View Full Version : new squirrel dad

09-04-2017, 07:18 PM
about a month ago (on my birthday, no less) four baby squirrels fell from a tree we were removing. mom did not show up all day despite their cries, so i searched for them and brought them home; sadly, two must have been injured by the fall (only one had visible external injuries) and did not survive, but i was lucky enough to save the other two and have been caring for them since! it has been amazing to watch them grow from little week-old pinkies to looking like actual squirrels.

triss (grey) is incredibly active and can already climb the door of their carrier and hang upside down when she wants food.. she seems very feisty. i can't wait to see how much she will enjoy climbing in trees once she's old enough.
arven (black) is more reserved, but doing great as well. she surprised me by being the first to open her eyes (this morning!) she loves to be pet behind the ears like a cat and will lift her arms to get more scratches.


09-04-2017, 07:32 PM
hijacking just a little bit, i'm seven's significant other, and i have an opossum! :dance

so here's triss and arven's older sister, isla!

Nancy in New York
09-04-2017, 07:48 PM
Way too much cuteness in one household.
They are so adorable. :klunk:klunk:klunk
Love all three names by the way.
Thanks for sharing!

09-04-2017, 08:00 PM
Well, aren't you lucky. A grey one, a black one and a possum. :grin2
They are adorable. :Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard

09-04-2017, 09:36 PM
Dang, how cute is this group! Good job on the babies:serene

09-05-2017, 07:53 AM
thank you for the kind words, everybody! here are some more pictures for you from the girls.
triss has pinpricks in her eyelids; i am very excited to see her with opened eyes. and arven wanted to nibble my fingers before going back to bed


09-05-2017, 07:57 AM
Sheer perfection. They look great!

What formula are they on?

09-05-2017, 08:06 AM
i started them on goat's milk esbilac, just worked on switching over to the regular one yesterday as that ran out.

Nancy in New York
09-05-2017, 08:21 AM
i started them on goat's milk esbilac, just worked on switching over to the regular one yesterday as that ran out.

In the second photo little Arven's eyes appear blueish, are they light colored
or just the camera shot? I can see her pupil, which is hardly ever seen. :)

This is the correct formula, is this what you got?


09-05-2017, 08:48 AM
@nancy yep that's the exact can I have, and yeah her eyes are fairly light; I had no idea that was abnormal?! I guess I will have to compare when triss opens hers!

09-05-2017, 07:52 PM
They are super cute! I'd love to raise a black squirrel! Lucky you! :Love_Icon

09-05-2017, 09:32 PM
thank you, i feel very lucky to be helping them grow :Love_Icon
triss opened her eyes this afternoon and decided she was wild already. it was too much work, though.. so she fell asleep.


09-05-2017, 10:30 PM
:grin2 Well I hope dad tucked her in after she fell asleep. Precious.