View Full Version : Desperately looking for a chippie

06-22-2017, 10:16 AM
My chipmunk dies yesterday. My heart is broken. Can anyone direct to someone that might have one to sell me?

06-22-2017, 10:20 AM
Considering they are a wild creature, I'm not sure anyone would have one for sale. Im sorry your little chippie died. :sadness:sadness

06-22-2017, 04:41 PM
My chipmunk dies yesterday. My heart is broken. Can anyone direct to someone that might have one to sell me?
As stated in your other forum:
"TSB advocates rehabilitation to release, we do not not advocate the keeping of any wild animal as pets.
Many "owned" you will find discussed on this board are NR, these are those with specific medical issues
that have deemed them Non Releasable back to the wild."

We definitely do not approve neither will we support the selling of wild animals regardless of person or establishment.

06-22-2017, 07:27 PM
My chipmunk dies yesterday. My heart is broken. Can anyone direct to someone that might have one to sell me?

I'm sooo sorry for your loss....I know your heart is broken :sadness if I were you, I'd check around for local wildlife centers and see if you can't help them out....they can always use volunteers :grouphug it would be a wonderful way to redirect the love you have and help with your loss....not to mention all the little animals you could help in memory of your lil one :hug:please

06-23-2017, 08:27 PM
send messages around to old friends or ppl on Facebook or something telling them if they rescue a baby, u can give it a home. you can also find siberian chip babies for sale springtime. I'm afraid you too late for that, but there might be the off chance they might still have some:(. but next late winter look up chipmunks for sale USA/UK (wherever u live)

06-24-2017, 11:11 AM
send messages around to old friends or ppl on Facebook or something telling them if they rescue a baby, u can give it a home. you can also find siberian chip babies for sale springtime. I'm afraid you too late for that, but there might be the off chance they might still have some:(. but next late winter look up chipmunks for sale USA/UK (wherever u live)

With due respect for TSB this message could and should have been sent in a pm and kept off our board for reasons previously stated below...

"TSB advocates rehabilitation to release, we do not not advocate the keeping of any wild animal as pets.
Many "owned" you will find discussed on this board are NR, these are those with specific medical issues
that have deemed them Non Releasable back to the wild."

We definitely do not approve neither will we support the selling of wild animals regardless of person or establishment.

06-26-2017, 09:42 AM
well alright goodness i was trying to help someone :/