View Full Version : Update on Snickers, travel plan, etc

Snicker Bar
07-22-2017, 02:27 PM
Just wanted to thank everyone again for all yours suggestions and support last weekend. She had sudden onset of cluster seizures, and had probably been having them more frequently than I was aware , out in their large room. I started her on an empirical dose of Keppra; a newer, safer aniepileptic drug used in companion animals, and apparently it seems to work for squirrels . She hasn't seized since Sunday ( as far as I know). It typically has to be given three times daily for dogs, but I hesitated to push it that much, because the dose we were recommended was not from a confidant DVM ( these exotic DVMs are as exotic and rare as some of the animals they treat, it seems.... at least here in the South). So for now we are dosing her only once daily, at 5mg/kg before bed. But once I get a second opinion per Dr Emerson, I will gladly share what we come up with. But for what it's worth, Keppra seems to be an option for those squirrels who have seizures due to a head injury , such as herself (as a baby was in a tree that was cut down) as apposed to nutritional deficiencies etc. She still acts nervous and quirky in the mornings; has a sort of fearful, cautious jerking gait, and trembles as though she wakes up in a new world every day. She will sniff my hand, and onlybwill eat once she settles, and seems to perk up and nibble a few bites only while petted. This behavior , I've been told per a referral Dr at the college, could be a form of "atypical focal motor seizures"; more or less gait abnormalities, temporary blindness, and behavior change. If these symptoms persist, I may cautiously try giving her an am dose as well; but still going to run all this past the DVM you recommended in Fla.
So, as far as my crisis of decision, "to take, or not to take the girls..." ( with cage limits in camper per husband) ....that all changed with no questions asked! He graciously substituted for mom, and attended a dance camp on mine and Snickers behalf, so me and my youngest could monitor and medicate her. Today, we pull out to NY, for the grandma visit. Snickers and my vestibule Doodles are traveling with us, each with their OWN cages (with husband's blessing considering the week we've had) My robust,easy keeper with hang with the Bun, and a reliable friend will feed and check everyone daily. If praying for a squirrel is not considered ridiculous, send a few for our little friend... that the road trip, change of scenery, sounds etc. don't push her over the edge :( But taking her with these risks seemed to be the only option for her to be medicated by mom, and petted so she will eat. If I can ever learn to be tech savvy, we will try to get some pics here! Thanks again, Marie

07-22-2017, 03:39 PM
Have a safe trip. I'm glad you will be with her so you don't have to feel anxious. :w00t

Snicker Bar
07-23-2017, 12:06 PM
Both girls doing well, made it about 8 hours before camping for night. The camper stays fairly cool on the interstate, but we stop every two hours to be sure and offer water. Doodles, the vestibular roll/scoot girl had stayed in her Aunty M cube the last 24 hours :( but she usually gets settled and rolls, rambles around her cage in the tub once we get where we are going- but this is longest we've ever had to drive ( going to be three days travel there). Snickers was the one I have most worried for... she has never been forced to stay in a cage for hours at a time. I worried that confinement and the new surroundings of the camper would push her into a worse state than she's been in lately with seizures and experimental new medicine.. But she had done remarkably well, considering! Last night, after everyone was in for the night, we closed off the bedrooms ( with carpet) and let her freestyle throughout the living/dining areas . She was a little nervous at first, but after a good romp, she "pancaked " her approval of the situation on the nice cool floor. Made me laugh out loud with relief!

Snicker Bar
07-23-2017, 01:01 PM

Snicker Bar
07-23-2017, 01:03 PM
Well, my first attempt to post a pic took between Harrison Bay Stare park to Knoxville; and after all that, it's sideways!! Oh well. Here is Snickers in all her glory, pancaked on top of her cage; first night in the camper :)

07-23-2017, 02:08 PM
It sounds like the trip is going smoothly so far. :)
Snickers looks quite content in the pic. :serene

Safe travels to you friend. :thumbsup

Snicker Bar
07-31-2017, 08:14 PM
So we are on the way South, finally... been traveling/camping with husband, two girls and two squirrels to N.Y. Made stops at the Blue Ridge Mountains, The D.C National Park, and today, The Ark Encounter; trying to break up the boredom on the highway. Thought I'd show (if it will work) a Noah's Ark version of a Critter Nation...290930

Snicker Bar
07-31-2017, 08:20 PM

This would be the multiple squirrel version .... Snickers says she would not cope well on this vessel! She and Doodles have done better than I expected, but we are all ready to be back on the farm... 290931290932

She likes her climate controlled camper...