View Full Version : Suddenly off blocks?

07-31-2017, 08:43 AM
So my little Finnigan is about 4 months now. He's been on Henry's from the start of things, I asked a few weeks back about the number of blocks to give (because he would eat 5-6 a day if I let him). Instead of the high number f blocks a couple weeks ago I added in mazuri blocks that he has in front of him all the time... I noticed yesterday he barely ate his blocks, only half of one of the three I gave him were left, which has never happened prior. Normally, when I'm making his breakfast he's on the counter trying to be sneaky & steal his block early. This morning, he took a few nibbles and was off running around. Aside from the lack of interest in the blocks & really even the couple pieces of fruit (blueberry & grape), he's been running around like his usual rocket-ship self, played in my dogs water(they're outside), and climbing everything in sight. I do tend to be a huge worrier.. So I'm just wondering if this is something I need to be super alarmed about or if others have experienced the same thing..... :peace1

07-31-2017, 09:16 AM
Is it possible that he has a secret food cache stored somewhere? That might make him less hungry at meal time since he could have been snacking? Check his cage and any other places he could hide food. Be careful, even friendly squirrels will get defensive if they see you "stealing" their food cache.

So my little Finnigan is about 4 months now. He's been on Henry's from the start of things, I asked a few weeks back about the number of blocks to give (because he would eat 5-6 a day if I let him). Instead of the high number f blocks a couple weeks ago I added in mazuri blocks that he has in front of him all the time... I noticed yesterday he barely ate his blocks, only half of one of the three I gave him were left, which has never happened prior. Normally, when I'm making his breakfast he's on the counter trying to be sneaky & steal his block early. This morning, he took a few nibbles and was off running around. Aside from the lack of interest in the blocks & really even the couple pieces of fruit (blueberry & grape), he's been running around like his usual rocket-ship self, played in my dogs water(they're outside), and climbing everything in sight. I do tend to be a huge worrier.. So I'm just wondering if this is something I need to be super alarmed about or if others have experienced the same thing..... :peace1

07-31-2017, 09:39 AM
I just cleaned everything in his cage, & he's never really been much of a hoarder.. He gets fresh "salads" twice a day, and any treats he munches down immediately- which is usually a chip from a nut when I put him back in his cage (double critter nation). Every once in awhile he'll put a chuck of corn when he gets it in a corner, but aside from that I rarely find food far from his dish.. The concept of his having a food shortage has never crossed his mind :grin2

07-31-2017, 12:42 PM
Hmmm, two Henries blocks or an equivalent quality rodent blocks plus veggies form the squirrel food pyramid should be enough. Get a weight on him and monitor it weekly. You should not see any weight loss, that would probably indicate something is wrong. He sounds alert, active and healthy otherwise so maybe he just got picky on you?

08-18-2017, 08:26 AM
So my little Finnigan is about 4 months now. He's been on Henry's from the start of things, I asked a few weeks back about the number of blocks to give (because he would eat 5-6 a day if I let him). Instead of the high number f blocks a couple weeks ago I added in mazuri blocks that he has in front of him all the time... I noticed yesterday he barely ate his blocks, only half of one of the three I gave him were left, which has never happened prior. Normally, when I'm making his breakfast he's on the counter trying to be sneaky & steal his block early. This morning, he took a few nibbles and was off running around. Aside from the lack of interest in the blocks & really even the couple pieces of fruit (blueberry & grape), he's been running around like his usual rocket-ship self, played in my dogs water(they're outside), and climbing everything in sight. I do tend to be a huge worrier.. So I'm just wondering if this is something I need to be super alarmed about or if others have experienced the same thing..... :peace1

U can try getting Henry's picky eater blocks. My lil one all of sudden started to snub her other blocks. Unfortunately our babies r constantly changing their taste in foods. So we have to always be changing up their foods. Fruits should only be a snack closer to evening hrs. Nuts as a snack only one per day in the evening, n seeds r basically a no no. I just joined n learned my babys diet was all wrong. I've learned alot since I joined n I too m a constant worrier of my lil girl. I hope I helped in some way. Good luck w ur baby.