View Full Version : Brand New: ready to learn from the right people

09-14-2017, 10:48 PM
Hi, brand new squirrel Grammy here. My daughter has officially claimed the orphan boy Sammy but Grammy's gonna make sure she takes care of him properly. Been reading lots of posts about calcium, phosphorus, food, and heat etc. My best guess from what I've read is our little Sammy is 8-10wks old. He is eating solid food and drinking from a bowl, has his fur and loves to climb everyone. We got him a large ferret cage and ceramic dishes for food and water. Looking for the proper diet to feed him and habitat suggestions. Willing to learn whatever it takes to make sure he's a happy and thriving little boy. My daughter plainly told me he was a boy because she checked lol. Also, is there a preferred type of bedding or something I shouldn't be be using. We have pine shavings in the bottom of his cage and placed two types of hammocks and a soft "fur" lined tube for him to get up and down the levels. Also put in an old tshirt for him to bunch and nest in. Going to make some adjustments after reading today to include a nice sturdy stick from top to bottom, get him a rodent block, and ensure he has lots of things that are good for him to chew on to keep his teeth in shape. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated and welcome! 😊

09-14-2017, 10:52 PM

We use sheets for bedding for all our cages. Shavings produce a lot of dust and is hard on their little noses. Of course we need pictures!!

09-15-2017, 08:35 AM
I can't quite figure out how to post pics in here yet. I do consider myself computer savvy though so I will prevail, hoping this works!292991

09-15-2017, 08:37 AM
This is Sammy helping my son with his school work!

09-15-2017, 08:46 AM
Awww, I love foxers!!!

09-15-2017, 09:00 AM
My daughter's new bunk mate...

09-15-2017, 09:55 AM
Please be careful with Sammy. He needs to be able to be caged and not have the run of the house. They are very easy to step on or close in doors, especially with children your kids age. All toilet lids must be down and every electrical cord covered or pull out. I am sure your children love him. Your children and Sammy are very dear!:grouphug

09-15-2017, 09:10 PM
No worries. He's not allowed to have the run of the house. He's only loose under supervision. He goes in the cage anytime myself or my daughter who is 14 isn't watching him.