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07-23-2017, 01:37 PM
Hey folks. glad to find a forum about squirrels.
this febuary I found a half frozen eastern gray squirrel kit laying on the ground covered with frost. Not sure how long he'd been there as it was 7 am so I suspect atleast part of the night. Anyway Long story short.. looked up.. destroyed nest in the tree above where he was. Part of a dead adult squirrel not far away so I suspect a owl or BoP found the nest. A phone call to the husband of " Honny I Have a squirrel in my hat" got him home and put on a warming pad. over a week we both learned how to bottle feed a squirrling ( espilac + pedilite+ cream) and he grew.... learned to eat juvinile rat block, small amounts of fresh fruits, nuts, seeds has a water bottle with rodent vitamins added to make sure he has adaquate vit D. Current cage is 36 wide 36 long and 7 tall with alot of climbing spots, hides etc.. I've been careful to keep him away from dogs and cats and make sure they are still scary for him. He likes me and my son.. growl/chitters at my husband ( who is never home anyway except for 2 days at a time right now so not a huge deal)

where I live right now would be sure death to attemp to release him. kids with bb guns and idiots on roads.. not to mention the nut job down the way who traps squirres with rat traps. SO. We're moving this fall down to a 50 acre property with no neighbors. I'm building a 4 x 4 x 8 outdoor cage there for him so he can be aclimated and learn to survive there. this is the day I got him..


07-23-2017, 01:48 PM
I hit enter too soon. He also has cuttle bone, a dog bone, and a deer antler in with him for calcium.. and Parrot toys.. Wooden parrot toys on metal chains seem to last longer than anything. he spends hours chewing on them and trying to remove the chain from the cage

07-27-2017, 07:41 AM
It is so cute.