View Full Version : need advice regarding rescue

crossing guard
08-29-2017, 01:28 PM
Two weeks ago I found a squirrel (approx. 6 mo. old) hit by a car. He was living, but couldn't climb or run away effectively, and might have been blind. Thought I was bringing him home to die peacefully, but he has recovered for the most part. He runs and climbs now. A gash below one eye is healing. I think he has sight in both eyes. The only apparent problem is that he favors a front paw a bit. He's living in a 4x6x6' outdoor enclosure, and eating very well after the first four days with no food. What now? How do I know when he's releasable? Do I release from this cage, or a half mile away where he was found? I have more questions, but we can start here. Thanks for your help ...

08-29-2017, 01:35 PM
Two weeks ago I found a squirrel (approx. 6 mo. old) hit by a car. He was living, but couldn't climb or run away effectively, and might have been blind. Thought I was bringing him home to die peacefully, but he has recovered for the most part. He runs and climbs now. A gash below one eye is healing. I think he has sight in both eyes. The only apparent problem is that he favors a front paw a bit. He's living in a 4x6x6' outdoor enclosure, and eating very well after the first four days with no food. What now? How do I know when he's releasable? Do I release from this cage, or a half mile away where he was found? I have more questions, but we can start here. Thanks for your help ...

Personally I would like to see complete recovery before release to give him the best chance out there. (again)
What have you been feeding him?
Can you post pictures of cage and him to better address your questions.

crossing guard
08-29-2017, 01:48 PM
Has been eating Henry's blocks mainly. Also Walmart mouse and rat blocks, carrots, walnut, pecan, peanut, apple, blueberry, assorted wild foods (mostly dogwood berries and some grass seed). I tried a lot of different things to get him started. He refuses most people vegetables, but I haven't wanted to starve him into anything just yet. I'll take some pictures and see if I'm smart enough to post them ...
Thanks for the fast reply.

crossing guard
08-29-2017, 02:22 PM
Took some pictures, but can't get too close without scaring him. The uploads removed a lot of resolution. One of the pictures showed eye glint from the auto flash that was white instead of the usual red that I'm used to seeing. Wondering if that's a problem ...

crossing guard
08-30-2017, 05:46 PM
We have a new problem. His right leg or possibly hip is troubling him. He tries to eat sitting up but quickly slides back down on his elbows. He climbs the hardware cloth ok, but favors the right rear when on level surfaces. This last feeding I noticed a little blood on his rodent block. Yesterday I thought he was fine ... today brings another worry.

09-02-2017, 07:00 PM
How is he?!

crossing guard
09-03-2017, 11:15 AM
How is he?!

Thanks for asking. He's improving. He still drags his right leg a bit, but seems to be getting around better. The blood was from a cut on his nose, so no worries about internal bleeding. He's got a big appetite and growls at me if I'm too slow about cleaning his nest. He's not near ready to release. That was premature and hopeful on my part, but he's improving a little at a time.