View Full Version : Aspirated a little formula, sneezy, --should I go ahead and start antibiotics?

09-18-2017, 12:54 PM
Hello- I'm new here to squirrel board.
Am trying to save an Irma orphan of approx 5 weeks. Was doing great until this morning. I must have fed too quickly, he got some formula in his nose. Sneezed a lot.
No clicking as of yet- (I'm unable to view the pneumonia video).
Should I go ahead and administer antibiotics? I don't have any on hand, so I'm going searching in small town. Will fish Cipro , or Fish amoxicillon work?
Trying not to panic, but I know that they slip downhill so quickly....


09-18-2017, 01:03 PM
correction! I do hear faint clicking. Still need information on whether fish antibiotics work.

09-18-2017, 01:09 PM
Fish Cipro (250mg or 500mg) will work fine. I would not start ABs yet but I would have them on hand ready to go. Watch for regular clicking, loss of appetite, lethargy, sneezing/wheezing, mouth breathing. Basically any two of those symptoms and you need to start Cipro ASAP! But a single instance of of snorting up formula does not NECESSARILY mean aspiration pneumonia. Watch closely and be ready. We can help with dosing if needed, we will need an accurate weight and the strength of the pill used.

Nancy in New York
10-02-2017, 11:38 AM
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