View Full Version : New Squirrel Mom.

09-26-2017, 02:13 PM
Hello Friends,

My name is Nicole and i am lover of all things animals. I have a small farm with horses, donkeys, zebras, chicken, ducks, and of course cats and dogs. I have currently started school again after taking a little time to figure out what I wanted to do. I have just started taking my prerequisites for my Associates degree in Applied Sciences to become a license Vet Tech with hopes of becoming a Vet in the future.

I have always had a giant soft spot for squirrels, so when I found an orphaned Eastern Grey Squirrel out here in Washington state I knew I had to take care of him and adopt him. There is an independent Squirrel Refuge out here but the women isnt very good at getting back to me about taking care of my little guy who I have name Fig. I found this forum through google and after browsing through it I have gladly joined in hopes of making some amazing squirrel friends.

i look forward to talking to all of you and learning about by Fig.


09-26-2017, 02:50 PM
:Welcometo TSB
Please tell us more about your baby Fig...
How old, how much he weighs, what are you feeding, etc
...and pictures, we love pictures! :grin2

09-26-2017, 03:13 PM
Fig is about 8 weeks old he is eating about 8-10ml of formula two to three times a day he LOVES carrots and avocado. He also eats a "monkey chow" to help with his calcium intake.
He loves to curl up in my sweater pocket or hood to sleep after we play. These pictures were taken pretty early on when he joined my family. He now has a beautiful full curly tail and is a mad man during the time he is awake. i will take more picture of him and post them this evening :)


:Welcometo TSB
Please tell us more about your baby Fig...
How old, how much he weighs, what are you feeding, etc
...and pictures, we love pictures! :grin2