View Full Version : Have taken in 4 week baby flying squirrel ADVICE please!

09-08-2017, 12:22 PM
My cat brought to my bedroom approx 4 week flyer, baby was a bit wounded but not massively. I understood that with the cat graze he should not be left out in hopes mama will come, he needed help. Cleaned him up with mild dish soap then antibiotic ointment. He took esbilac well right away, I don't think he was dehydrated at all, probably was only just separated from mother. Felt he should have antibiotic in case of septic infection but could not get any so gave him tiny amounts of liquid colloidal silver for 2 days, then he really seemed to pick up so stopped the silver. He eats formula really well and holds the syringe, pees regularly with stimulation and he poos by himself. He seems like he is REALLY doing well 😊 We've had him 6 days. If he were going to get septic infection, would that likely have happened by now?? What do I do next.... could he be placed outside with supervision in hopes that mom will come back to get him? Or do we raise him till he would be ready to be released independently? Cold weather is coming soon so I imagine if we look after him for a while he could not be released till spring.... Any advice about infection situation, and when to release would be greatly appreciated!!

island rehabber
09-08-2017, 12:33 PM
Congratulations! I have a flyer the same age -- aren't they adorable?
They really need to be released in an area where there is already a colony of flying squirrels, as they are very social colony dwellers, unlike greys who are fairly solitary. My best advice to you is to find a wildlife rehabber in your part of CT who is experienced with flyers and has a good release site. Their diet, as they wean themselves off formula, is VERY different from a grey squirrel's and you need to really make sure he has adequate protein and Vit A & D....Our FLying Squirrel Forum here on TSB should help in that regard.

Would you like us to try and find a CT rehabber for you?

09-08-2017, 12:46 PM
Thanks for your quick reply! Would our property which is 3 acres have a colony since that is where we found him? So could he be released back now if mama were to collect him (under constant supervision)? Or will that not work?