View Full Version : Hello, all!

08-30-2017, 11:04 AM
Well, it looks like I am now a squirrel dad. On Saturday, the 19th, our three small-breed puppies had cornered a baby grey at the base of a tree, and apparently, he/she could't make it up the tree. They didn't seem to be trying to harm it, just more curious, and kind-of playing with its tail.

Anyway, a neighbor kid picked it up and took it to my wife, who was outside with the pups. It seemed weak, so we wrapped it up, and and gave it a syringe of cow's milk (now, I know... bad move). Then, we commenced to hastily researching. So, off we run to Petsmart get a some puppy formula (GNC brand), and a hamster starter cage kit (plastic bottom/wire top). Also got a ferret tunnel for him to sleep in and put a cut up t-shirt inside it. He seemed to be doing great until last Friday, when it had its first hypothermic/hypoglycemic episode. I literally thought we were going to lose him. Did more research...did the warming of the body/Karo syrup, then formula...in my hasty research, I concluded that it was a glucose problem, and he needed to be fed more often. I was wrong (yes, I am a man, and can admit that...sometimes). Suffered through a couple more episodes over the weekend, but they didn't seem as severe as the first. Commenced to doing some INTENSE researching.

Fast forward to today...consistent Esbilac (white puppy can) feedings, an always-on heating pad on low, under half the bottom of the cage, part of a fleece blanket in his sleeping tunnel, and he's started nibbling on some rat block. He seems to be doing great, now. Eats good, is active, peeing and pooping well, and seems to love socializing with us. He is in our closed bedroom, separated from the pups, who are in a pen in the living room during the day.

We are already looking at getting a larger, more squirrel friendly cage, some ZuPreem Monkey Biscuits, or Henry's blocks, introducing vegetables, and taking good care of this little fella, although, after looking at a couple pics on this forum, I think our 'he' may be a 'she'. Is Squirt still a good name for a girl? :grin2

http://i703.photobucket.com/albums/ww35/jlamb30/51130301-FC1C-42BD-864A-06C3E93C99F4.jpg (http://s703.photobucket.com/user/jlamb30/media/51130301-FC1C-42BD-864A-06C3E93C99F4.jpg.html)
http://i703.photobucket.com/albums/ww35/jlamb30/IMG-2603.jpg (http://s703.photobucket.com/user/jlamb30/media/IMG-2603.jpg.html)
http://i703.photobucket.com/albums/ww35/jlamb30/64381B50-6975-4653-8F71-4E7D87408FF5.jpg (http://s703.photobucket.com/user/jlamb30/media/64381B50-6975-4653-8F71-4E7D87408FF5.jpg.html)
http://i703.photobucket.com/albums/ww35/jlamb30/09E6DC33-4A3B-49F8-9013-66FA20FA4E8E.jpg (http://s703.photobucket.com/user/jlamb30/media/09E6DC33-4A3B-49F8-9013-66FA20FA4E8E.jpg.html)