View Full Version : Hello from North Florida

08-23-2017, 09:47 PM
Meet Larry; the reason I've scanned these forums obsessively (and ultimately joined) for the past week. He is ( I'm relatively sure) an eastern grey squirrel and is about six weeks(?). He eats like a little piggy and weighs in at 128 grams as of this Monday. Sadly Larrys' story starts out as many little squirrels stories do, the land in which his tree resided in was cut down and with it his nest. From what I understand from the person who gave him to me his siblings did not survive this experience. Thankfully, Larry did. I did originally ,when he was given to me, attempt to locate a rehabber but after no call backs and all around frustration I realized it was time to open up the computer and get some crash course squirrel care 101 . He has been an enjoyable and fun experience and I never realized squirrels were so charming and full of personality. I can't wait for him to grow up and enjoy the great outdoors!

P.S : Pictures! Seriously, its mega hard to take pictures of a squirrel:jump:

08-23-2017, 10:18 PM
:Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard

Well, I have to agree. They are "charming and full of personality". Larry is adorable. Yes, he is an Eastern grey squirrel.

The eyes open at 5 weeks so that will help you determine the age. He might be a little older than 6 weeks. Sleeping squirrels are much easier to photograph. :grin2