View Full Version : Lilo missing fur

08-05-2017, 07:36 AM
Lilo has now been out on her own since june 24th.
she stopped returning to her cage every night about a month ago. she used to visit everyday or i would be able to locate her at least once a day somewhere in the area. she slowed down to visiting every other day, then every few days. im at work during the day so it is usually only before work morning visits that i see her.
the last time she was here, which was 3 days ago. she has fur missing in a few areas. a patch on her shoulder and a patch on her upper thigh area. i thought i could see a tiny scratch on her shoulder. but i couldnt really check. she will still climb on me, but doesnt like to be touched anymore so i dont really try. think she some of her wild instincts even pertain to me now, lol which is good.
wondering if she may have mated and that is why fur is missing? well more hoping that would be why. lol

08-05-2017, 08:23 AM
just after i posted..she showed up for a visit 291077

08-05-2017, 08:42 AM
I don't even know if you have bots where you are but those look just like the areas where bots exit.... hair missing, scab on exit site, stretched skin. :dono

For my own curiosity, do you have bots that far north (ON). I sorta doubt it but I really have no idea.

08-05-2017, 08:53 AM
I don't even know if you have bots where you are but those look just like the areas where bots exit.... hair missing, scab on exit site, stretched skin. :dono

For my own curiosity, do you have bots that far north (ON). I sorta doubt it but I really have no idea.

no i dont think we do.ive never seen an animal with bots on it like ive seen in some pics on here. house flies we have but not many horse or black flies where i am either. only one spot has a round shaped scab. and other patches look bare. not much pink in the areas so they dont look inflamed

08-05-2017, 08:53 AM
We had bot flies in MI where I grew up... not as prolific as what I see here in GA, though my observation is anecdotal!

08-05-2017, 10:06 AM
these marks seemed to happen over the course of a day or maybe two.. and look the same as they did earlier in the week. so i was thinking close call with a cat, baby raccoon, hawk or another squirrel. think if it was mosquitos there be more. . i didnt see a tic anywhere. but ticks are bad in areas in ontario. i have been hiking and been lucky to not get any. but i do know many others that have