View Full Version : New squirrel enthusiast from Florida

09-15-2017, 10:58 PM
Hey, squirrel enthusiasts! I just recently rescued a little squirrel friend after Hurricane Irma hit here in Winter Park, Florida. I have not had experience with caring for squirrels, but I have cared for anole lizards and fish in the past, I have a small dog, and I previously had two cats before they died of age. I know to keep this squirrel separate from my dog and I have done tons of research on how to care for my furry friend.

My squirrel, Chip, is a male eastern gray squirrel that I predict is about 5 weeks old. His eyes are open, he has a nice coat of gray fur, his top and bottom front teeth have grown in, but his tail is not yet curled.

As of now, Chip loves to climb and he really likes meeting new people. He is a very outgoing little squirrel, albeit he sleeps a lot, as any baby should.

I feed Chip ~4mL of esbilac with a syringe 3 times a day and take him out into my porch to climb around. When he's not playing, I have him in a cat cage with leaves, sticks, a basket, and other materials to make a nest out of. He truly hates the cage, and I hope to upgrade him to a large, indoor, multi-level cage soon.

Also, Chip has his own Instagram account, @chipthesquirrel (https://www.instagram.com/chipthesquirrel/) if you'd like to follow his progress. I always appreciate new followers!

Anyways, that's Chip for you. If you have suggestions for stuff to put in his cage or anything like that, I'm all ears.

09-16-2017, 12:53 AM
Hey, squirrel enthusiasts! I just recently rescued a little squirrel friend after Hurricane Irma hit here in Winter Park, Florida. I have not had experience with caring for squirrels, but I have cared for anole lizards and fish in the past, I have a small dog, and I previously had two cats before they died of age. I know to keep this squirrel separate from my dog and I have done tons of research on how to care for my furry friend.

My squirrel, Chip, is a male eastern gray squirrel that I predict is about 5 weeks old. His eyes are open, he has a nice coat of gray fur, his top and bottom front teeth have grown in, but his tail is not yet curled.

As of now, Chip loves to climb and he really likes meeting new people. He is a very outgoing little squirrel, albeit he sleeps a lot, as any baby should.

I feed Chip ~4mL of esbilac with a syringe 3 times a day and take him out into my porch to climb around. When he's not playing, I have him in a cat cage with leaves, sticks, a basket, and other materials to make a nest out of. He truly hates the cage, and I hope to upgrade him to a large, indoor, multi-level cage soon.

Also, Chip has his own Instagram account, @chipthesquirrel (https://www.instagram.com/chipthesquirrel/) if you'd like to follow his progress. I always appreciate new followers!

Anyways, that's Chip for you. If you have suggestions for stuff to put in his cage or anything like that, I'm all ears.

Babies eyes open at 5 weeks, Chip looks to be at least 6 weeks IMO. Do you have a weight on Chip?
Babies are fed between 5-7% of their body weight, 4 ml is not enough nutrition for a baby his age and should be fed every 4-5 hrs at least 4 x per 24. Having a scale that weighs in grams is not an option, it's essential! Not just for proper feeding but also for medicating if it were to become necessary. Meds are also dosed by body weight.
What is the Esbilac you are feeding, is it like the one pictured below?