View Full Version : I'm new to TSB - 4 week old and 1 week old

08-23-2017, 05:32 PM
I have a 4 week old grey squirrel. I have had him since he was about 5 days old. He doing great. He's happy, healthy, and eats like a horse. It has been about 10 years since I have raised any squirrels. I have raised a litter of 5 squirrels and 3 raccoons. My husband is a logger, but has been a long time since he has had to bring any home to me. Usually, we take any we find to the local rehab lady, but she has been at maximum capacity and unable to take newbies. Anyway, I'm a stay at home mom so our situation is working out fine.

So today my husband has brought me in a week old female. She's cute as a button! She was laying on the ground on wet leaves, covered in fleas, and squeaking like crazy. He said she was frozen. She just balled up in his had when he picked her up into his warm hand.

I'm not sure how to proceed with them. They are are in the same tote since I only have one heating pad, but I have them in two different pouches. I put them together for a minute so he could smell her. He sniffed her, then walked across her. He was more worried about getting to me for supper time.

I expect Chipper will be getting his eyes open within a week, so I want him to try to bond with her before then. However, I'm worried about him scratching her or hurting her because she is so much smaller than him.

I need some advice from someone has had a similar experience. Thanks in advance!

08-23-2017, 07:56 PM
Hi Chippergray
:Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard

I wouldn't put a pinkie with a 4 week old. I would wait until she is about 3-4 weeks old and then put them together. At that point he will be 7-8 weeks old. At that age it's not a problem. They should readily accept each other and snuggle together.

There is another reason not to do it just yet. Some local rehabbers in my area put some babies together after a couple day quarantine. A WEEK later the new baby broke out with pox. Of course, this exposed the other baby to pox. :( While we are in the pox season, it seems that a week or even more quarantine might be necessary to prevent transferring disease.

I would use 2 small bins. Each one would be sitting on half of the heating pad. Remember the heating pad should be on LOW.

08-23-2017, 09:35 PM
That's what I will do. I've been letting them snuggle for a few minutes after feeding so they will get use to one another.