View Full Version : Squirrel pox in babies now in Florida!

09-16-2017, 02:06 PM
I am a foster for a rehabilitation place in Florida and they just found out that babies are now getting squirrel pox!!!! They are trying to get pictures and informs out because they have never seen it in babies before. Once they send over the information after putting it together I'll be sure to post it on here.

farm mom
09-18-2017, 07:24 PM
They need to isolate all incoming babies by litters to avoid cross contamination. Each litter needs it's own feeding syringe and nipple, and don't all dip into the same container of heated formula. Heat the main formula and pour what you need for that litter into a baby food jar. Wash that jar with soap and hot water before using it for the next group. They also need to isolate any babies with bumps or lumps or sores.