View Full Version : Hi, need your help please :(((

09-08-2017, 10:35 AM
So to make it short :
We are in summer season (still), my squirrel seems to be hibernating, she lost so much weight, she became so small and no matter how much i try to feed her , she refuses to eat, she had small sips of water and keeps hiding.
Her grey color fur is mixed with light orange color which i saw this for the first time since i started petting her.

What's happening please?

09-08-2017, 10:41 AM
Something doesn't sound right. Squirrels don't hibernate. What exactly is she eating? Not what you offer, but what she eats. Many problems with squirrels originate with their diet.

09-08-2017, 11:06 AM
Well her food is consisted on nuts,sunflower seeds, green lettuce and sometimes fruits. But recently she refused to eat so she became so small and wants just to sleep T.T

Nancy in New York
09-08-2017, 11:27 AM
Well her food is consisted on nuts,sunflower seeds, green lettuce and sometimes fruits. But recently she refused to eat so she became so small and wants just to sleep T.T

Oh her diet is all wrong.
Please look at the chart below.
She needs good quality blocks and
Get rid of the nuts and sunflower seeds
I suspect she has Metabolic Bone Disease.
When this is serious it kills squirrels quickly.

She needs to start the MBD Protocol now.

How old is she and what formula was she raised on, and when did she wean.
Can you get a better picture of her, she looks so frail. :(
What does she weigh?

Click on the link below and start this treatment NOW.


09-08-2017, 11:43 AM
Sounds like she is sick. MBD came to mind. I would start treatment and see if there's a change. More calcium in the diet is needed and protein. I know this might sound crazy but if you can find grasshoppers feed her some. They are very nutritional. Also cicadas. They love them. They are irresistible and great way to nutrition in her quick to feel a little better at least to get a good diet going.

09-08-2017, 10:12 PM
Sounds like she has Metabolic bone disease from the wrong diet. Right now you need to get calcium into her fast, the easiest and most successful way I have found to do this is with formula. Get a syringe and Esbilac puppy formula. Yes I know its not recommended for babies but this is a emergency and its the easiest to get hold of fast. Most adult squirrels still will take formula but you might have to coax her, once she starts taking it willingly she might even take it from a bowl. You will need to continue this until she starts eating veggies and nutritious foods and even then once a day for a few months to build her back up. This is life threatening so get the formula as fast as you can.