View Full Version : wanted to introduce myself and baby girl Ellie

09-05-2017, 10:02 PM
I am a proud owner of a 5 month old grey squirrel Ellie! She was found by my boyfriend who is a logger, in April. Her home was cut down and she was the only one found! He brought Ellie home and I fell in love with her instantly. Her eyes were closed and she had very little fur. I did some research online, to find out information. I fed her espilac formula for puppies and fed her every 2 hours, after that every 3 hours and so on. At 3 months old she was eating junk food.. only because I didn't know any better. She began to have loose stool, which continued until the end of July. At the end of July she was terribly sick.. loosing hair, loosing weight, dull in color, lack of energy, and cried a lot. I began to think she had MBD.. at this point I was googling everything, searching for answers! I knew there was no one (vet.s) here to help us and didn't know which way to turn. Finally I found the hotline number for life threatening help! The lady was very calming and supportive, she told me that she more than likely had a parasite and needed some medication. I luckly have a vet. friend who provided/s me with medication however she doesn't know the treatment or the condition.. she is willing to help. I let her know it is thought to be a paracite so she gave me some kitten de-wormer. Later on HEAVEN SENT me a lady who I appreciate so so much because without her knowledge, coaching, and caring Ellie would not be here with me today! She walked me through the dosage of med.s , helped me get her on the appropriate healthy diet, and held my hand from then on out until my baby girl was healthy again. She has a lot of animals that are sick and need her care.. she recommend I come here for help, I hope to meet more people like her!


Ellies mom & Ellie

09-05-2017, 10:15 PM
:wave123 ElliesMom2017
:Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard

You found the resource that you need. TSB is all things 'squirrel' and a bunch of squirrel nuts. :tilt We can definitely help you with Ellie. I know you mentioned the diet change but we might be able to offer suggestions as well. What is her current diet?
Here is the link to the Healthy Diet for Pet Squirrels.

09-08-2017, 02:03 AM
her current diets consists of Espilac Formula, Henerys Healthy Blocks (2 per day), and veggies. I do give her treats with fruit & nuts every once in awhile. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions!

09-08-2017, 02:11 AM
she does have me worried.. her back thighs abd lower legs look like they are swollen? Her hair looks thinner than usual.. i haven't changed her diet and we have being doing our normal routine.. there is a bump on her ear (it is hard to see) but in person it looks like a little bunch of hair that is lighter in color.. 292650292651292652292653