View Full Version : Acorn cookies!

Gypsy Love
09-28-2017, 12:26 AM
Okay, so apparently I'm THAT squirrel mom. I decided to spoil Beensy and make her some super fancy looking "acorn" treats. It took some experimenting to get the right consistency- I wanted them to be crunchy after baking. I probably spent way too much time making these but I don't even mind, my efforts paid off and she absolutely loves these things! She eats them like a kid- icing first, then the cookie. They also make for an ADORABLE picture, and Beensy actually sits STILL long enough while eating them so you can take the picture! They are made up mostly of oxbow rodent block (150-200g or more?), 100g-ish organic baby food, 50g of formula, 50g of ground up almond, 10g-ish? of organic coconut oil. There may have been more rodent block but I sort of lost track as I messed around to get them right. She won't eat the oxbow on its own, but apparently in cookies it is fine! The icing is vanilla yogurt, and I didn't put it on all of them. They are about the size of a nickel but 2-3x the thickness and I made 150+ of them. I think she could probably have a few of these a day, and she only gets them after her formula, Henrys and salad. Maybe she likes them because of the almond? These are the only exposure she has had to nuts, I figure they're healthier than giving her a whole nut anyway! I'll add some pictures of her eating them later :)

09-28-2017, 01:10 AM
Okay, so apparently I'm THAT squirrel mom. I decided to spoil Beensy and make her some super fancy looking "acorn" treats.
You are so :owned http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif
They sound and look so wonderful I'd even be tempted to try them. :grin2