View Full Version : Hi, I'm Lori- proud care-giver to my three year old grey squirrel named Lucy.

Lucy's Luck
08-07-2017, 02:58 PM
My sweet lab, named Riley, pointed at young Lucy, three years ago and she's been with us ever since. My husband and I built a cage for her, the size of a refrigerator, complete with branches, rope, and wooden box for her to sleep in. Recently she started foaming at the mouth and that's when I came upon this sight. So I want to thank you for the advice. After three days of feeding her a calcium infused diet, she is well. So thank you, thank you, thank you.:Love_Icon:Love_

08-07-2017, 03:38 PM
Hi Lori

:Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard

I'm glad you found information here to help Lucy. Based on your post I would guess that you found information on Metabolic Bone Disease. It is due to a diet deficient in calcium usually as a result of a diet high on nuts and seeds. I hope you found the Healthy Diet for pet squirrels.

I'm posting two links for you. The first is the treatment protocol for MBD. It is very common for squirrels to respond rapidly to the calcium but resolution of symptoms doesn't mean the MBD is cured. It takes weeks and even months to reverse MBD. One of the obscure symptoms of MBD is thin, fragile bones due to calcium loss. It literally takes months of intensive treatment to rebuild those bones so I would highly recommend that you study the protocol and continue the treatment.

I hope in your studies you found that MBD is caused by a deficient diet. A diet high in nuts and seeds is usually the problem. Squirrels LOVE nuts but they are very unhealthy for captive squirrels and must be limited for pet squirrels. They can have a nut or 2 per day as a treat. During the treatment phase nuts should be eliminated from the diet. MBD is by far the most common problem that we see here. There is a lot of misinformation on the Internet and many people find us when they are in a total panic as their pet squirrel starts seizing or becomes paralyzed in the hind legs. I'm so glad you found us before that happened. Stay with us and we will help you every step of the way. Feel free to ask questions. Welcome again!! :)



I would love for you to give us more information about Lucy. Foaming at the mouth isn't usually a typical symptom of MBD but seizures are and it's possible what you saw was the aftermath of a seizure.