View Full Version : Need advice on baby!

08-29-2017, 02:27 PM
Hi all..

I have read just about every thread on this site this morning but am just worried that maybe I should be doing more I sure could use some advice!

My son found a "dead" baby squirrel, while feeding our neighbor's cats, on Sunday morning. He showed me a pic, I confirmed that it was a squirrel and then I didn't think any more of it. The neighbors have four cats, and we were having a hurricane, so I just assumed maybe the baby blew out of the nest and one of the cats brought it on the patio as a gift for my son.
Monday morning, he came running in the house, saying the baby wasn't dead. I didn't believe it was possible, but he was! Ya'll, this baby was soaked and felt like an ice cube. He is skinny and seems very dehydrated to me. (I'm a nurse) We wrapped him up and found a rehab site to learn what to do. Here's our situation so far:
*Baby was gently dried and warmed and is kept on a low heating pad, under a towel. He feels warm to the touch and does squirm a bit when we hold him.
*We started him on warm Pedialyte yesterday around this time. He didn't take much at all, to speak of, but I knew anything was better than nothing. Also, I wasn't really prepared, so we made do with a Chemistry pipette. (unused) Today he's taken quite a bit more and I now have a proper nipple and syringe.
*Today, he is a bit more active...mostly pulling with his front paws and nuzzling his face into my hand or blanket, so it seems like he's searching for a nipple to me.
Here's my main question...yesterday he weighed 68 grams. Today, even after some fluids, he weighs 65 grams. Even though I don't feel he's 100% rehydrated, should I start trying some formula? I absolutely can't believe he made it overnight in that hurricane and then survived the night last night I so badly want this poor baby to make it! Please advise.
BTW...from pics and videos I've seen, I'm guessing he's about 4 weeks old, but he's very tiny! He's got fur, his tail is covered and he does have two tiny teeth. Eyes are still closed, but one isn't quite as sealed as the other, so it seems like it's getting ready to open soon.

08-29-2017, 02:29 PM
What types of ABs do you have on hand? Cats are deadly and this little one will need antibiotics immediately. Please list what you have on hand and the strength. Might be difficult to get the proper formula, but you want to look for powdered puppy Esbiliac. This one (blue band that says with pro/prebiotics) or with the 3rd ingredient saying whey protein.
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/81QeAnyvbUL._SL1500_.jpg --> image is too big so here's just the link

PS - Welcome to TSB and thanks for saving this baby!

08-29-2017, 02:37 PM
Hi..I actually don't have any on hand! Although I'm a nurse, I don't work outside the house.
We're not actually sure the cats got him and he doesn't have any sort of injuries...no puncture marks or scratches..nothing! It's as if he was just placed under the table and left there. It was so strange.
I do have that formula! I sent my poor husband out in the storm to go get it! :D

08-29-2017, 02:47 PM
It's a good idea to put them on the ABs as a precaution. Call around and ask if anyone has any. I can't remember off hand what's best for cat bites and my search is coming up empty :thinking I'd call around and see if you can get your hands on anything.

You can start with diluted formula and slowly increase strength if he's accepting it well. Remember, 5-7% of baby's body weight in grams.

Great link with lots of helpful info https://www.henryspets.com/baby-squirrel-care/

08-29-2017, 03:04 PM
The meds recommended for cat bite include (Animal/Human version):
Baytril / Cipro
Clavamox / Augmentin

Cat bites can be extremely difficult to identify for the most experienced folks and may not reveal themselves for several days. It is recommended to provide antibiotics if a cat bite suspected despite not being able to confirm simply because a cat bite is lethal.

If you locate any of the above we'll help you dose it! :thumbsup

08-31-2017, 10:51 AM
Checking in on the little one :Love_Icon