View Full Version : Toys?

Gypsy Love
09-09-2017, 11:39 PM
I bought a bunch of fleece for making things for my little reds cage. I am planning to make a boa, but would love to avoid dragging out the sewing machine if I don't have to. Could I use hot glue to attach the fleece to itself instead of sewing? Any ideas for other things to make with fleece?

09-10-2017, 12:51 AM
I too have a red and personally suggest not using glue. My little guy chews on EVERYTHING. It's hard enough to watch what he chews on and swallows without intentionally putting hazardous materials into the cage. There are numerous cute fleece items you can make but will need your sewing machine. I made a condo, boa, tube/tunnels with multiple exits, three level honey comb hammock and stuffed toys. The condo is a must have... My red LOVES his home!

Not a fleece toy but my reds favorite toy is a empty two liter bottle of soda with a hole cute out and hung in his cage. He plays with the bottle everyday and I love watching...