018 block online from the cheapest place where you can get a small amount. Grind the block into a powder with a ninja or bullet blender. Then grind some nuts like almonds, pecans and walnuts. Mix them together and add some powder Esbilac or Fox Valley 20/50. You can also add calcium carbonate and protein powder, if needed. Then mix in fruit or fruit/veggie combo baby food and a little coconut oil. It shouldn’t be too wet. You want to be able to roll the mixture into a ball. Refrigerate the balls and then feed. There are more precise recipes for boo balls in the squirrel nutrition section.
My guys choose boo balls over HHBs every time.
10-24-2017, 12:55 PM
I will look into recipes for the Boo Balls I did put him in the big cage today and I tried to give him applesauce and/yogart and he didn't want anything to do with is but he did eat pumpkin and quite a bit of it. I am going to look for squash and make that for him this weekend but he seems to be doing better. I will keep everyone posted as to his progress. Thank you for all the advise I also bought that flora stuff and the water filter too :) OH YEa and I also wanted to know what common problems to look for with their teeth as there seems to be a dark spot on the end of one of his top teeth and was wondering if that was normal? Any advice on that?
Diggie's Friend
10-24-2017, 04:24 PM
I will look into recipes for the Boo Balls I did put him in the big cage today and I tried to give him applesauce and/yogart and he didn't want anything to do with is but he did eat pumpkin and quite a bit of it. I am going to look for squash and make that for him this weekend but he seems to be doing better. I will keep everyone posted as to his progress. Thank you for all the advise I also bought that flora stuff and the water filter too OH YEa and I also wanted to know what common problems to look for with their teeth as there seems to be a dark spot on the end of one of his top teeth and was wondering if that was normal? Any advice on that?
Good for you! These same foods have been used as daily staples in a squirrel diet that has been used for 5 years, the squirrel now over 8 years of age doing well. Don't forget peas, they are a super source of protein. Also keep in mind that if you don't use block you will need to add in calcium magnesium and use sources with a high amount of phosphorus to balance it; this just the opposite of what you would do for a block diet that has a corn base that is used for a phosphorus source, which is the reason that these foods are limited with rodent block diets to begin with, otherwise they aren't, as most all calcium is going to be from a supplement, not the foods that dont' come close to supplying what it needed for these animals. I don't recommend feeding dried corn as it has the highest level of alfatoxins incidence of any food/
You can also grind up block and mix it into the squash (butternut), as this one has a good Calcium to Phosphorus.
Now that his appetite has kicked in, offer chicory leaves (high in calcium) mixed in with the squash he has accepted. Use only the baby ones, as the mature leaves lower calcium availability to the body. He may not eat it right away, but leave it in with him and likely he will eventually accept it. Just a wee bit of a piece is all that is needed.
Diggie's Friend
10-24-2017, 04:51 PM
OH YEa and I also wanted to know what common problems to look for with their teeth as there seems to be a dark spot on the end of one of his top teeth and was wondering if that was normal? Any advice on that?
Though I'm no expert in this kind of rehabbing issue with squirrels, this is likely this due to some damage that has occurred to the tooth. As to the outcome, you will have to wait and see; sometimes the tooth will come out and then regrow.
I thought about another way you may be able to get him to accept the organic yogurt that is a very good source of calcium, and higher in calcium than phosphorus. Get some organic blueberries and slice them in half feeding him about 1/4 Tsp, and place an additional 1/4 Tsp. of them sliced then crushed and mixed into 1/2 Tsp. of the yogurt. The juice should make it more appealing. You may want to intiially use the vanilla yogurt from Green Valley, a very good choice to introduce organic Lowfat yogurt to a squirrel's diet. With this he may just lap up the yogurt with the berries.
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