View Full Version : Question about flying squirrels in central PA

07-30-2017, 12:02 PM
Hello. My name is Lana. I live around Gettysburg area. I never saw a wild flying squirrel in our area (we lived in area for almost 14 years) until month ago. They start to come to out grey squirrels feeders in late afternoon and early morning. It's 2 of them very small. My question is can they survive our winter, need relocation,they need help to survive or they will be all right. If they need help to survive how I can help them. Thanks

Milo's Mom
07-30-2017, 12:13 PM
Surprise surprise, yes, Central PA has flying squirrels! Yes, they are able to survive our winters...that's how we still have them.

You said very small....very small in comparison to what? Any chance you might be able to get a picture?

07-30-2017, 12:38 PM
They're very skittish. Yesterday I saw them close for the first time. They probably the length of soda can maybe a little bit smaller. What kind of food I can provide for them? I hope they stay on our property because our neighbor is not very nice to wildlife