View Full Version : poop problem
07-13-2017, 03:17 PM
We have a 2 1/2 week old squirrel and since yesterday one quit pooping. starting to get worried The other one is pooping almost every feeding. Does anybody have any suggestions???
07-13-2017, 03:54 PM
Are there ANY visable injuries or any other symptoms? I have seen a squirrel not poop or pee for a feeding or two but longer than that and something is wrong.
Some really need a fair amount of stimulation to get poops going. How does his belly look? Not bloated or hard? Is he still taking formula well at feedings?
We have a 2 1/2 week old squirrel and since yesterday one quit pooping. starting to get worried The other one is pooping almost every feeding. Does anybody have any suggestions???
Nancy in New York
07-13-2017, 04:32 PM
We have a 2 1/2 week old squirrel and since yesterday one quit pooping. starting to get worried The other one is pooping almost every feeding. Does anybody have any suggestions???
What formula are you feeding,
and how much are you giving and how ofter?
What are the weights on these little ones?
How long have you had them?
Start giving a little hydration in between feedings.
Try adding just a touch of honey for taste to water,
warm it like you would formula and offer between formula feedings.
07-14-2017, 07:18 AM
Thanks for replying. She did start pooping the feeding after i sent the first post. I'm feeding Goats Milk Esbilac for puppies (1 tablespoon of powder to 2 tablespoon of water) 2 to 2 1/2 ml every 3-4 hours. I have had them 5 days.No they are no visiable injuiries. I got them from my oldest daughter. They were clearing land that is when the squirrels fell out of the nest and she stayed there for about 4 hours to see if the mother would come back. She kept them for about 3 days before she brought them to me. She has a 15 month old son and didnt have time to care for them. Not sure of the weight. Don't have a way to weigh them. Wednesday night was the first time I had problems with them not pooping. Her stomach never felt hard or bloated just full after feeding and she never slowed down wanting to feed. Haven't had any issues with peeing. And both girls have stayed very active and thriving. I think I have covered everything. This is the first forum I have joined so i'm not familar with posting and replying so please bear with me.
How much water do you suggest between feedings if I have this problem again?
07-14-2017, 09:43 AM
She did start pooping the feeding after i sent the first post. I'm feeding Goats Milk Esbilac for puppies (1 tablespoon of powder to 2 tablespoon of water) 2 to 2 1/2 ml every 3-4 hours.
The formula really needs to be change to either powdered (liquid is not the same) Esbilac puppy (not goat milk version) or Fox Valley 20/50. I use the Esbilac (picture below) until they open their eyes then use half Esbilac and half Fox Valley until weaning. Some use the Fox Valley alone after eyes open (which has to be purchased on-line).
It is important that you weigh them with a kitchen scale and feed in accordance with how much they weigh which is the only way of ensuring they are getting the proper amount.. .not too much, not too little.
I am including a link with helpful baby caring info...
07-14-2017, 12:55 PM
We are in the process of looking for a kitchen scale. Thank you for the links. I will look into this and let you know how it works out.
07-16-2017, 08:51 AM
Sorry, its been so long. Thank you again for the Henry Site. I have got them out of the shoe box i had them in and made a tubberware like they showed on the site. I havent been able to swap the formula to the one you suggested yet. We are going today to Pensacola to find some. They dont sell it anywhere close to where we live. I have ordered the Fox Valley formula kit. I bought a kitchen scale yesterday to weigh them. Their weights are listed below.
-Amelia- 28 grams
-Scarlett- 38 grams
I adjusted the amount i was feeding them based on their weight. I also started adding a little Baby Gerber Apple juice every other feeding when needed. They are both pooping better. They dont poop every feeding but atleast every third. I searched the internet trying to find images of how baby squirrels look when they are dehydrated to make sure mine are not. The more I have read I'm not sure if my daughter treated them for dehydration when she first rescued them. I would like to ruled dyhration out as a possiablity to the pooping issue. Does anybody have any suggestion where I might find images of 2-4 week old squirrels that are dyhradted and also healthy ones.
One last thing. Both of the babies pee like champs every feeding.
Thank you again.
07-16-2017, 11:12 AM
I don't know for certain if Henry's still includes the Fox Valley 32/40 in that kit, but if they do many of us (including me) avoid using the 32/40 since we have had bad outcomes, especially in "pinkies" and we prefer to use the Esbilac up until about 4 - 5 weeks.
Esbilac can usually be found at Tractor Supply stores, some of the big-box pet stores and it is less expensive if bought on-line.
07-16-2017, 01:46 PM
I got a can of the esbilac. The same kind as in the pitcher you posted. Is it OK to switch them straight over to it?
07-16-2017, 03:43 PM
If they pee well, and the pee is clear - not brownish or a deep color - then they are not dehydrated :) If they've already been used to a certain other formula then for switching to Esbilac I prefer doing it gradually, over 4 or 5 feeding by mixing their formula 4:1, then 3:1 etc... (i.e. 4 of their current formula to 1 of mixed Esbilac and so on).
If they have not had time to get used to another formula others prefer to introduce the Esbilac right away but they dilute it more than the normal 2:1 powder:water mix. I usually go 4:1 and the 3:1 before I move on to 2:1.
07-16-2017, 04:07 PM
no thier pee is almost clear as water. When i first got them it was a little yellow but they started peeing clear by the nex day. I was useing the goats milk Esbilac for puppies. I'm not sure if that matters or not but i will start off mixing the two together just in case. the small amount of apple juice mixed in has worked wonders with thier pooping also. I'v been to two pet stores today looking for a few supplies and after i told them it was baby squirrels i was buying the stuff for they refused to help me stating that I was breaking Florida law by having the squrriels in my possession. One was a large name pet store and the other was a exotic pet store. Everything I have read on the internet about the subject tells me that its perfectly leagle here in Florida. Does anyone have any insite on Florida Law?
07-16-2017, 05:56 PM
I have their box setting half on and half off a heating pad. I'v been letting the heating pad run pretty much non stop on low heat. Every now and then it seems to be a little warm so I place a hand towel between the box and pad. I'v been meaning to ask if I should be running it all the time or just during the night. I'v just been so side tracted with their pooping and making sure I was giving them the food they need.
07-16-2017, 06:11 PM
Leave it on.
If the heat is only under half their container, that allows them to retreat from the heat to the non-heated side if they get too warm.
07-16-2017, 07:21 PM
Shame on those pet stores, big name or otherwise!!! :tap:tap:tap. It is NOT illegal in Florida to have squirrels in your possession. The law becomes a little vague only when it comes to HOW you acquired them and RELEASING them. Please ignore those misinformed individuals!
Thank you for helping these little sweeties. I take it you are close to Pensacola, which is a very long way away from me. If I was closer I would help you in a heartbeat.
The information you have gotten is spot on. Transition to the new formula slowly so their intestines can adjust. Once they are on the new formula at 1 part powder to 2 parts water, you will be in good shape till their eyes open. Feed at 5-7% of their weight. Weigh them in the morning and feed at the 5-7% amount at EACH feeding. Adjust gradually as they get older and are eagerly looking for more formula. If they seem to stop eating in the middle of a feeding try pottying them and see if they resume the desire to eat.
Ask as many questions as you need, till you feel comfortable with caring for these little ones. We all started somewhere. :hug
07-17-2017, 06:11 PM
Well so far so good. We are making the transition. I ran out the oringinal formula so we dulited the powder mixture {3 parts to 1 part}. So far they are taking well to it they are pooping and peeing fine. I have notice a more yellow tint to their poop then it has been. Other then that it looks the same. im going to try and attach a picture of the babies at the time i received them from my daughter and a picture i took today.
07-19-2017, 07:00 PM
Amelia the smallest of the two has been pooping atleast every other feeding but starting last night she isnt pooping very much. I just fed them at 4:00 and she only pooped a very small amount. She hasnt slowed down wanting to eat though. She seems just as hungry as ever. I just started the two parts to one with thier formula. I only had enough of the goats milk to mix in a couple times so I'v been mixing the new stuff three to one. I'm afraid she is starting to get a little bloated. I will try giving her a little apple juice mixed in with her next feeding. The only syringes I'v been able to get my hands on are 3ml. I'v only been filling them to 1 ml at a time but I'm afraid I may be feeding them to quickly. I have to hold the plunger back to keep them from drinking it all in one gulp. Is there any length of time I should be shooting for it taking them to finish 1ml?
Scarlette the largest of the sisters poops plenty and they both have no problem peeing. The only concern I have with Scarlette is the fact that she seems to be straining a lot when she poops. I dont know if this is normal or not. I'v took tissue and tried to see how hard both of the girls poop is and it about has the texture of play-doh maybe a little more firm? Can somrone tell me if this is normal or should it be softer?
I dont belive I'v ever worried about any other animals as much as these little squirrels worry me. I cant help but love the little things and I sure dont want anything to happen to them. Especially if its something I'm doing wrong or something simple I'v over looked.
07-19-2017, 11:25 PM
First, when squirrels are on formula the normal color for their poop is yellow. It should be firm, not gooey or soft and sticky. If you think one isn't pooping very well you can soak her lower half in some warm water or stimulate with a warm cotton ball. Just be sure to dry her really well so she doesn't get chilled.
A 3cc syringe is pretty big for these little guys. Because it's bigger more comes out with each suck from the squirrel. Go to a pharmacy and ask for a 1cc syringe. Tell them you are feeding a baby kitten. You always need to hold back on the plunger with any syringe. They are so eager to eat, if you're not holding the plunger they could aspirate the milk into their lungs.
You probably are going to want to get more syringes. Henrys Pets online sells 1 and 3cc syringes and the miracle nipples that fit on the syringes. The nipples make it much, much easier to feed them.
07-20-2017, 12:08 AM
-Amelia- 28 grams
-Scarlett- 38 grams
I adjusted the amount i was feeding them based on their weight.
I also started adding a little Baby Gerber Apple juice every other feeding when needed.
At what percent of the 5-7% have you been feeding them?
How much, how often?
07-20-2017, 02:56 AM
Sorry I should have updated their weight on my last post. I belive I must have read their weight wrong the first time because I weighed them again yesterday morning the 19th and Scarlette weighed 52g and Amelia weighed 42g. I'm going to weigh them every morning from now on and I tripple check myself to make sure every thing is set right on the scales. As of yesterday morning I gave Scarlette 3ml and Amelia 2.5ml every 4 hrs. Before that I was giving Scarllette 2.5ml and Amelia 2ml every 3 to 4 hrs. I tryed to stay closer to the 3 hr mark but sometimes it was 4 hr before I was able to get them fed.
I got the last of the 1cc syringes our local pharmacy had on hand the day I got the babies. I thought some were inculed in the kit my wife ordered from Henrys but I was wrong. The 1cc syringes I had are so stiff I'm afraid to try to use them any more. I put some glycerin on them but it just hasnt helped. I was able to get the 3ml syringes from the feed store in our little town. I think they are actually for giving dogs 6 in 1 shots. We will be back in Pensacola this morning and I will find some 1cc syringes. I will also be ordering some along with some more nipples from Henerys asap.
I have been lightly rubbing their little bellys and privates with Q-tips and cotton balls dipped in warm water for no less than 2 mins and longer if they dont poop. The poop I have been getting from them is more on the firm side and yellow in color so that makes me feel better. I added in some apple juice with Amelia last feeding and will try soaking her lower half if she doesnt poop the next time I feed her. Should I still be feeding them through out the night? Last night was the first night I let them go 6 hrs inbetween feedings.
Sorry for such a long reply just want to make sure I'v covered everything.
07-20-2017, 07:52 AM
Still no poop from Amelia. She also didn't act as interested in her formula as she has been. I've given her apple juice with her milk twice now and worked with her dipping her lower half in Luke warm water. I was able to get about 4 pieces not even the size of uncooked white rice from her but that has been it since this started. They were all yellow and about like play doh not quite as soft though. I have to go to Pensacola this morn so if anyone sees this and has any ideas on what to try please reply. I should be able to find most anything I need while I'm there. We live a ways away from pretty much anything so it would be nice to grab what ever I need while I'm there. If not I'll just make another trip. Thanks for any suggestions.
island rehabber
07-20-2017, 08:33 AM
Still no poop from Amelia. She also didn't act as interested in her formula as she has been. I've given her apple juice with her milk twice now and worked with her dipping her lower half in Luke warm water. I was able to get about 4 pieces not even the size of uncooked white rice from her but that has been it since this started. They were all yellow and about like play doh not quite as soft though. I have to go to Pensacola this morn so if anyone sees this and has any ideas on what to try please reply. I should be able to find most anything I need while I'm there. We live a ways away from pretty much anything so it would be nice to grab what ever I need while I'm there. If not I'll just make another trip. Thanks for any suggestions.
Yellow poop that is well formed is actually perfect for babies on formula. On their mamma's milk they have blackish green poop, but on formula it's yellow to olive in color. Yours are very young and small and I would not expect a great deal of poop from them yet. Just saying, basically, take a deep breath mamma, it may be ok. :grin3
07-20-2017, 10:04 PM
She finally started pooping at their 2:00 feeding. It wasnt a lot but it was enough to make me happy. On the next feeding though while I was feeding her she pooped without any stimulation from me. When I went to refill the syringe with formula I noticed that she had pooped a little on the palm of my hand where she was setting. Well needless to say I got excited and stopped feeding her and started stimulating her. She pooped like her sister does that time which is a pretty good bit. Both times all of it was yellow and had a nice firm texture to it. I was expecting to see some that was hard as a rock and dark looking but none of it was even close to that. So Im thinking maybe you are right and I need to stop worring so bad. Its just her sister poops really good so I figure she should also. Plus every thing Iv read on the internet says that its critical that you stimulate them every feeding (which I do) and that they use the bathroom. It seems like everything I read warns about the dangers of bloating. Then her sister poops like a horse and when she doesnt I cant help but worry. She is so petite looking compared to her sister and I just worry. Iv never tried to take care of anything as small as they are.
I was able to get several 1cc syringes today. Their feedings have gone a lot smoother using the 1cc. Im just going to stick to the same process Iv been following other than adding a little extra time rubbing their bellys with the cotton balls. Im also keeping a very detailed chart of their feedings and bathroom business. Im going to give Amelia a little more time inbetween poopings before I get so worried. If theres anything you see from what Iv wrote that I need to change just let me know. And thanks again to everyone that has helped lead me in the right direction with taking care of both these little girls.
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