View Full Version : I have a very injured squirrel
07-13-2007, 04:37 PM
He can only crawl on his back, He chatters but I'm really worried. What should I feed him? He is just a baby
07-13-2007, 04:39 PM
I am not sure but I just wanted to say Hi and Welcome and that someone should be here to help you soon :)
Do you have any pics?
07-13-2007, 04:39 PM
Please wait I am getting help! I have to go or I would help you myself!
07-13-2007, 04:40 PM
I'm not a rehabber, so I'll leave the medical advice up to them, but this did come into the Emer. Forum, so I'm sure help will be on its way. For now, just keep it in a dark, quiet place. Thank you for caring!!! :grouphug
what she said!
Secret Squirrel
07-13-2007, 04:42 PM
Come to the lobby chat room
Secret Squirrel
07-13-2007, 05:48 PM
Phew!!! David has his vet coming by in an hour or so. His vet dosen't handle wildlife.
His squirrel is 11-12 weeks old out of the nest feeding on his back porch for the last few days.
Today he found him paralized at the base of a tree. Front legs are moving along with his head. No tail or back leg movement. No swelling as of yet, no broken bones as far as David can tell. An xray is a must to see what if the spine is broken...I don't think it is...but it's hard to say because I can't see him for myself. No cuts or bits either.
I suggested he keep him warm and quiet in a dark place...add a heat source anyway for the risk of shock.
The squirrel is eating. I suggested almonds and fresh veggies along with water until the vet gets there.
He lives in Canada....Ottowa I think he said. Can anyone suggest a rehaber or wildlife vet in his area.
I asked David to come back to this thread and see what other help is necessary.
David is very attached to his yard squirrel and want to do what is best for him.
Thanks and I hope I didn't run off anyone in the chat room....:grouphug
Thank you so much for the update, SS. If his vet is coming by, he will perhaps be able to get the x-rays for him? Even if he is not a wildlife vet, an x-ray is an x-ray.
Let's keep our fingers crossed. I know some of us can help out with med doses if necessary. Steroids to reduce the swelling/trauma and time should help if there are no breaks.
Secret Squirrel
07-13-2007, 06:13 PM
Thank you so much for the update, SS. If his vet is coming by, he will perhaps be able to get the x-rays for him? Even if he is not a wildlife vet, an x-ray is an x-ray.
Let's keep our fingers crossed. I know some of us can help out with med doses if necessary. Steroids to reduce the swelling/trauma and time should help if there are no breaks.
David....if your vet is willing to spend a few min with us.....maybe we and your vet can do something concept!!!! Who knows. It's worth a try.
Also GM thanks for running shot gun!!!! :grouphug You are one of a kind!!! I don't think any harm was's all about the squirrels...right!!!!:flash3
Now where did David go...I suggested he come back and check this thread for more up dates....
Oh... he may be with the vet...:hyper I better calm down before I bust an artery !!!
07-13-2007, 06:17 PM
The care David is giving (thanks to your advice) sounds perfect. I just hope the vet will be willing to give the poor little tyke a chance. I'm just so upset thinking about it. I'm praying for a miracle.
island rehabber
07-13-2007, 06:33 PM
SS, if the vet can give the squirrel a shot of DEX it can work wonders with paralysis. I have seen amazing results with this -- but only if it's administered right away and then again maybe in a few days. If David can reach the vet so the vet can bring dex with him -- that would be great.....
Secret Squirrel
07-13-2007, 06:38 PM
I'll email him....can someone PM while I do this...Please...Thanks!!!
07-13-2007, 06:45 PM
Since this is Canada, not the U.S., you might want to make sure David has the full name of the drug: Dexamethasone.
Secret Squirrel
07-13-2007, 07:00 PM
Since this is Canada, not the U.S., you might want to make sure David has the full name of the drug: Dexamethasone.
Thank you 4squrelz...I already have the full name....:thumbsup did anyome PM David??
07-13-2007, 08:05 PM
Thank you 4squrelz...I already have the full name....:thumbsup did anyome PM David??
I know YOU know the full name (:D sheesh); I meant be sure and tell DAVID the full name!!! Sometimes you experts forget how easy it is for laymen to get confused about all that medical stuff. :dono
Secret Squirrel
07-13-2007, 08:15 PM
I know YOU know the full name (:D sheesh); I meant be sure and tell DAVID the full name!!! Sometimes you experts forget how easy it is for laymen to get confused about all that medical stuff. :dono
You make me little girl!!!!!!:D :D :D Not an expert at all!!! As my mentor says...."just Gods handmaidens" I just love that!!!!!!
Secret Squirrel
07-13-2007, 08:58 PM
Ok David....I tried to email you but your provider rejected it as "junk bulk" mail. I'll send you another PM.
Man I am striking out here!!!!! All I can think about is that poor squirrel.:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
I guess no new is good news. Let pray so.
07-13-2007, 09:05 PM
All I can think about is that poor squirrel
Me too. The image of him trying to crawl on his back is just haunting me. I'm trying to send healing thoughts his way. Hope they can travel that far without getting lost........
07-13-2007, 10:53 PM
praying for good news, this brings back so many memories of our dear lewis. :grouphug
07-14-2007, 08:18 AM
Lewis will always be a very special angel.
I saw a posting recently on TSB where a long-term paralyzed squirrel started walking again. Let's hope that David gives this baby some time.
Secret Squirrel
07-14-2007, 10:01 AM
I have asked David to re post in this thread. Since PMing is slow going.
I will be gone for most of the day. I am sure he will be good hands with all of you.:grouphug
The latest is...I recommended the Dexamethasone for swelling. He asked about a different dex used for depression and appitite control. I nixed that idea. :shakehead
The squirrel is the same as last posted. I PMed him about the vet visit and how did that go. No answer as of yet.
So, David we are waiting for you and have high hope for your friend. :Love_Icon
Blessings to you, you are in good hands at TSB.
07-14-2007, 11:02 AM
The latest is...I recommended the Dexamethasone for swelling. He asked about a different dex used for depression and appitite control. I nixed that idea. :shakehead
:rotfl Chalk one up for 4Skwerlz....always give the full name of a drug when speaking with someone not familiar with medication.
Dextroamphetmine??? :rolf A squirrel on speed, now that would be something to see. :multi :crazy :multi
David, I do not mean to make light of you situation. We are all worried and humor is a good stress reliever. You and your squirrel will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Your in great hands with Secret Squirrel and all the awesome rehabbers on this board.
07-14-2007, 11:40 AM
:rotflDextroamphetmine??? :rolf A squirrel on speed, now that would be something to see. :multi :crazy :multi
OMG, OMG, OMG.......
This is your squirrel: :Squirrel
This is your squirrel on DEX:
:bounce2 :hyper :crazy :jump :hissyfit :skwredup :robot :duel :drummer :monkey :wiggle
(We're just de-stressing while we wait for news. I'm really worried about the little tyke....:shakehead )
Secret Squirrel
07-14-2007, 12:00 PM
It was dexadrine the name David gave me.:thumbsup Lynn you are right!!!!!
I will be gone again...I was just checking in to see if we had any news.
Secret Squirrel
07-14-2007, 12:05 PM
Just got a Pm from it is.:flash3
He's doing much better today, He received some anti botics. He's eating alot and has regained some movement in his back feet and a little movement in his front.
07-14-2007, 12:33 PM
:thumbsup :wahoo Appetite and movement both!! That's wonderful news!!
Many virtual aunts and uncles out here pulling for the little guy! :grouphug :grouphug
07-14-2007, 12:47 PM
Thank God!! My eyes are filling with tears. What great news!!!!!!!
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon
07-14-2007, 01:04 PM
I'm doing the happy dance!:wahoo
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