View Full Version : Head jerks alot at 5 weeks

09-19-2017, 03:40 AM
Last Thurs I got a message from a friend asking if I was interested in 2 more babies. Perfect timing as my current young man, Grunt, was ready to set out on his own, I believed. They did at first glance appear to be all pink bellied and plump. As it was 2am the plan was a quick check for broken bones, general appearance, and some hydration, and sleep.
THEY were in a box wrapped together in blankets, and the box was warm as I carried it inside. And they were so cold feeling. This is South Carolina-102° and 210%humidity. Nothing is cold here after a hurricane. Looking closer they moved like a 3 or 4 week old would. Yet their eyes opened within a couple hours. Twich saw me as he opened his eyes for the first time until moments later he closed them again forever. SQUEAK 2 looks at me as I lay her inside the carrier I keep beside my bed with a wide bridge to me. Most nights, all of my animals- pets and otherwise- mostly sleep against me. As did she.
Their skin was so taunt and hard feeling, very little color in gums, and cold. This was not good. I hydrated with a few drips of Pedialyte every 15 min to each. Twitch passed before I could get even a few drops in him.
Anyway, Squeak did in fact, Squeak. Alot. Didn't fuss when food was late, and ate most things easily. I hydrated her until skin was supple again and was happy she ate aggressively. Her energy even seemed to improve slightly. But it's declined again and still having violent head jerks. Different from sleeping jerks. Squeak is very clingy and lethargic also. With mild constipation.
Is she gonna be ok?

09-19-2017, 03:43 AM
Her chest jerks hard at times also. So hard it looks lime it hurts.

09-19-2017, 06:16 AM
Can you post a photo of this little one so we can help with age and health? It sounds like you're describing a seizure. What have you been feeding her since you got her hydrated? You can use your finger and put a dab of honey or syrup on baby's gums which will help with low blood sugar.

How have you been keeping her warm during the day?

I have to go to work, Divine. Stay on the board and keep refreshing this page so you can get the advice you need to help this baby!

09-19-2017, 09:27 PM
I agree with cava; it sounds like it could be seizures. It's possible there was swelling on the brain that couldn't be detected during an initial overview. If there is any vet that will see squeak, I think an appointment is in order. My Cleo was totally unresponsive for 2 1/2 days and had seizures every other hour for a week. I don't know if she would've pulled through had the vet not subq'd her and given her injections of steroids and antibiotics the first full day I had her (she was brought to me the evening before-like yours). He did all of that fully not believing she would make it, and we made plans to euthanize her if she didn't start responding in 24hrs. She did, like magic really, though she'll never be a normal squirrel (she doesn't know that, so it's o.k.)... Even after she was responsive and improving though, those seizures were a real scare. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and your little one.