View Full Version : Robins attack, traumatize babies! What to do now?

08-01-2017, 10:30 AM
After an escape episode that ended in a traumatic bird attack for Pip and a UTI for Squeak, I finally believed my babies were ready for squirrel life. Transitioned them to the outdoor cage, daytime at first and then overnights. Two days ago, I opened the cage door... off they went to explore. They stayed close to the house - in my neighbour's backyard and giant oak tree all day, but did not come back to their nest box/cage that night

The next morning, Squeak came back and ate some of the food that I was putting in their cage (which I left open). I didn't see Pip all day. Neither came back that night - chipmunks enjoyed the food tho.

I saw both of them yesterday morning when they came for some snacks. Last night, torrential rainfall hit the area. A friend had just pulled into my driveway and saw Pip and Squeak being attacked by some very angry Robins who had babies in my carport. One of the squirrels had run under her car to get away from the birds. The other squirrel had two birds on top of him at the same time. I managed to get both of my babies into the house and up to their 'room'. They were stressed out!! After awhile they settled down and went right to sleep, curled up together! Exhausted.

This is the second bird attack Pip and Squeak have endured. I'm a little concerned about the situation. The baby robins are probably another week from leaving the nest.

What to do about Pip and Squeak is my question. Should keep them in the house, or the release cage until the baby birds are gone? Should I continue to keep the RC open and just move it to another area, but if so, do I transition the squirrels for a few days to the new spot (I already moved it once)? Should I hang their nest box in the tree and just let them go? Should I stop putting out food for them so they don't come around the bird area? Should I just let them back outside and have nature take its course??

Everyone is telling me to do different things (and not one has ever rehabbed any kind of animal before)... I just want to make sure Pip and Squeak are safe and healthy

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

08-01-2017, 02:25 PM
I'd keep them in for the week and then put them back in the release cage until you're sure the evil birds are gone. Poor babies!

08-01-2017, 04:01 PM
I agree. Keep them in till the baby birds and mother are gone. They really don't mind being brought back in as much as you would think. The last thing you want is one to have his eyes pecked by an angry momma robin!

08-01-2017, 04:24 PM
How old are Pip and Squeak?

08-01-2017, 10:38 PM
Pip and Squeak will be 4 months and 1 week old this coming weekend. I've had them since they were about two weeks old. They are still fairly small, I think... one a tiny bit bigger than the other.

08-01-2017, 11:15 PM
They are adorable! They do look a bit on the small side and I might be apt to keep them 2 or three weeks longer. After such a traumatic event, I think I would consider keeping them inside for a week or so. :Love_Icon

08-02-2017, 07:54 AM
Super cute! The release date of 14 weeks is just a general recommendation. If your squirrels are small then keeping them for a bit longer to allow them to grow bigger is a good idea. I bet those two rascals were messing with the bird's nest (maybe babies) and the parents were driving them away.:grin2

Nancy in New York
08-02-2017, 08:06 AM
I agree, I too would keep them longer.
Robins are "ruthless" when protecting their young.
(like mockingbirds :eek)
It isn't only the parents that will jump in, it's other
robins as well if they're around.
They know too that it takes a "village" to raise baby robins. :)