View Full Version : Hi! New to the board but sixth squirrel

08-23-2017, 10:57 AM
Hi! I'm new to the board but I'm on squirrel number 6! I don't know how I didn't find this board when I found a cold, flea covered orphan two years ago!! Squirreltales.org ended up being my saving grace since I couldn't get any rehabbers to return my calls for almost two weeks. I'm in Michigan and am currently rehabbing my sixth babe. She is the youngest I have had. Just past the pinkie stage so I think maybe two weeks when she was brought to me from a get friend. I've been lucky to have had all successful releases. They have all come back to visit, some more than others. My first baby, Sally, was very unexpected. When I couldn't get ahold of any rehabbera, I went into mommy mode and didn't sleep for days because I was researching and taking care of her. I'm a handywoman and have tools and skills so I made numerous nest boxes and a huge 6x5 prerelease cage that has been wonderful. I want to get licenses but I know it costs a few hundred dollars and I'd rather spend that money on building my winter housing cage. I figure I have done pretty well on my own, although I tend to worry myself silly over nothing. lol. So friends have contacted me about orphans and I will get them. It's great to know that I know a vet who knows of my secret rehabbing and thinks I've done well enough that she called me about this little baby instead of euthanizing it like the finders thought needed to be done. It's also a big comfort to know that, should I need antibiotics or something, she is willing to help. I'm sorry I'm rambling. This is just so nice to have somewhere to talk openly about squirrels without either getting eye rolls because it's all I talk about or having to worry who might run and tattle on me. I love these little buggers. They're nicer to me than my kids lately 😂😂 I really need to check out the board from my computer. I'm sure it's much nicer and easier to do things on than my phone. I have so many pics of my releases and current rehab. My first was a little fixed, about three weeks, then two grays that were about 5, another fox around 5 weeks and a red that was 6-7. Right now I have a blackie!!! I'm SO excited! They're pretty common in Michigan, just never in the cities I live in. At least I'll be able to tell her apart. Her name is Lola. I'm assuming she is a gray squirrel. She's fully black with pink paws. Not a hint of any other color. I think she was about 2 weeks. I'll post her pic from the first day and you all can give me your guesstimate. And of course I'll post some more recent ones too. And I was trying to search but came up empty. Does anyone else have a squirrel with a special spot??? She's like two ofnmybdoga! When I pet behind her ear, her leg shakes!! It's adorable! And if I rub her chest, she will move her arm up and back so I can get more area rubbed! She cracks me up! I think she's part dog. Or kitten.

I can't see which photo is which. One is from the first day I got her. Do you think about 2 weeks old?

The pic by the ruler was taken a few days ago. It's hard to get pics of black squirrels!!! Lol


08-24-2017, 09:23 PM
What a black beauty! I haven't seen a black in years. They were common when I lived in Iowa, now I only see reds in Montana.

08-24-2017, 10:49 PM
I think she was 10-12 days when you first got her. She is beautiful.

I have to admit that I am crazy over foxers. Keep thinking I need to move so I can rehab one of those beauties.

We love pictures!

08-24-2017, 11:30 PM
Welcome to The Squirrel Board Izzyb17.:Welcome What a beautiful black little baby you have! We don't have any black squirrels where I live either, so I look forward to seeing more pics of this little beauty.:Love_Icon It is nice to have a place where you can talk openly about your fuzzy tailed babies with others who love them just as much.:) Anyone who loves squirrels, even if others think it's a little nutty, will fit right in here.:grin2

08-25-2017, 12:45 PM
What a beauty :Love_Icon........ we have black and white squirrels in different parts of Central Florida, but
in my 10 years of rehabbers them I have yet to have one come through my door.

*I'm still hoping and praying for my own black beauty to raise*