View Full Version : Heartbroken

07-31-2017, 07:35 AM
I appreciate that this website is here. I wish it was a bit more user-friendly as my squirrel was in need of any help last night 1:30 a.m. I'm new so I registered. I didn't realize it was going to take so long to be approved sadly my little guy passed away before 6 a.m. this morning and I gave it my all my wife gave it her all and my child did as well. I really wish there was more user-friendly sites with real information out there for these situations instead of the same old same old redundancy you find on so many sites. No doubt this forward is full of wonderful suggestions and probably some very good experts as well alas I did not have enough time to wait through the admin approval and then the thread approval. Please give some thought to modification regarding this I don't know how many people are out there really trying to create problems for squirrel sites but I do appreciate you trying it protect those that are participating here for the best interest of all involved. I just wish I could have gotten through last night to ask for help maybe my little guy would be alive maybe he wouldn't be I don't know but it just stinks that I couldn't do it and I felt that the rules prevented me from seeking help from this form. Very upset about the outcome disappointed in the situation now I have no squirrel and I have really no need to be apart of this site I really hope you share this post with the rest of the people so they can hear and possibly consider alterations. It's not an attack on add me it's just a suggestion for a change good job all thank you for your help good evening good morning good day.

Nancy in New York
07-31-2017, 07:46 AM
I appreciate that this website is here. I wish it was a bit more user-friendly as my squirrel was in need of any help last night 1:30 a.m. I'm new so I registered. I didn't realize it was going to take so long to be approved sadly my little guy passed away before 6 a.m. this morning and I gave it my all my wife gave it her all and my child did as well. I really wish there was more user-friendly sites with real information out there for these situations instead of the same old same old redundancy you find on so many sites. No doubt this forward is full of wonderful suggestions and probably some very good experts as well alas I did not have enough time to wait through the admin approval and then the thread approval. Please give some thought to modification regarding this I don't know how many people are out there really trying to create problems for squirrel sites but I do appreciate you trying it protect those that are participating here for the best interest of all involved. I just wish I could have gotten through last night to ask for help maybe my little guy would be alive maybe he wouldn't be I don't know but it just stinks that I couldn't do it and I felt that the rules prevented me from seeking help from this form. Very upset about the outcome disappointed in the situation now I have no squirrel and I have really no need to be apart of this site I really hope you share this post with the rest of the people so they can hear and possibly consider alterations. It's not an attack on add me it's just a suggestion for a change good job all thank you for your help good evening good morning good day.

I'm very sorry to hear about your squirrel passing.
You could have posted last night even without approval.
We made that modification about a year ago.
Many registrars have posted and gotten help without first being
approved/full members.
You CAN post in the emergency sections and a few others sections while
waiting for approval.

Whatever the problem was with your little one, I doubt that it
would have saved his life if you did post.
Again, my sincere condolences on your little one passing.

07-31-2017, 07:50 AM
I am truly sorry that the squirrel you tried to help died. I am a new member, and had some scary times in the beginning since none of the rehabber I phoned called me back. I was quite panicky but was able to use my knowledge of newborn kittens and puppies....and my supplies...to save the life of a severely dehydrated squirrel.
He is now released, healthy, and is still fed by me every day.
My boy was lucky. I do wish that those in this group would have an emergency number that those who desperately need help could call and get answers from immediately.
Everyone is so frightened of someone coming to take, and kill? their found squirrel baby. How sad for our society that this is the case. Killing is okay, but rescuing is not.

07-31-2017, 08:13 AM
I'm sorry that your squirrel passed. The TSB strives to help folks with squirrels every day. Please remember that 100% of the help you receive here is voluntary. If you look at the Emergency Life Threatening section, you can see that most of the roughly ~4000 threads got responses with help in a few hours or the same day. We try to help all folks with squirrely needs as best as is possibly. Sometimes, even with the best treatment and care, it just was not meant to be.

In addition to emergency advice and help, the TSB is full of general information about diet, raising and releasing, squirrel behavior and all other things squirrely. If you stick around, you will find yourself better prepared to handle any squirrel situations in the future.

Again, my condolences for your little one.:grouphug

07-31-2017, 08:34 AM
I personally wish people would not only seek to educate themselves when they first obtain a squirrel but also seek help or at least some answers to a situation at the first sign of something wrong instead of waiting until the situation becomes dire and then expect miracles. Everyone on this board is here voluntary, admins included! The majority of members here also work outside the home and have their own families to care for. Expecting someone to be "on call" 24/7 is not feasible, expecting anyone to open their private phone line interrupting their lives and the lives of their families to the convenience of another is not likely to happen and shouldn't be expected. If one is not prepared to educate themselves to care for a squirrel when they first take them in they need to contact this board right from the beginning or seek a rehabilatator who can care for the squirrel.

07-31-2017, 01:51 PM
I'm sorry your squirrley friend has gone home. The folks here do everything in their power to help folks just like you who know and love a squirrel in need. Please tell us about your squirrel. Might just help another little one in need. Many of us are up late feeding babies but when you need to be up early to feed again and go to work, likely to miss checking into TSB.