View Full Version : Hello from North Florida! Newly squirrel-obsessed

08-23-2017, 07:56 PM
Good evening, y'all!
We live in North Florida, in the Panhandle. My parents called me five weeks ago to tell me their bulldog mix had picked up a baby squirrel that had been dropped/fallen from a 30 foot tall pine tree. The baby squirrel seemed to be okay, eyes not open. My dad put it in a makeshift bed of straw, in a box, and placed it at the bottom of the tree from which it fell. After 5 hours, and no sign of the mama...and dark approaching, my dad did some research and began warming and rehydration. My 15 year old daughter went to visit my parents (right? who are we kidding? she went to see that baby), and long story shorter...the squirrel ended up with us at our house. Almost immediately, I noticed some health issues. I've had special needs dogs, cats, and chickens. Over the years, I've rehabbed birds and pet rodents (guinea pigs and hamsters), and felt confident in taking care of the little guy. We also have a couple of vets in town that treat squirrels and chickens and other exotics...so I have backup.

The newly-rescued squirrel (mama never came back to that area...my dad watched daily) was named "Muggsy." We started him on zoologic milk matrix 33-40, and he loved it. However, he became so constipated that his rectum nearly turned inside out. This was only over a course of 2 days! He was also a self-suckler...so there was scabbing on his penis to deal with as well. He never stopped drinking, and was very active. What had once appeared to be bruises on his belly became blisters. We switched to Fox Valley 20-50, and skipped a feeding midday to give rehydration solution. WHAT AN AMAZING DIFFERENCE! His bowel movements became nice, as they're supposed to be in formula fed babies. After applying coconut oil on his wounds at every feeding, they began to look better, too. But now, Muggsy seemed to be showing signs of having a foot issue. AND an abscess that formed on his belly near where one of the blister things had been.

His other development was right on schedule...albeit he has always been a bit smaller than I think he should. Muggsy is extremely friendly, his eyes opened fine, and we took him to the vet for the belly issues. Poor Muggsy had to have the abscess lanced and drained, get an antibiotic shot, and we had to go back for a follow-up and another shot 3 days later. We feel fortunate to have a local vet that has many years of squirrel experience!!! She mentioned that if we were to keep Muggsy (it is legal in Florida to have a grey squirrel as a pet), she would recommend neutering him.

I'm on the fence about making Muggsy a "pet," but if he is nonreleasable, then he will definitely be staying with us. We've got a critter nation double, with an extra unit for the top...so a triple double. I'll post a pic of his set-up now. We've not put the third level on yet, because Muggsy is still so young. We are still formula-feeding 4 times a day, and Muggsy gets Henry's Hi-Protein blocks, Kaytee rat block, and homemade (from nut kit on squirrelnutrition) squirrel blocks every day. We're slowly introducing vegetables, to make sure nothing upsets his stomach. So far, we've had success with everything: sweet potato, arugula, broccoli, and strawberry. His penis and rectum are perfectly fine, and he only has a small scar on his belly from one of the weird sores. His cage set-up includes a couple of hidey-places (a seagrass "log" with holes to climb in, a nest box, and a couple of hanging hammock things), oak tree branches from my yard (no acorns!), wooden toys, t-shirts, tissue box, and plush dog toys.

I know this introduction is long, and I appreciate y'all reading it. Muggsy has taken over my heart. He comes when he's called, we've litter-trained him (he pees in the corner ferret litter box with wire grate, carefresh in bottom...and sometimes goes number 2, too!), and he loves to be held. He wrestles with his stuffed animals, but is gentle with us. He gets playtime a couple of times a day, and seems super happy.

THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR HELP, SQUIRREL BOARD!!! Without you, I'd not have known the proper housing, food, formula, etc... I've been lurking on here for weeks. Never in a million years would I have expected to fall in love with a squirrel. We'll have his leg looked at soon, so fingers crossed that Muggsy will be alright...wherever he ends up living...outside or in.

Good night, y'all.

08-23-2017, 08:27 PM
:Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard

It sounds like you have this under control. How lucky you are to have a vet that will treat a squirrel. :grin2 Even in FL, sometimes it's tricky finding a vet.

I wouldn't worry about the foot at this point although it would be good to get it evaluated by your vet. Whether he is releasable or not, you can still love on this little baby. If he stays with you, all the snuggling and loving on him will prepare him for being a 'house squirrel' and member of your family. If he is released he will be fine, either way. I released a singleton 4 years ago and she still comes to visit me even after having a couple litters of babies. I saw her yesterday. After 4 years outside she will still climb on my shoulder. I just adore her. :grin2

I would keep Muggsy in one level of the Critter Nation. When they are young, we limit the amount of climbing they can do because of potential falls.

We would love to see pics of Muggsy. :)

08-23-2017, 08:43 PM
Pics coming soon!!!

08-25-2017, 05:00 PM

08-25-2017, 05:05 PM
Thanks so much for sharing muggy and his living quarters. What a lucky little squirrel, what lucky people!

08-28-2017, 07:50 PM
Can't wait to get a big cage for our new guy I have been looking around on the Facebook marketplace and have seen some amazing deals on very nice cages that normally go for $700 I seen for $80 and look like they are in great condition, I love the hanging little house I intend on putting lots of hanging stuff

09-07-2017, 08:07 PM
His favorite is the hanging red dice thing! I clean it out and wash it once a week, and he uses a litter box in the corner of the cage...so no pee in it!

Craigslist is awesome!