View Full Version : How much rodent block a day?

10-17-2017, 10:31 PM
My 12 week old is finally eating block after weeks of trying to coax her to eat HHP. She just wouldn't consistently eat them, even after rubbing a tiny bit of coconut oil on it, then taking away a formula feeding. Finally in exasperation I offered a dish of her choice with Zupreem, Mazuri and the HHP. She grabbed the Zupreem and ate it as fast as she could! Then she went for the Mazuri! The HHP she passes right over, every day. Doesn't even bother to hide it, ignores it totally! I've given her four Zupreem in day and I think she'd eat more. There were no feeding guidelines with neither the Zupreem nor Mazuri. How many do I give her? How often? I'm also confused if they are just supplements to ?? or a complete nutrition.

Additional Questions:
At what age is a squirrel considered an adult?
How much should she weigh eventually? (She's about 375g right now.)


10-17-2017, 11:40 PM
She grabbed the Zupreem and ate it as fast as she could! Then she went for the Mazuri!
Drop the Zupreem, its only for birds. Mazuri rodent blocks are okay if she won't eat HHB. Supposedly equal nutrition to HHB. Many rehabbers swear by them.
But also include some cabbage, romaine, and arugula.
If she eats well, reward her with grapes, apple slices, and sunflower seeds as dessert.
My routine is: morning - only rodent blocks. Lunch - add vegetables. Supper - desert. Next morning I clean out caches and start over.

Also get her used to drinking water from a dish. (No bottles or syringes in the wild!)

Also add an antler or steak bone to cage, for her to grind her teeth and get calcium. No chicken or pork bones.

You should have her in a nesting box by now, so she can practice nest building.

10-18-2017, 02:22 AM
My 12 week old is finally eating block after weeks of trying to coax her to eat HHP. She just wouldn't consistently eat them, even after rubbing a tiny bit of coconut oil on it, then taking away a formula feeding. Finally in exasperation I offered a dish of her choice with Zupreem, Mazuri and the HHP. She grabbed the Zupreem and ate it as fast as she could! Then she went for the Mazuri! The HHP she passes right over, every day. Doesn't even bother to hide it, ignores it totally! I've given her four Zupreem in day and I think she'd eat more. There were no feeding guidelines with neither the Zupreem nor Mazuri. How many do I give her? How often? I'm also confused if they are just supplements to ?? or a complete nutrition.
Additional Questions:
At what age is a squirrel considered an adult?
How much should she weigh eventually? (She's about 375g right now.)

Your Zupreem rodent block aka monkey biscuits are fine, both they and the Mazuri can be free fed.
As long as she is eating block you don't need a count, let her eat what she wants along with healthy
vegetables for complete nutrition.

Squirrels do not always have a puddle to drink from in the wild and will suck the moisture from bark, leaves, roots
and other means to get their water. They are very adaptable, supplying drinking water either by dish or by water
bottle are both acceptable. Many will use both. Placing the water bottle above the water dish catches any drips
from the bottle while giving them two sources of water.
I'm attaching the link to the healthy diet pyramid below, you can feed veggies from group 1 & 2 freely,
group 3 in limited amounts as stated.

Fruit should be limited to two pieces per day, nuts for captives should only be given as a treat and very limited.
When feeding nuts you want to feed the ones that have a more balanced Calcium to Phosphorous ratio.
Roasted Almonds, C:1.0 P:1.8 - Hazel nuts, C:1.0 P:1.7 - Pecan, C:1.0 P:4.0 - Walnut, C:1.0 P:3.5 are best
Seeds of any kind are discouraged due to the higher Pos ratio. Ex: Sunflower seed, C:1.0 P:13.1 - Pumpkin Seed, C:1.0 P:27

Squirrels reach full maturity at one year and are ready to mate.
Weights can be individual depending on breed and build of squirrel as well as the season. Fully grown (grey) adults can range
500-550 grams and up.
Healthy diet pyramid:

10-18-2017, 06:58 PM
I give my 7 little ones 2 per day. One first thing in the morning,and one prior to bed. The blocks make them thirsty..Mine are still on puppy milk and I will continue with the milk as long as they will continue drinking it. in between I give them fresh vegetables and 2 pieces of fruit per day. They always have water available as well. This combo should keep them quite healthy!

10-20-2017, 01:33 PM
My 12 week old is finally eating block after weeks of trying to coax her to eat HHP. She just wouldn't consistently eat them, even after rubbing a tiny bit of coconut oil on it, then taking away a formula feeding. Finally in exasperation I offered a dish of her choice with Zupreem, Mazuri and the HHP. She grabbed the Zupreem and ate it as fast as she could! Then she went for the Mazuri! The HHP she passes right over, every day. Doesn't even bother to hide it, ignores it totally! I've given her four Zupreem in day and I think she'd eat more. There were no feeding guidelines with neither the Zupreem nor Mazuri. How many do I give her? How often? I'm also confused if they are just supplements to ?? or a complete nutrition.

Additional Questions:
At what age is a squirrel considered an adult?
How much should she weigh eventually? (She's about 375g right now.)


The block you are using can be free fed, as stepnstone said. You can also try Harlan Teklad 2018. They must be purchased online, but have been well received by my squirrels. Mine pass over HHBs too, in favor of boo balls made from Harlan block. They are complete nutrition, as is Mazuri and Zupreem. HHBs are a supplemental block.

Weight at maturity is dependent on where you are located in the country. Grey squirrels in the south (Florida) seem to max out around 400gr. Northern greys are much bigger.