View Full Version : How many veggies do your babies eat a day?
Tootsie's mom
10-22-2017, 09:20 PM
Hi :wave123 okay I am wonder how much veggies your babies eats a day? do they eat twice a day or 3 times a day? just kind of wanting to get an idea of serving sizes and how many times a day! if you guys could post a pic of there plate that would be awesome!!! :camera i will post pics of hers tomorrow as i take them! i just want to make sure she is eating the amount she should be!! thank you so much in advance to anyone willing to post their babies plates!!! if you do post a pic could you please give me age of your baby too!! :thumbsup
island rehabber
10-23-2017, 07:57 AM
ooops I am just reading this after distributing six bowls to my kids and they've already demolished them. I feed ONE bowl of veggies (and a few fruits) in the morning along with an HHB each. Formula comes an hour or so later (after my aerobics class:grin3) Later in the early evening they get their treats -- a couple of nuts, avocado, and an HHB. I feed chickory, kale, sweet potato or yama, dandelion greens, sugar snaps for my NR only, mushrooms, butternut squash and a little apple or blueberries. used to feed cauliflower and broccoli but too much of it just sits there and rots.
Nancy in New York
10-23-2017, 08:32 AM
This is just a sample of some of the bowls.
If they finish, I will give extra veggies.
I mixed the veggies up daily, sometimes with
broccoli, beans, brussel sprouts, apple chunk, etc.
Always with avocado and sugar snap peas and the biggest
mushrooms I can find as they LOVE to shred them. :)
They get their HHB block first.
Late afternoon I give them mixed salad with raddichio,
dandelion, kale, chickory all added in with the mixed salad
you buy in a bag at the grocery store. Oh and another block
after their salad.
10-23-2017, 11:57 AM
What I give my guys on a regular basis are dandilion, radducio--but that's Scooter (everybody else tosses it on the floor), a LITTLE kale in hopes that one day somebody will eat it, snap peas, sweet potato, ****aki mushrooms because they love em, rose hips if I can find them, rose of sharon branches year round--even in the winter cause it's green wood and they love it, green lettuce or arugula because it looks good on the floor, Harlanteklad blocks so they have something to throw at each other, the occasional little piece of sweet corn with calcium sprinkled on it, limited pecan halves with calcium, butternut squash, pumpkin when I can find em. I sit one on the floor and after they have chewed it for a couple of days, I cut it open so they can get to the seeds, green beans sometimes tho they look at me with a "where the hell are the snap peas?" Expression before tasting a bean and tossing it. They get fresh cranberries, blueberries, grapes and apple slices for fruit. Very occasionally they get some orange. I don't give citrus in Iowa cause the squirrel's individual houzes are small but they have the run of the room. Since Scooter is incontinent he doesn't need the acid. At home they have big cages so they get their dinners in dishes. They get dinner in the morning--their blocks and some greens then after run time at night they get a bowl full of goodies and more blocks and Harlanteklad. In Iowa their dinners are served by the handfulls on top of their houzes. Saves dishes. I'd be real happy if they actually ate all their healthy foods but seems I'm mostly feeding the floor. They're all fat and sassy so I'm thinkin they eat when I'm not looking. The blocks I pick up off the floor look pretty well chewed on and the fruit I step on looks at least partially eaten. Hard to tell with greens as once thrown they wilt nicely wherever they hit. Snap peas are always yummed--as are the ****ake mushrooms (heeheehee--the **** in ****ake is ******out!)
PS: they do get broccoli or cauliflower and will yum it when it's fresh from the store. Won't touch it once refrigerated.
10-23-2017, 12:17 PM
This is just a sample of some of the bowls.
If they finish, I will give extra veggies.
I mixed the veggies up daily, sometimes with
broccoli, beans, brussel sprouts, apple chunk, etc.
Always with avocado and sugar snap peas and the biggest
mushrooms I can find as they LOVE to shred them. :)
They get their HHB block first.
Late afternoon I give them mixed salad with raddichio,
dandelion, kale, chickory all added in with the mixed salad
you buy in a bag at the grocery store. Oh and another block
after their salad.
Do your squees finish the whole portion in these bowls that you feed them? how old are they? My fur baby is a picky eater I have a hard time getting her to finish much of her food at all besides the HHB, which she loves.
10-23-2017, 12:24 PM
If your darling eats her HHB, everything else is window dressing.
Tootsie's mom
10-23-2017, 02:23 PM
This is just a sample of some of the bowls.
If they finish, I will give extra veggies.
I mixed the veggies up daily, sometimes with
broccoli, beans, brussel sprouts, apple chunk, etc.
Always with avocado and sugar snap peas and the biggest
mushrooms I can find as they LOVE to shred them. :)
They get their HHB block first.
Late afternoon I give them mixed salad with raddichio,
dandelion, kale, chickory all added in with the mixed salad
you buy in a bag at the grocery store. Oh and another block
after their salad.
Wow mine looks so skimpy compared to that awesome bowl!!!! Do they eat it all??!!! My girl only eats like half of what I give her! But she is taking 30cc of formula in morning and 40cc at night before bed lol how old are yours? 295208
Tootsie's mom
10-23-2017, 02:28 PM
I am starting to think she does not eat as much because she still drinks a good bit of formula a day... I just hate she is not gaining lime when she was smaller lol now it's sooo slow!!!
Tootsie's mom
10-23-2017, 02:40 PM
Also my princess never eats the whole block she gets 3 a day I break them in half and she will about a half each time so she is only eating about 1 1/2 blocks total a day. Do you guys think she will eat more once she weans off formula? I know I am not supposed to wean her but would it be okay to give her block in the morning before her formula so she will be more hungry. Then the formula. Then her veggies?
Tootsie's mom
10-23-2017, 02:49 PM
What I give my guys on a regular basis are dandilion, radducio--but that's Scooter (everybody else tosses it on the floor), a LITTLE kale in hopes that one day somebody will eat it, snap peas, sweet potato, ****aki mushrooms because they love em, rose hips if I can find them, rose of sharon branches year round--even in the winter cause it's green wood and they love it, green lettuce or arugula because it looks good on the floor, Harlanteklad blocks so they have something to throw at each other, the occasional little piece of sweet corn with calcium sprinkled on it, limited pecan halves with calcium, butternut squash, pumpkin when I can find em. I sit one on the floor and after they have chewed it for a couple of days, I cut it open so they can get to the seeds, green beans sometimes tho they look at me with a "where the hell are the snap peas?" Expression before tasting a bean and tossing it. They get fresh cranberries, blueberries, grapes and apple slices for fruit. Very occasionally they get some orange. I don't give citrus in Iowa cause the squirrel's individual houzes are small but they have the run of the room. Since Scooter is incontinent he doesn't need the acid. At home they have big cages so they get their dinners in dishes. They get dinner in the morning--their blocks and some greens then after run time at night they get a bowl full of goodies and more blocks and Harlanteklad. In Iowa their dinners are served by the handfulls on top of their houzes. Saves dishes. I'd be real happy if they actually ate all their healthy foods but seems I'm mostly feeding the floor. They're all fat and sassy so I'm thinkin they eat when I'm not looking. The blocks I pick up off the floor look pretty well chewed on and the fruit I step on looks at least partially eaten. Hard to tell with greens as once thrown they wilt nicely wherever they hit. Snap peas are always yummed--as are the ****ake mushrooms (heeheehee--the **** in ****ake is ******out!)
PS: they do get broccoli or cauliflower and will yum it when it's fresh from the store. Won't touch it once refrigerated.
So you feed twice a day. Maybe I feed her to much so she is never like really hungry just kinda like snacks all day instead of eating all at once.
Not the greatest photo of the plate, but last year I fed my overwinters hhb and a plate of veggies, one fruit and greens from outside twice a day. (a different combo of lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, mushroom, zucchini, avocado, celery, carrot, butternut squash, blueberry, apple, grape.)
They got a half of a nut for going back into the cage after play twice a day, so one almond a day. They also got a bowl of formula once a day until they were at least 6 months until they stopped liking it.
It doesn't look nearly as nice as Nancy's!
10-23-2017, 03:14 PM
I feed once a day. I do spring mix greens, snap peas, avocado, chayote and then switch up between butter nut squash, acorn squash, cherry tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, brussel sprouts, cranberries, plantain, mushrooms, grapes, and apples. They get an HHB first before anything else. Then at night they get another HHB and nut ball or two. My littles still take formula at night right now as well.
10-23-2017, 03:33 PM
It doesn't look nearly as nice as Nancy's!
NOTHING looks like Nancy's--and have you seen Owena's "presentation"!
NOTHING looks like Nancy's--and have you seen Owena's "presentation"!
No! But you bet I'll look for it now!
Tootsie's mom
10-23-2017, 04:32 PM
I feed once a day. I do spring mix greens, snap peas, avocado, chayote and then switch up between butter nut squash, acorn squash, cherry tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, brussel sprouts, cranberries, plantain, mushrooms, grapes, and apples. They get an HHB first before anything else. Then at night they get another HHB and nut ball or two. My littles still take formula at night right now as well.
How old is your baby?
Tootsie's mom
10-23-2017, 06:37 PM
On the food chart are sweet peas considered green peas or the sugar peas sorry if this is a stupid question but wow I am learning about veggies I never even knew about since trying to figure out what to feed her lol also where do you get butternut squash?! Is that a seasonal one?
I was feeding overwinters and I think it's like Pumpkin and gourds and come around in the fall/winter.
Tootsie's mom
10-24-2017, 08:01 AM
I was feeding overwinters and I think it's like Pumpkin and gourds and come around in the fall/winter.
Oh well I saw them in the store! I was looking for squash that looked like yellow squash with a differnt name on lable. I did get this odd looking little squash almost looks like a mix between a bell pepper and green tomato and boy oh boy she loves that one!
Tootsie's mom
10-24-2017, 08:04 AM
So I tried the block then formula then veggie route this morning boom worked like a charm she ate the whole block not half of it. She did leave a bit of formula this time not much lol then she went and nibble on some veggies!! Yay this is sooooo the new order for breakfast!!
Tootsie's mom
10-24-2017, 08:19 AM
Oh well I saw them in the store! I was looking for squash that looked like yellow squash with a differnt name on lable. I did get this odd looking little squash almost looks like a mix between a bell pepper and green tomato and boy oh boy she loves that one!
This is it! Chayote squash she loves it!
10-24-2017, 09:14 AM
My babies like chayote! I can usually get butternut squash year round at walmart. It's kind of an orangey-yellow color. Usually a little thinner in the middle then it is at both or one end. Sometimes they look kind of like a peanut shape. At walmart they are usually in the center isles in the produce section near the potatoes and tomatoes. There the oval yellow ones that are spaghetti squash. Mine eat that as well. Yes snap peas are sugar snap peas. Those are always a fav!
10-24-2017, 09:23 AM
Muggsy, a 17 week-old Eastern grey, gets one big plate in the morning with homemade nut square crumbles (from Mr. Sells' kit), an HHB for babies, a couple of OxBow blocks, and veggies: arugula, spinach, raddiccio (sp?), sugar snap peas, broccoli stems, sweet potato occasionally, fresh coconut occasionally, butternut squash or yellow squash, mushroom caps, and recently, bok choy! This is at 5:45am ish. Midday, he gets a weaning formula Boo Ball (from recipe on TSB), and maybe an almond or pecan half.
Early evening, he gets a piece of plum or pear, and maybe a half a pecan.
Fresh water from a bottle waterer all the time.
7:30pm ish, about 15-20 ccs of FV formula. I think he likes it mostly for "comfort" food...because Muggsy will only take formula from a dish! This is the only time he wants it, and if I go to say goodnight (and haven't given him his nightly formula)...he will suck on the tips of my fingers and lick my hands until I get his Fox Valley. Spoiled much?
Oh, and he eats every bit of his blocks...each kind! His favorite are the nut squares I make with blueberry puree and a dehydrator (Mr. Sells' formula). This is the first thing he looks for every morning.
Muggsy currently uses Duck Dynasty plastic plates (discarded by my daughter as soon as she hit driving age, as being "un-cool") as his serving ware. And no, for whatever reason, he does not chew the plates. They are rotated once a day.
If I remember, I can show ya a pic after tomorrow's morning buffet.
Tootsie's mom
10-24-2017, 11:48 AM
My babies like chayote! I can usually get butternut squash year round at walmart. It's kind of an orangey-yellow color. Usually a little thinner in the middle then it is at both or one end. Sometimes they look kind of like a peanut shape. At walmart they are usually in the center isles in the produce section near the potatoes and tomatoes. There the oval yellow ones that are spaghetti squash. Mine eat that as well. Yes snap peas are sugar snap peas. Those are always a fav!
Okay thanks I will be on the hunt for them!
10-24-2017, 05:29 PM
My babies like chayote! I can usually get butternut squash year round at walmart. It's kind of an orangey-yellow color. Usually a little thinner in the middle then it is at both or one end. Sometimes they look kind of like a peanut shape. At walmart they are usually in the center isles in the produce section near the potatoes and tomatoes. There the oval yellow ones that are spaghetti squash. Mine eat that as well. Yes snap peas are sugar snap peas. Those are always a fav!
Where do you get chayote and someone mentioned feeding chickory which I also haven’t seen. :confused::confused:
Mine liked acorn squash the best (dark green with orange flecks, roundish). I'm so glad she ate her block first! Great job:dance
Tootsie's mom
10-24-2017, 07:22 PM
Where do you get chayote and someone mentioned feeding chickory which I also haven’t seen. :confused::confused:
I saw it for the first time at walmart this week. So it may by a season thing... or maybe I just never noticed it. It was right above yellow squash. Glad a grabbed on she loves it! Not sure about chickory I don't even know what that is maybe someone will post a pic and say what it's usually by in the store!
Tootsie's mom
10-24-2017, 07:24 PM
Mine liked acorn squash the best (dark green with orange flecks, roundish). I'm so glad she ate her block first! Great job:dance
I swear I just need to stop going to walmart but it's the closest to me so I always just go there but I have not seen any of these others only the yellow. Ugh!!
Tootsie's mom
10-24-2017, 07:49 PM
So I did not feed her lunch today just a block and gave her a big dinner and breakfast which does really make her eat better but wow that was she aggressive!! Holy crap! She was not bitting but she was jumping in and out of her cage trying to claw my face. Making noises and all! So instead of letting her run me off I just stayed right there and let her know she was not going to scare me. I grabbed her and held her for a minute and let her scream bloody murder... I was only holding her but wow she made it sound like I was chopping her legs off. She is a bit on the dramatic side :grin2 then I put her back down and she was still not happy I was there but at least she was not jumping on me anymore! I knew if I let her think she could run me off it would only get much much worse.
10-24-2017, 08:14 PM
I swear I just need to stop going to walmart but it's the closest to me so I always just go there but I have not seen any of these others only the yellow. Ugh!!
The winter squashes are not by the yellow squash in my Walmart. I’m sure they carry them. I’d just ask someone. I wouldn’t know what half this stuff was if I didn’t have a beardie before I found Sammy!:grin2
10-25-2017, 12:49 AM
She did leave a bit of formula this time not much
Cut the formula down to 2cc and she will eat more veggies.
Tootsie's mom
10-25-2017, 04:31 PM
Cut the formula down to 2cc and she will eat more veggies.
2cc?!!! I don't want to wean her I am okay with her drinking formula... she drinks 30 to 35 cc in morning and about 40 at night. I think she would die.... just fall right over with one hand on her little forehead and one on her chest in slow motion just to add dramatics if I cut her formula that much! LOL :rotfl i changed her around a bit I started doing block then formula then veggies. So that way she eats all her blocks! Little stinker! I want her to take formula as long as she can I hear it's the best for her. And she is eating lots of veggies now that I only feed twice a day instead of three.
Tootsie's mom
10-25-2017, 05:17 PM
She freaking loves peas!
She's PEELING them? :rotfl
Tootsie's mom
10-25-2017, 05:31 PM
She's PEELING them? :rotfl
Oh yes only the yummy middle for princess tootsie!! :bowdown
Tootsie's mom
10-25-2017, 05:36 PM
She's PEELING them? :rotfl
I was peeling for her but then she decided she was a big girl and wanted to do it herself lol
Nancy in New York
10-25-2017, 06:11 PM
I was peeling for her but then she decided she was a big girl and wanted to do it herself lol
I love this that you were peeling peas for your princess.
You're the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!:w00t
Tootsie's mom
10-25-2017, 06:29 PM
I love this that you were peeling peas for your princess.
You're the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!:w00t
Thanks!! My husband just shakes his head at me at the things I do for her lol like the peas he says I think she can do it. i said well she wants me to do so I am!!!! But then she had to show mommy she was a big girl and she would not take the ones I peeled anymore she wanted to do it herself!
Who the heck was peeling peas? Please don't tell Ruby....I spoil her but I don't want her pouting because that's where I am going to draw a line. Tootsie, your amazing!
Tootsie's mom
10-25-2017, 06:56 PM
Who the heck was peeling peas? Please don't tell Ruby....I spoil her but I don't want her pouting because that's where I am going to draw a line. Tootsie, your amazing!
I know it's ridiculous how wrapped around her finger I am!
Tootsie's mom
10-25-2017, 08:27 PM
Does anyone know at how many weeks or months are they considered an adult?
10-25-2017, 08:30 PM
Sammy’s is over a year old and I still don’t consider his rotten butt an adult!:grin2
P.S. I peel sugar snaps when they first start getting them too. I always worry they don’t know how to do it or what’s inside. Haha.
Tootsie's mom
10-25-2017, 08:54 PM
Lol yeah i dont think she will ever be to me either!!I was just curious at what age they should be hitting adult weight. Like I see that adult squirrels weigh 400-600g. But how old would that be? 4 months,6 months, a year? Maybe someone on here knows I have tried to Google it many different ways and just can't find the answer.
Tootsie's mom
10-25-2017, 08:56 PM
P.S. I peel sugar snaps when they first start getting them too. I always worry they don’t know how to do it or what’s inside. Haha.
Ha! Glad I'm not the only one!! :grin3
10-26-2017, 12:12 PM
I was just curious at what age they should be hitting adult weight.
Squirrels are fully independent in a year and are considered adults.
10-26-2017, 12:48 PM
I feed a variety once each day after HHB. They get a piece of fruit and avacado in the evening after the 2nd HHB then a nut before lights out.
Diggie's Friend
10-26-2017, 02:01 PM
Try this out:
This organic pumpkin oil is a very healthly food source, which has been used in a squirrel diet for some years. It has a nutty flavor and aroma; just add 1 drop (1 drop = (1/64 Tsp.) onto a leafy green or veggie portion, or on cooked squash to make it more appealing for the squirrel. The bottle lasts a very long time in your refrigerator. You can also use it yourself on salads, or on already cooked foods, just not as a cooking oil.
Regular peas are more nutritious, no pealing required, super source of plant protein, and low in fat!
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