View Full Version : License Question to Rehabbers...

07-03-2017, 03:50 PM
I don't know if this is required in all states, or just here in NY, but the NYS DEC website says that on order to get my wildlife rehabilitation license, I have to pass the test with at least an 80% score or higher, then fill out a license application packet that will be sent to me in the mail, and follow the instructions before mailing it back, and then set up an interview with a DEC Wildlife Manager/Representative... 😕 My question is-- What is going to happen in this interview? Are they going to ask me more questions to test my knowledge? Or will it be like a job interview? I'm very worried about this, becuz I'm fine when it comes to taking tests and whatnot-- But interviews, public speaking, etc...?? I'm always worried I'll say the wrong thing, so I usually just keep quiet to avoid saying anything stupid, but then I wind up giving the impression that I'm not interested, or rude... Anyways, I just don't wanna mess this up, so if anyone knows what this interview will be about, please let me know, so I can try to prepare myself for it (if possible)... Thanks!!

07-03-2017, 04:41 PM
I'm following this good question. I read in my state they come to your house to interview and make sure the premises are up to their standard. I rent so can't make any major modifications around here. Thanks for asking.

07-03-2017, 04:59 PM
I'm following this good question. I read in my state they come to your house to interview and make sure the premises are up to their standard. I rent so can't make any major modifications around here. Thanks for asking.

🤤😯 I certainly hope they don't do that here in NY!! I also rent, and altho we have plenty of space, there are other ppl renting here that I don't think have their papers/green cards to legally be here, and I don't want to get anyone in trouble... Oh boy, someone please tell me the interview will be at the DEC Regional Office!?! Thanks for the heads-up!

07-04-2017, 06:59 AM
Deep breaths all around, relax. I believe (from what I've heard) that NY is just like FL where I live. It's not an interview but an inspection. It's to see what housing (cages and stuff like that) you have for your rescues and older animals to be released in. If not you will be given 30 days to purchase or build anything you need to meet your states requirements. Each state is mainly concerned with cage/pen size for the animal(s) you intend to rehab. You should have had access to your states requirements somewhere on their website. Hardest questions I ever got from the officers who came here were things like: What do you plan on putting in here and what's that for? Not really tough questions, and if you were planning on putting a bear in a birdcage you'll be given time to get a bigger stronger cage. I was terrified with my first home inspection too!
Good luck.....

island rehabber
07-04-2017, 07:08 AM
I do not believe that, in NY State Regions 1, 2 and 3, any home inspections are done when the person is only going for a basic (not RVS, no federal permit for birds) license. I don't know anyone who has undergone a home inspection this side of Albany.

That said, the interview WILL be at the regional office in Long Island City. They will ask you why you want to rehab, what facilities you do have, and most importantly in NYC: what do you know about rabies vector species and how to stay away from them and how you're NOT allowed to rehab them and you cannot expose the public to them. Half my interview was about RVS even though I was not seeking a permit for it. Also: the DEC cannot supercede your landlord's rules or your condo/co-op board rules, unfortunately. If you start rehabbing and one of those authorities wants to shut you down, your DEC permit does not help you. THEY defer to the landlord or board. (*sigh* this is why I may not be rehabbing much longer unless I move.....)

07-04-2017, 08:24 AM
I do not believe that, in NY State Regions 1, 2 and 3, any home inspections are done when the person is only going for a basic (not RVS, no federal permit for birds) license. I don't know anyone who has undergone a home inspection this side of Albany.

That said, the interview WILL be at the regional office in Long Island City. They will ask you why you want to rehab, what facilities you do have, and most importantly in NYC: what do you know about rabies vector species and how to stay away from them and how you're NOT allowed to rehab them and you cannot expose the public to them. Half my interview was about RVS even though I was not seeking a permit for it. Also: the DEC cannot supercede your landlord's rules or your condo/co-op board rules, unfortunately. If you start rehabbing and one of those authorities wants to shut you down, your DEC permit does not help you. THEY defer to the landlord or board. (*sigh* this is why I may not be rehabbing much longer unless I move.....)

😕😔 I'm sorry to hear that u mite not be rehabbing much longer-- I hope that circumstances will permit u to continue rehabbing, becuz u really know ur stuff, and these animals need u!! And we need u!! I'm new around here, and u have helped me so much with all my questions and whatnot...
Thank u so much for answering my question... I'm ok with them asking me about RVS, and why I want to rehab, but what should I say when they ask me about what facilities I have? Is it ok to tell them I'll be rehabbing from my house? Or will they deny me unless I tell them that I'll be rehabbing in some big organization or something?? Also, how long after that will i finally be licensed? Lol I've already started buying supplies and can't wait to get started...

07-04-2017, 08:31 AM
Deep breaths all around, relax. I believe (from what I've heard) that NY is just like FL where I live. It's not an interview but an inspection. It's to see what housing (cages and stuff like that) you have for your rescues and older animals to be released in. If not you will be given 30 days to purchase or build anything you need to meet your states requirements. Each state is mainly concerned with cage/pen size for the animal(s) you intend to rehab. You should have had access to your states requirements somewhere on their website. Hardest questions I ever got from the officers who came here were things like: What do you plan on putting in here and what's that for? Not really tough questions, and if you were planning on putting a bear in a birdcage you'll be given time to get a bigger stronger cage. I was terrified with my first home inspection too!
Good luck.....

Thanks for ur reply! ☺ I certainly hope that's not the case, only becuz the landlord knows all about my plans to get this license and rehab animals, and she's completely fine with it-- But the couple downstairs are her parents!! So I don't want to put them at risk by inviting ppl to inspect the house and whatnot... I mean, if I knew they weren't going to report them to immigration or anything, then sure, fine, I wouldn't worry about a home inspection... But otherwise, I'd have to forget about getting this license for a while... 😕