View Full Version : Looking for a possible new pet...

10-08-2017, 10:36 PM
Back in 2006, I became the owner (or is it the owned? *LOL*) of a beautiful baby flying squirrel named Tajar. She was a Hurricane Rita baby. She came to me at around 3 weeks old and was quite the little furball princess. She was a brilliant escape artist who would not only let herself out of her cage, but back in when she wanted. After we made a move from Texas to Kansas, we got a new baby to join in her antics, a little boy named Baxter. Unfortunately Baxter got sick and passed away about 7 months after we got him. Tajar lived on several years go be our only flyer.

We thought we would lose her though one night when we moved from an apartment to a house. We'd put her in a smaller cage to make the 5 mile trip, but when we put her cage in the truck, we realized that in the few seconds it took to get her cage from the apartment to the truck, she got out. It was at night and I just KNEW she had run off, until my husband turned around to try to look, and I saw her shimmy down the back of his jacket. Apparently she didn't want to go free, she just didn't want to be in the cage! So she took a nap in his jacket while we took her over to the house.

There was one night I wanted to lock every door of her cage though. We had just come back from a trip to Texas and walked into the house. (We'd had a friend coming daily to feed her and talk to her the week we were gone). I went to her cage to make sure she had water and some nuts but I decided not to make a fresh veggie/fruit plate because... well after a 14+ hour trip I was lazy and exhausted. So I told her goodnight and walked through the house to the bedroom, stripping clothes off as I went. I had just put a nightshirt on and laid down when I felt the little pitter patter of a flyer playing trampoline on my butt. *grumbles* She had apparently followed us through the house as we went (and yes, the doors on her cage had been closed. She was that quick with bobbing a door open). She then decided to play hide and seek for 20 minutes, until I sat down next to the bed and put my head on the mattress, almost in tears of exhaustion. She came up to see what was going on and I talked her into letting me put her back in the cage. (Okay so I did mention "grape" and "sweet potato" in the same sentence.... I was not too proud to bribe her *LOL*)

Unfortunately she died in 2014 and I just wasn't emotionally ready for another fur baby. But I think my husband and I are ready to start looking again. Unfortunately, sometime in the past several years, the person I got Tajar and Baxter from has passed away. She was a very sweet lady and I'm sorry I lost touch with her. Now though I am hoping someone out there is having upcoming litters. We reside in Wichita, KS now and are hoping to find someone in Kansas or Oklahoma. I'd really like a very young pup that I can "bottle feed". We also may be open to other types of squirrels but we'd like a young one. Thanks!