View Full Version : New squirrel owner - Chip is part of the family now

08-25-2017, 09:40 PM
So me and my girlfriend were at walmart and as we we leaving we ran into someone outside and he had a little squirrel on his shoulder so I let him and started talking to him and asked how long he had him for and he said that he had him for 5 minutes that some kids were inside talking about a squirrel trying to jump on people so he went outside to check it out, anyways after talking to him about what he was going to do with him he asked if Iowa ted him I told him I will take him right now. So we have had Chip for a week now and this little guy has opened up to us so much it's amazing how's much he loves us doesn't wanna sleep I need his cage I put him ilast night he was messing with the door so as soon as I opened it and layed down he runs up goes down my shirt and went to sleep, as food feeding he is eating rat block, granola, almonds and pecans I have been trying all different fruits and veggies with him to see what he likes so far not much, I figure at night I might take his food out everyday other night and in the morning offer him a plate full of fruits and veggies and see
What he likes.

08-25-2017, 11:12 PM
Hi and welcome! He's very cute! What are your plans for Chip? He looks to be about 7-8 weeks old, maybe older depending on the part of the country you live in. Southern Eastern Grey squirrels are smaller than Northern Eastern Grey squirrels.

I'm not sure if Chip would be receptive to formula or not? The formula provides all the necessary nutrients they need. If you choose to try him on formula we recommend POWDERED Esbilac puppy formula with pre and probiotics. It has a picture of a white puppy on the can. If you find that he's readily taking veggies, then please familiarize yourself with the Healthy Squirrel Diet under Squirrel Nutrition on this forum. Chip must also have a good quality rodent block to go with his veggies. Oxbow makes a kibble that is available at pet store chains. Henry's Healthy Pets and Harlan Teklad 2018 are two blocks available online. The rodent block should be the foundation of his diet....not nuts. Nuts are not healthy for squirrels and too many will pull the calcium from his bones and cause Metabolic Bone Disease, which can cripple and cause death.

He's a real cutie! :Love_Icon

08-26-2017, 01:16 AM
I will also suggest you read and follow the Healthy diet, it is crucial for "captive" squirrels.
In the wild they eat a large variety of things to balance their daily nutritional requirements
from bark, dirt, insects, rocks, roots, and a whole slew of things we have no idea about besides
the various vegetation they consume. They know what to eat and how to eat to maintain their
nutritional balance. In captivity we have to maintain and balance those requirements.
A good quality rodent block is essential to their diet.
Here is the link to the healthy diet. - https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?44440-Healthy-Diet-for-Pet-Squirrels

Had to turn these... I was getting a kink in my neck. :grin3



Not being able to see the obvious and not knowing how much you know about
the "structure" of these little's... is Chip still a Mister Chip?

08-28-2017, 03:21 PM
I gave oxbow already, we went to Whole Foods and I got all kinds of fruits and veggies he doesn't seem interested so in the morning I keep trying different foods with him to see what he will take to. He gets a almond or two a day but mainly he loves granola bars, he got a taste of it and goes nuts even if he sees the package is that bad for a treat for him?