View Full Version : Squirrel Rehabber in Atlanta and North Georgia

09-18-2017, 11:56 AM
Hello. I am a new(ish) rehabber in Georgia, for Atlanta and areas north of there.
I have rehabbed squirrels before... 5 litters totaling 11 squirrels.. all less than 5 weeks with one set of 3 pinks.
Now that I am (fully) retired I have more time to dedicate to 3am feedings, so I am stepping up my game.

Happy to say I have had a 100% health rate, and a 91% success with soft release.
(One little monster decided to pick the door lock an hour after her cage moved outside).
Ironically, she was the only one that decided to stay in the area, and has had 4 litters in the eaves of my house.
(I could not get her to move out, and had to build her a balcony, and mesh ladder for her babies)
And she has spent 3 years taunting my dogs by dropping nuts and pine cones on their heads.
(She literally climbs out over them and lines up the shot before dropping them).

I have stocked up on Fox valley, Esbilac, Powdered electrolyte, and dropped my name at several pet and feed stores.
Lets see what this fall season brings.

Best to all of you and your babies.

island rehabber
09-18-2017, 12:58 PM
Oh how I wish you lived in the Bronx, NY!! (Although I am fairly certain you don't wish you did :rotfl)
Love your eagerness and good preparation -- man could we use you and five others like you around here! :grouphug
Welcome to TSB :grin3

09-19-2017, 08:34 AM
Do you have experience with flyers?

09-19-2017, 10:36 AM
:Welcome to TSB

And she has spent 3 years taunting my dogs by dropping nuts and pine cones on their heads.
(She literally climbs out over them and lines up the shot before dropping them).

I can see it now, poor doggy... http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/smiley.gif



09-20-2017, 09:13 PM
Do you have experience with flyers?
Sorry, no flyer experience.

Turns out I barely got my supplies ready in time.
Had a 7 week old female gray delivered to me today.
She is WAY to comfortable with humans. (They spent a week letting her climb all over them, because it was so cute.)

09-20-2017, 11:07 PM
are you a certified wildlife rehabber? I couldn't find one in GA. I would like to become one but your suppose to intern with a certified rehabber first before fish and wildlife will give you a license. Let me know if you have any info on it here, or if you just take them in anyways.


09-21-2017, 06:26 AM
are you a certified wildlife rehabber? I couldn't find one in GA. I would like to become one but your suppose to intern with a certified rehabber first before fish and wildlife will give you a license. Let me know if you have any info on it here, or if you just take them in anyways.

Sent you a PM.