View Full Version : 10 week old squirrel not eating solids yet!

09-22-2017, 05:32 PM
Hi! My little guy Peanut is 9 or 10 weeks old. He opened his eyes 5 weeks ago. I feed him fox valley formula 3 to 4 times a day. He's a good eater he just doesn't show much interest in anything else. I keep HHB's in his cage along with a water bottle (that he still doesn't drink out of) and he never tries to eat them. I will put them up to his mouth and he will nibble a little but nothing comes off of it and then he will act like he's eating. He also can't hold onto them very long, like he doesn't have good coordination. I'm concerned he hasn't started eating his block at all yet. Plus he only has 4 teeth. 2 really long ones on bottom and 2 short top ones. Is all this normal? Please help! :dono:dono:

09-22-2017, 05:38 PM
Yes those are normal teeth. Can you post a photo of him? Front facing, side and top, tail included.

09-22-2017, 06:06 PM
I could barely get one without him moving :grin2

09-22-2017, 06:14 PM
He looks normal to me. Let's see what other squee moms and dads have to say about getting baby to eat his block. (Remember, it molds very quickly so should be kept in freezer and fridge until served.)

09-22-2017, 06:55 PM
Thank you. Im glad he looks good! Yes I keep them in the freezer and thaw in fridge, then cut them up before I give them to him. I just cut one smaller and he seemed more interested in it. Maybe it has to do also with size....

09-22-2017, 06:57 PM
Would it be ok to give him unsweetened applesauce yet?

09-22-2017, 07:00 PM
From my experience, some of them just take longer to wean then others, but I always let them have formula for as long as they want it because I know for certain they are getting great nutrition while on it. I have had babies that didn't show any interest in solids until about 12 weeks, but I just keep giving them a fresh Henry's block twice a day and eventually they will start to eat it. I would hold off on giving anything other solids until he is eating his block well, but you could try mixing a very small amount of applesauce in with his block to encourage him to eat it.
All little squirrels are uncoordinated with holding food while eating when they first start, but the coordination should come with time. He looks like a normal, healthly little squirrel to me. And super cute too!:Love_Icon

09-22-2017, 07:21 PM
Thank You! ok I will continue with the block and I will probably try a small amount of apple sauce in a couple of weeks if he is not more yet.