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08-23-2017, 03:51 AM
Hi guys.
This might go on a bit, my apologies in advance. Last Sat the 12th around 2 pm we heard what I thought was a bird chirping in my bedroom. It was coming from above a very tall book shelf and behind a wall-hanging. We investigated and there was a rather large hole in our wall! I still thought it was a birds nest until a mother squirrel poked her head out! We looked to the outside and saw the squirrel leaving through a hole on the side of the house by the porch. We boarded up the hole to the inside of the house and went about our day. We heard one or two more chirps but assumed that momma would just move the nest as soon as she could. We weren’t overly bothered as long as they stayed outside. I rent the house and planned on letting the landlord know on the following Monday. Giving momma time to move the nest. Which she promptly did.

Flash forward to Sun night around 11:30 pm. My husband came into my office and he just pointed towards our room. I have never seen him speechless, it was one for the books. lol He finally said there was a squirrel sleeping on our floor. I thought it was momma. Turns out it was what I now know to be a 3 week? old baby. He had to of fallen out behind the book shelf on Sat and it took him until Sun night to work his way into the middle of my room. How he survived the fall or was able to not get himself wedged, I’ll never know.

I hopped on the internet, got him warm, hydrated (that was a process) and early the next morning put him in a box on my porch. He started crying and his mom was right there but wanted nothing to do with him. Long story short, we tried for three days to get her to take him. In the meantime, I’ve started him on puppy formula. His bowels are solid. He is going to the bathroom and not one of the rehab places I called will take (second litters?)

He is going to be a guest for the winter it seems. I live in central NY. When he’s old enough to release it will be too cold. He is fine for now. His appetite is good. I’m confident that I can keep him alive and healthy until he can be released. I can’t however, teach him how to be a squirrel. He is not a pet (although he is adorable) and I’m worried that he won’t know what to do when the time comes.

I have a cage for him for when he gets bigger. It’s quite large but for now he’s in a crate with my heating pad. I’ve limited his interacting with my family. Is that the right thing to do? They very much want to hold him but I’m afraid it will hurt his chances in the wild. Also, I want to let him go somewhere else. Not my yard. I live on a busy cat filled street.
Any advice?
The first pic is a day or so after he was found. The second one was yesterday.

08-23-2017, 07:40 AM
Hi Welcome to TSB !

Your baby looks so cute!

Most squirrels have no problem wilding up when hormones kick in at adolescents. That is why most do not make good pets. But at this stage, most of us cannot resist a head kiss, ok a dozen head kisses per feeding. These are babies and all babies need to be touched. But mostly they need to eat and sleep.

Since it is so vital that babies be fed the correct formula I am wondering what you are feeding?

Nancy in New York
08-23-2017, 08:13 AM
Here is an excellent guide on baby squirrel care.
It's 6 pages long with the next arrow at the top right corner.
It's a quick read and offers many helpful suggestions.

I see you are in New York, as am I.
If there is anything you need let me know. :hug

08-23-2017, 01:31 PM
I honestly do not know the name of it. It’s gone out to the recycling. I split it in 4 parts and froze what I’m not immediately using. Finding the squirrel when I did could not have come at a worse time financially. Its puppy replacement formula. It was 5 bucks a can. I bought two and the first can was wasted for the most part. My daughter stopped by a pet store and they advised Kitten replacement formula. After reading a few things here I knew not to give the squirrel KMR but I was out another 15 dollars.
I know there’s a preferred brand and I will pick some up but it’s going to have to wait. He seems to be doing well. I will be picking up a scale as well.
Emergencies never seem to come when there’s extra cashflow.
He has started to enjoy the scratches I give him on his chin and behind his ears. Its getting hard to remain unattached.